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Ambience and climate change
Biodiversity loss at an unprecedented rate
Avoiding exceeding the tipping points regarding the irreversibility of climate change is according to the researchers a primary objective because we are losing biodiversity at a rate never seen in history; the sixth mass extinction, but the first caused by humans. Among the reported emergencies there would be the loss of tropical forest that could trigger the release of a huge amount of carbon dioxide with consequent further warming of the planet and therefore triggering a harmful vicious circle, then also the loss of Arctic permafrost that in practice always triggers the same self-feeding mechanisms. Maintaining control over temperatures is essential to keep the ecosystem in balance, but we are not on the right track and indeed the goal of limiting global warming to one and a half Celsius degrees of increase is difficult to achieve.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 18, 2022
n°: 5186
Coastal communities prepared to move the services
With rising seas levels at ever faster speeds it is appropriate for coastal communities to prepare themselves to secure the services considered to be critical and thus to move higher the infrastructure that ensures water, energy and waste management; at least according to the opinion of some Canadian analysts who lead the example of the city of Saint John (Newfoundland) where authorities have made a request for funding, which are part of the appropriations to counter climate change to be able to carry out these structural shifts since in the spring of 2018 there have been floods from the sea that have reached historical record levels with high waves that have damaged the energy and the treatment wastes plantes in addition to the protective and containment walls from the Atlantic Ocean's storms.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 06, 2019
n°: 3998
Slightly less warm the 2017 than the 2016
The global average temperatures monitored in 2017 were slightly lower than 2016, so this is the second year hotter than ever with 14.7 degrees Celsius on average and hotter than 1.2 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era, but have to keep in mind as regards the annual progression of the average statistics that the temperatures of the 2016 were also raised by the global current El Nino which releases heat from the Pacific Ocean at cyclical intervals and without this additional supply of heat can evaluate the 2017 as the hottest year. In this period compared to global warming an Arctic cyclone is causing casualties and inconvenience in North America and according to the researchers this extreme phenomenon always influenced by climate change could be caused by the slowdown of current vortices that tend to restrain the Arctic cold on the polar icecap.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 05, 2018
n°: 3657
The Gulf stream could weaken
The hypothesis that global warming could weaken the Gulf stream had already been formulated in the past and now is revived as a possible risk to be evaluated carefully although researchers warn that are impossible predictions to make and that in these cases it is more appropriate to alert on preventing than alarm. Basically if carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities continue to increase the air in the North Atlantic will tend to become increasingly warm and the flow of water carried by the Gulf stream it won't be cool enough to go down into the seabed being denser and set in motion the mechanism for continuous movement that then brings the water to the tropics allowing to mitigate the temperatures in Europe. It is estimated that in some areas of the northern hemisphere there could be a drop in temperatures (in the worst scenario) of more than seven Celsius degrees.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 12, 2017
n°: 3353
Temperatures from record heat in 2015
As widely anticipated by the measurements taken last year particularly in September 2015 was a very warm year with various records from when recording the temperatures with prolonged droughts in India, Pakistan, and part of Africa, or on the contrary very intense rainfall with floods in many areas of Europe and America, then warm in Russia and relatively warm for the zone type even in Siberia. There was just no pause in global climate warming in recent decades, as some argued returning evidently false data, and in practice every year has been warmer than the previous one (with variations in positive and negative that views in the long run can be considered almost negligible) including the 2015 that not only was hotter than 2014 but for the first time surpassed the barrier of one Centigrade degrees on average; moreover the damage was substantial.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 22, 2016
n°: 3050
Recalculated the global levels of the oceans
Measure sea levels over a long period of time at the global level is a complex task because have to take into account circumstances that may affect the exaggerating data, making the comparison with the mainland, such as tectonic movements in the subsoil which can result in localized areas upwards on the contrary can check the phenomenon countered with the extraction of deep water that makes them sink; and from new recalculations the situation over the last two decades seems to be worse than expected. It is estimated that there has been an acceleration in the rise of the seas about of twenty-five percent compared to previous calculations even if we also take account of natural oscillations (but now don't need more data to examine and just look at the devastation in all coasts). Worth noting that 2014 was the hottest year with 0.68 Celsius more than the global average temperatures.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 19, 2015
n°: 2736
Ice loose a steady stream in West Antarctic
The process that leads to the melting of the ice at a rapid pace in West Antarctic due to global warming caused by human activities according to the latest observations would have crossed the line of no return, and then unleashing a kind of chain reaction that can not be stop, but reducing emissions at least can slow this alarming dissolution besides minimize the effects of climate change that cause considerable damage across the globe. The situation is worse than previously expected, and therefore the rise in sea levels due to melting ice is greater than that which had been made without taking into account the West Antarctic area; moreover computer simulations show the process of the collapse of the ice comparable in a figurative way to dominoes falling one after the other in a model that feeds on itself.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 13, 2014
n°: 2518
New records of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
With two months earlier than last year has been reached, and even surpassed in the northern hemisphere, peaking four hundred parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere whereas the growing season of plants is affected since the peak CO2 concentration is usually reached in May. This concentration is obviously destined to increase further if do not reduce the pollutant emissions with the impact danger of further fuel the greenhouse effect with real consequences on the environment and to a certain extent also little predictable that may be irreversible. The awareness of the global population of the climate issue has increased in spite of the disinformation campaigns or total silence made in the past by people who are now openly denounces the situation of degradation that even begins to have significant negative consequences in economic terms.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 22, 2014
n°: 2476
A planet sensitive to greenhouse gas emissions
Global temperatures will rise by three to five degrees with a doubling in the next five decades the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and therefore according to predictions on new data on the climate that taking into account the action of the water vapor in the formation of clouds of at least four degrees by 2100, since the previous climate models do not properly evaluated the action of the clouds in reflect the sunlight helping to mitigate temperatures, and direct measurements usually show a more sky clear of clouds due to the action of the ascending currents. Clouds are formed less than expected with global warming and then the planet would be more sensitive to greenhouse gas emissions proceeding to redress the climate models with actual observations, and also with regard to the current average temperatures in 2013 were among the best hot years since it was started in 1850 to measure the temperatures.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 03, 2014
n°: 2408
Higher levels of sea levels due to global warming
Average global temperatures continue to rise due to the emissions from fossil fuels, which are persistent, and it is estimated that sea levels will grow to over two meters each degree Celsius in most of the global warming over the next two thousand years and it is estimated that if temperatures rise by about four degrees above pre-industrial era ice of Antarctica could contribute to a fifty percent rise in the seas while those of Greenland for an additional twenty-five percent, while the thermal expansion of the ocean water (which currently would be the most significant component) for a twenty percent. To note that the rate provided by the melting of mountain glaciers could contribute only for a five per cent of the rise of the seas since many of them (with a few temporary exceptions) at this rate it will be withdrawn almost completely.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 19, 2013
n°: 2267
Reduction of the share of the European emissions
After a period of silence due in part to the economic crisis back to talk on the part of European initiatives to reduce emissions also to try to limit the damage connected to climate change, whereas now some monitoring stations in the planet measure a concentration of carbon dioxide in the air higher than four hundred parts per million and even global warming due to the greenhouse effect continues with consequent radioactive forcing of the Earth's atmosphere. It is a global issue that affects all also why continue to burn fossil fuels without compensating emissions means to significantly alter the balance of the ecosystem, and for example we must consider that the global sea level is twenty centimeters higher than the levels measured in 1880 and this involves storms, hurricanes and major coastal flooding.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 08, 2013
n°: 2204
The oceans may release the stored heat
Examination of the average surface temperatures around the globe French and Spanish researchers have noted that with respect to increasing amounts of greenhouse gases released into the potential overheating would be mitigated by the oceans at least considering the data for 1998 than later years of 2000, but the oceans could release in the next decade this accumulated heat. Most of the excess heat would be absorbed in the first few hundred meters of the ocean depths and about sixty-five percent in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic ocean favoring a kind of break in the heat, and there may be a cyclical phenomenon of this cycles as happen with global currents as "El Nino" (which tends to heat) and "La Nina" (to cool). There is by now no doubt that climate change is caused by human activities and also the water under seven hundred meters is overheating.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 08, 2013
n°: 2179
Too slow the transition to renewable energy
The demand for energy with a strong impact on the environment as oil, coal and gas is still very high in the planet than those now considered more environmentally friendly and modern as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and other renewable sources that ultimately affect the total for a very small percentage, and a recent study by considering the overall development of this relationship will not change much in 2030, because developing countries will require more and more energy and then there are many areas that have not yet provided by any energy source, but also in these cases there is a growing demand. The transition to renewable energy sources could take a leap important precisely in the electrical distribution system so that all countries can be affected by this change, and not just those where these technologies are widely tested with infrastructure that can be adapted to "low density" energy.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 08, 2013
n°: 2153
Average temperature of 2012 rather hot
According to the surveys of average temperatures monitored in the world in 2012 would be between the ninth and tenth position in the ranking of unhealthy warmest years since we started in 1880 to measure and record these types of meteorological data, whereas in some areas the waves of hot have been mitigated by the effects of a global current as "The Nina" (which generally tends to feed the winds). More precisely the average temperatures in 2012 would be about 0.6 degrees Celsius above the average of the twentieth century, in addition, all the years of the new century will classify among the fourteen average warmest ever measured and the population would have noticed the climate changes. For other studies the melting ice could lead to global volcanic activity since it weakens the strain on the soil and also helps to keep them enough compact.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 18, 2013
n°: 2111
Extended until 2020 the Kyoto Protocol
The news that at the Doha Conference on Climate Change in Qatar has been decided to extend until 2020 (doing in this way bridge to the times when it comes into force the so-called Durban platform) measures to control emissions of pollutants included in the Kyoto Protocol leaves some questions about the real environmental progress for the planet since the countries who enter the most carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have never joined the initiative and it is also unclear how will be allocated aid to countries affected by climate change. Rising sea level poses a serious threat to the islands such as Nauru in Micronesia, and the Marshal in the Pacific Ocean where the capital Majuro is only one meter above sea level and ice of the Arctic are melting at a faster rate than calculated than also the greenhouse effect is more pronounced than expected.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 09, 2012
n°: 2077
Reached new limits of pollutant emissions
Having entered in the atmosphere the past year over thirty-eight billion tons of carbon dioxide, calculating the greenhouse gas emissions of all nations, would have reached a new limit of about one billion tons more than the previous year (a three percent more), and every second would be more than a million pounds the amount of CO2 released by human activities with unhealthy implications for the environment since these emissions tend to remain in the atmosphere for about a century. The most polluting countries are the China, with ten billion tons, and America with nearly six, then the India with two tons and a half, so the researchers argue that we are losing our ability to control global warming because these countries have not acceded to the initiatives to a significant reduction in emissions, and there would also be some new defection.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 04, 2012
n°: 2072
Climate change and economic gap in Europe
The consequences of climate change on regions with little ability to adapt to damage caused mainly by drought and heat waves could increase the economic differences between rich and poor nations in Europe, since the average temperature monitored in the last decade would be of 1.3 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial level, by reaching a new record. This type of vulnerability would not only impact on the territory, but also on social cohesion for the effect of increasing costs to cope with natural disasters such as floods, storms and severe heat waves. At the global level, there is still an increase in emissions of greenhouse gases despite the global recession, which stops only part of the production system that waits for any possible restarting and the so-called "green" initiatives still constitute a small percentage of the total.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 22, 2012
n°: 2062
Great Barrier Reef halved in Australia
In a monitored period 1985 to 2012 the Australian Great Barrier Reef would be halved from about twenty-eight percent to less than fourteen percent primarily due to storms, starfish that feed on coelenterates that build corals and then the climate change with the resultant increase in temperature of the water that does bleaching the coral colonies dying. According to the researchers who study the phenomenon cyclones have hit the reef (thirty-four since 1985) would be more responsible for the damage, in addition, should improve water quality and avoid spilled fertilizers that promote uncontrolled growth of algae which feed on the larvae of the starfish that then erode the corals. In the past it was noted that the increasing acidification of the oceans as well as more water temperatures hindered the symbiosis between corals and algae.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 03, 2012
n°: 2018
Significant melting of the Arctic ice
The frozen surface of the Arctic summer would be halved from 1980 to 2007 from eight to four million square kilometers and now it will be further reduced and its volume would be about a quarter of what it was thirty years ago as the ice has become much more subtle with the risk that after 2030 can completely dissolve. Without the albedo effect that allows to the ice to reflect the sun's rays will have a greater absorption of solar radiation of the sea that is darker than ice and snow, with the result that they also have a greater global warming (and unpredictable climatic variations), estimated in about twenty years of emissions of carbon dioxide due to human activities, then we must consider that in the permafrost of the Arctic are "trapped" large amounts of methane that is released into the atmosphere with the melting of the ice.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 07, 2012
n°: 1995
Biofuels derived from plants toxic for humans
In Cuba a large area would be directed to the cultivation of a plant can easily be adapted even in soils with little or no agricultural value as jatropha whose seeds are toxic to humans can be derived a biofuel both for autotraction and to obtain electricity, but in small doses had long been used medicinally in order to combat intestinal parasites and lower the fever. Approximately five hundred thousand square feet on a small farm in the province of Guantanamo on the eastern of the island should be able to produce every year a hundred tons of "green" fuel and the first liters obtained were used without problems to power farm machinery. In Cuba have long used the biomass forest biomass and sugar cane fields to obtained electricity and the goal would be to increase the share of renewable resources.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 17, 2012
n°: 1950
Steadily increasing levels of the oceans
The higher temperatures of the seas would spread even in the deep sea, and they end up warmer water to mix in different areas of the oceans causing the melting of polar ice caps and consequent rise in sea levels, a phenomenon that the researchers believe it may slow limiting emissions, but not to stop in his progress in the coming centuries. Between 2005 and 2010 sea levels would rise by about 2.3 millimeters per year and then try to avoid a further increase in global temperatures mean also slow this progression that has significant impact for the people forced to flee their lands (in some cases there may also be a factor related to the movement of tectonic plates). One of the areas on average more susceptible to rising seas, which has a non-uniform pattern, would seem to be located roughly between Norfolk and Boston.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 03, 2012
n°: 1937
To defend from a warmest sun
The heat waves of African type are becoming a recurrent event in the recent years with temperatures that have exceeded the 37°, with high humidity that alter the heat perception sensation and the experts assert that beyond a certain limit the increase of every degree of temperature corresponds to an increment of the index of mortality of approximately the 3%; therefore it is important to try to defend from the warmest sun and the wind beginning from the nourishment (water-melons, peaches, musk melons..) and bottle of water in the bag, apparel of white cotton or linen to layers, wide cap and burlap shoes, slow movements and exercises of relaxation in order to avoid sudden illnesses. To signal that it could be of some benefit to use a good protecting and hydrated solar cream-milk also to the guide, from the moment that to how much seems the skin to in the zones on the left of the body near the window would be subject in greater measure to being attacked from the tumors (the car then under the sun becomes a furnace, therefore little adapted for old persons and cardiopathics).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 01, 2012
n°: 445
Individual initiatives to safeguard the environment
A minimum progress in ecology with economies more sustainable for the environment is intended to be supported only by individual initiatives since international authorities do not seem willing to reach a deal that will bring about some improvement over previous standards, at least as shows the results obtained from the vertices in Brazil and the subsequent controversy that some have advanced further on issues ranging from sustainable energy, food security and oceans also with regard to pollution and global warming. The really poor nations are often most affected by climate change, do not even have a say, while countries in the so-called "developing" ones that seem more may make the difference in the future for example in the use of fossil fuels.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 25, 2012
n°: 1930
Climate solutions for a growing population
Lightening the ecological footprint on the planet seems to be a global solution to be adopted by the authorities in international conferences that invite us to focus our attention regarding the environmental impact of consumption adopted by a growing population, since according to some estimates by 2050 there could be between eight and eleven billion people. The "poor" countries in the developing world will need over the course of time the increased use of natural resources, but exploitation of the planet is already at levels valued rather high (without considering the alarming pollution) and then a further increase in consumption may lead to social conflicts and for example in Africa in countries such as Rwanda, where women are forced to have more children than they wish and the same competition for food and resources was identified among the causes of the genocide.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 15, 2012
n°: 1922
Levels of carbon dioxide very high on the Arctic
The meteorological monitoring stations on the Arctic would have measured very high concentration of carbon dioxide, more than four hundred parts per million, although this amount had already been predicted by calculations performed for some time on percentage of annual increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the same global level of CO2 (at the moment 393 ppm) will soon reach these levels in a few years mainly because of the progressive increase in the consumption of fossil fuels for example to produce electricity and automotive. Part of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is of natural origin and is derived from the decomposition of plants and animals, but before the industrial age CO2 concentration was just 275 ppm, then should consider that this gas remains in the atmosphere for about one hundred years and in part for thousands of years, so should try to limit the emissions.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 01, 2012
n°: 1910
Pollutants emissions to limit between rich and poor
Being able to reach an agreement to limit emissions in the globe is always rather difficult since while developing countries argue that should contribute more to the cut the industrialized countries that historically have contributed much more than "poor" in increased pollution, conversely point out that rich countries such as China now (despite a recent improvement in production efficiency) has become the most polluting country and India has overtaken Russia in emissions. Global emissions tend to increase and not to decline with a record of over 31.6 gigatons in 2011 with devastating consequences for some areas of the planet more subject to climate change, thus avoiding that the average temperatures and sea levels continue to gradually increase should try to find an agreement.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 25, 2012
n°: 1904
Discussions about a carbon dioxide capture plant
Following the opening of Norway's largest plant to capture and store carbon dioxide in the world there are threads on the usefulness and effectiveness of the project with some emphasizing the possibilities in this way to lower concentrations of CO2 effect in the atmosphere and others who point out that there are risks in case of leakage of gas pumped in large quantities in the caverns beneath the earth. The complex technology used for this process has still wide margins for improvement in efficiency since one of the weaknesses of the system would be the excessive in its energy consumption, and then just the characteristic that has long been trying to cut all the way and same renewable energy by now would become competitive with conventional sources, however for the moment the currently CCS installations (carbon capture and storage) are the only kind of environmental protection.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 14, 2012
n°: 1893
Effects on the nature of the global warming
The plants seem to adapt to global warming more quickly than expected and therefore each degree Celsius in temperature means a more anticipated increase estimated at about five or six days and then also first of the laboratory models considering an annuity, with a consequent demand of water and nutrient resources, but these observations should be carefully checked on a global scale to be reliable. From long time has been verified harmful effects on the nature of the greenhouse effect which has a mechanism that tends to feed itself even if the researchers point out that it is difficult to reproduce in the laboratory (or other structures equipped) all variables related to the various natural conditions to simulate the same type of effect and the only evidence that results from the studies would be just a greater impact than resulted from previous estimates.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 03, 2012
n°: 1884
More precise earthquakes warning systems
To give the alarm and emergency in time to warn the population in case of earthquakes and tsunamis for the researchers are not enough data from seismometers, since for more than seven magnitudes the accuracy of these instruments would be less accurate, and in the case of the tsunami that struck in March 2011 Japan the data on the strong earthquake in the sea and the consequent high tsunami wave had been underestimated. From the data obtained by good network of seismographs Japanese was took up a magnitude of eight on the scale Richther for about two minutes, which definitely produces a large tsunami, but not as disastrous as it has also caused the worst nuclear accident in central Fukushima evaluated after shock also crossing the GPS data of a magnitude of nine; so for the researchers would be required more accurate detection systems also in preventive function.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 20, 2012
n°: 1875
Hypothesis on global warming in the past
Between twenty thousand and ten thousand years ago could have been a global warming caused by increased concentrations of carbon dioxide from about 180 to 260 parts per million, and this at the end of the last ice age when most northern hemisphere was covered of ice, as evidenced by the drilling of several layers deep, and the shells of ancient creatures. The researchers note that the current concentration of CO2 would be 392 ppm (some say higher) and this may also suggest another kind of passage of geological time, but the data are often contradictory and it is said that this occurs . We know from studies in the past would seem that the evolutionary history marked by "environmental crisis" leading to upheavals such as from the Paleozoic to Mesozoic, but the cause has not yet been established and hypothesis tend to multiply.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 07, 2012
n°: 1865
Cleaner fuels for the environment
The researchers seem to point to a new generation of the so called biofuels or fuels that have less impact on the environment since the parameters of "health" of the planet would seem to be worsening rapidly as release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at rates as acidification the oceans tend to absorb the CO2 surface air with serious consequences on some marine species particularly affected from these changes that affect then the whole organic sector and the biodiversity. Shifting the focus to a type of local and citizen pollution to report even the problem of fine dust in certain Italian cities, in some cases forced to regulate the traffic (to alternate number plates) or hope that atmospheric currents can clean up a little the air while in a few weeks the temperature is increased from near Siberian to far spring values.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 02, 2012
n°: 1833
Siberian freeze type in Europe
Of cold currents from the north-east of Siberian type are pulling down the temperatures to record levels also above thirty degrees below zero in several European countries and there are dozens of victims for hypothermia, frostbite and other causes related to extreme cold (two also in Italy) while the mercury column could drop even more because of the winds "of the frozen steppes." The abnormal condition should be part of the range of extreme events due to climate changes and the greenhouse effect that caused modifications in the circulation of currents that usually allow a temperate Mediterranean climate such as in Italy. Despite the cold weather of recent days, the solar activity is almost at its maximum (peak however is expected in 2013) for a cycle of about eleven years, so that the intense glare of the sun seems to make sometimes visible in the world spectacular light phenomena similar to the aurora borealis.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 01, 2012
n°: 1806
A future for electric cars and pollution
The technological developments in the field of electric cars is going very slowly compared to the needs of the market and especially of the environment, but some models has long been available even if with reduced autonomy respect to the motion with the ever more expensive petroleum and lately China seems intends to focus on the manufacture of batteries and electric motors in collaboration with foreign producers by penalizing the import of models that do not have components of local production (mainly to help the domestic cars industry). The Chinese authorities would also be willing to make public by 2016 the values of fine particulate PM2.5 in the city of Beijing, surrounded by a pall of dust with a diameter of about 1/30 the diameter of a hair, which some say are causing problems respiratory and consequently many victims for pollution.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 10, 2012
n°: 1786
Difficult climate deal
Being able to reach a climate agreement among many countries to limit emissions without the consent of the two major powers responsible global pollution now seems of little utility, since the aggravation of the situation monitored on the concentration of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere, and then to limit to two degrees the rise in global temperatures in the near future will be almost impossible and even warming may be double or triple with these rhythms. The proposal for the superpowers to enter into an agreement after 2020 is also hampered by little treatable conditions considered in the negotiations with Europe and from the economic competition that seeks to curb health initiatives regarding the protection of the environment, even influencing the choices of other large industrial states, but climate change is likely to cause damage of untold magnitude. - Then reached a partial agreement to plan for 2015 as a platform to be adopted in 2020.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 10, 2011
n°: 1759
Initiatives to reduce the emissions
Following the finding, checking the values for the global warming of the planet, that the polluting emissions are increasing with visible effects from the "roof of the world" with which the ice of the Himalayas are melting at an increasing rate showing residues carbon pollution, a number of initiatives aimed at improving food production chains such as hydroponics with a sustainable ecological cycle with no long distance transport or in other cases by using filters in vehicles and ships to reduce pollutants. An analysis of air and ice present seems on the Himalayas be verified with the technique of drilling that greenhouse gas emissions produced in one part of the globe can be measured by instruments that show the gradual increase of soot particles and in relation to air the gases typical of production and industrial processes such as ozone.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 08, 2011
n°: 1757
Man responsible of three-quarters greenhouse effect
Conference in Durban to face the climate changes taking place on the planet that will last until December 9 has been calculated that notwithstanding in 2009 there has been even lower emissions of carbon dioxide in the global budget would be increased in the last decade that in the last fifty years, with emissions rising in 2010 and according to a Swiss study would be the man responsible for about three-quarters of global warming since 1950, whereas the effect of aerosol particles suspended in the air that reflect the sunlight there might be opposed to a share of cooling. The poorer nations and not responsible for proposing drastic cuts in emissions of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere up to about 350 ppm (parts per million), an objective very difficult since some argue that by now there is a share of about 400 ppm considered risky.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 05, 2011
n°: 1754
New post-Kyoto environmental measures
Fifteen years after the Kyoto Protocol, which provided a series of measures to limit emissions, the new measures will be discussed in Durban in South Africa to replace those that have produced some results even if not were adopted globally, and although the data now show in evident manner the impact of climate change seems will not be easy to persuade all countries to adopt solutions to help protect and preserve the environment. The Kyoto agreement was signed in 1997 by many industrialized countries pledged to reduce (compared to 1990) of 5.2 percent of carbon dioxide emissions and other measures which in subsequent times have not been ratified or are under discussion, but the effects of the greenhouse effect and consequent global warming were not long to wait with extreme weather, rising seas.. many endangered species and loss of biodiversity.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 26, 2011
n°: 1747
Reached new record of greenhouse gases
According to international organizations that monitor the health of the planet, the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached record levels in 2010 and would grow faster than the previous decade, for example, the concentration of methane in comparison with pre-industrial era would increased one hundred and fifty-eight percent, whereas it is a gas that causes a very marked greenhouse, as compared to carbon dioxide increased by thirty-nine percent and nitrogen oxide increased by twenty percent. To consider that since 1958 has begun to systematically monitor the CO2 concentrations in the planet that was detecting of about three hundred and fifteen ppm (parts per million) that are gradually increased, while those of methane grew more rapidly mainly because of reduction of forests and their replacement with farms and the melting of polar ices.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 22, 2011
n°: 1743
Impact of climate change on the health
Climate change is taking place on the planet with varying levels of average temperatures and diffusion both vegetable and animal in the globe could support the transmission of pathogenic diseases such as malaria, schistosomiasis and dengue beyond to causing fluctuations in the natural conditions that allow a salutary biodiversity, and by now this type of variations are also perceived by man without the necessity of having to check sterile reference data. For cause of the greenhouse effect due mainly to emissions from the use of fossil fuels global average temperatures estimated could rise above of two - four degrees (depending on the envisaged scenario) by the end of the century with health consequences for people forced to adapt to "new" naturalistic environments considering also the lands stolen by the continuous rise in sea levels.
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Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 19, 2011
n°: 1741
Seven billion of people and planet's health
The news that according to a statistical calculation the planet would be populated by seven billion people regardless of where (Philippines, India..) where this baby be born raises a number of questions about what will be the fate of the planet to level of environmental sustainability whereas the world population would double in just fifty years. Human activities leave a heavy footprint across the globe except the people who manage to live in balance with the environment, respecting biodiversity and the survival of other forms of life that inhabit the planet while maintaining a relatively low rate of individual growth, as it has for millennia, but in industrialized countries this balance has been broken. The climate changes that are causing victims, suffering, destruction of structures and agricultural crops testify the impact of an "army of consumers" on a fragile planet.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 01, 2011
n°: 1725
Identified a thin layer of ozone on Venus
On the Earth, the ozonosphere allows life protecting living organisms by filtering out the harmful UV rays from the Sun and the scientists have discovered that around Venus, there would be an ozone layer hundreds of times less dense than that on our planet, in fact, observing the stars through the atmosphere of Venus, they would be less bright for cause of the filter effect for the ultraviolet rays performed by a thin layer of ozone (a gas with three oxygen atoms). Previous studies had already suggested that both Mars and Venus in ancient times there could have been an atmosphere similar to Earth's, then chemical and physical changes led to radical changes would make it almost impossible any form of life. To signal that in some areas on Earth has been recently reported an enlargement of the hole in the ozonosphere that would seem to have a cyclical trend.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 08, 2011
n°: 1705
Health impacts of global warming
The anomalies temperature recorded in some areas of the globe with data such as Italy quantify the global warming with peaks up to eight degrees above the average of the period as well as damage to agriculture and the ecosystem may have consequences on health by encouraging the spread of certain diseases and making them more difficult to treat. The same plant health is threatened by the "thermal stress" with crops that require to be moved to higher elevations or in more northern climates, not to mention the damage to global agricultural economy and the related inconveniences. Shifting the focus to other scenarios that affect the health of the planet, to signal that strong typhoons continue to hit China, Vietnam, Cambodian, Thailand and particularly the Philippines affected by repeating of these vortices that as they pass leave a trail of destruction, with fields flooded and the risk of epidemic diseases.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 03, 2011
n°: 1700
Diseases caused by warming of the oceans
The marine species are moving quickly for the warming of the oceans and even some kinds of vibrios tend to proliferate to cause of the increased water temperature, but this ends up promoting an increase in gastroenteritis and other diseases for contamination of the food chain, which require a very high cost in its treatment. Ingestion of these pathogens that tend to proliferate in the overheating water as a result of global warming could also cause septicemia and cholera epidemics, in addition, acidification of the oceans results in a lower proportion of carbon dioxide that the algae are able to capture with the consequence that the gas ends up in the atmosphere and fuel the mechanism of global warming, without to mention the coastal erosion caused by rising seas mainly due to the melting of polar ice.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 15, 2011
n°: 1685
Emissions of pollutants close to established limits
In recent times, a global economic crisis has led to the reduction of certain industrial activities resulting in lower pollutant emissions, apart from developing countries that would seem less affected by ups and downs of the dynamics of the financial markets and then continue to discharged into the air large amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse pollutants. The reported data for 2010 indicate a total figure of human activities more than thirty billion tons of carbon dioxide, whereas the limit for avoiding long-term increase in global temperature of two degrees was established into about thirty-two billion tons of CO2 each year, an estimated limit that could be reached already this year and this hypothesis leads to a scenarios of global warming rather "aggressive" for the environment and the ecological balance for cause of extreme meteorologic events.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 09, 2011
n°: 1653
Climate change and social stability
Although the countries responsible for climate change taking place on the planet find hard to find lines of understanding to cope with an environment situation increasingly degraded, now appears quite clear that the risk is not only against nature but also for the same social stability of nations who see themselves threatened structures and institutions that prop them up, so consequently safety and peace among states could be affected by such displacement of large masses of people who are looking for resources to survive. There are several scenarios unbalanced on the environment plan and that of the Somalia with more than three million people starving due to a prolonged drought (and conflicts of religious kind) is only one of the most striking aspects in a global vision which should also consider the changes in nature that sooner or later will also affect also stable countries for the moment.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 22, 2011
n°: 1638
Ecological function of large predators
The structure of the ecosystem would be quite complex and the decline of large predators at the global level could also be due to pandemics such for example lions and leopards in Africa are hunted by poachers lead to increase the population of baboons that can transferred intestinal parasite to the men who live near these large apes. The decline of sharks, wolves and lions (a kind of partial mass extinction) according to American researchers leads to imbalances in the ecosystem with unusual consequences of their own kind at the expense of men who by their activities profoundly affect the territory. The ecological function of some large predators can also be measured by the consumption of vegetation of the herbivorous prey whereas the whole ecosystem is complex set of balances, which would require further study.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 16, 2011
n°: 1633
Unsustainable fishing and reduced food resources
Intensive fishing type "extraction industry" in Europe seems to have reached new peaks of exploitation so that in some cases is so high the total spending to try to catch the few fish remaining that are necessary economic subsidies to support a food chain forced to raise prices taking into account the low catch and market rules, therefore, the European Commission is preparing reforms of all the sector (considering the number of authorized fleet) also by following the example of other countries that already have adopted more sustainable models for the environment. As regard the food resources around the globe in addition to price increases that have occurred repeatedly, especially in poor countries there is now a severe drought affecting many African countries also proven by decades of conflict such as Somalia, and the population is forced to exhausting journeys in search of food leaving their homes.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 14, 2011
n°: 1631
Ice dissolved rapidly from warmer oceans
The surface temperatures monitored in the sea do not appear to increase uniformly since that in Greenland is expected a rise more sensitive that in the Antarctica and the ice can melt at a rate higher than expected for the observation that the structure of the ice reflects more of a temperature higher of the water than ever because of the greenhouse air. The researchers point out that dipping an ice cube will melt faster in hot water, instead, placed in a rather warm environment endure even hours before melting completely. Environmental changes could have significant consequences on the same total structure of the polar ice, but in this case study that require further investigation for trying to accurately predict of how much will raise the global sea level.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 04, 2011
n°: 1622
Plankton found in the North Atlantic
Following the path of some whales, the researchers have identified new routes taken by these cetaceans that feed on plankton in the sea that for cause of global warming is now present in the North Atlantic, and this is probably not going to be about two million years, but the rapid melting of ice and the resulting area remained free in the Northwest Passage facilitate the migration of species at a rhythm and with unexpected speed with considerable impact on natural biodiversity. The health of the sea recently monitored would look worse mainly due to acidification of the water with less oxygen than the problem of unsustainable fishing levels, in addition, the sea level would increase by about two millimeters per year since the start of the industrial era, a very high value without considering the release of large amounts of methane into the atmosphere.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 28, 2011
n°: 1617
Renewable energy as a primary energy source
Over the next few decades, renewable energy should be according to analysts' forecasts the main source of energy for factories and homes and to pass from about the thirteen percent of 2008 to seventy-seven percent of 2050 (in the most optimistic calculated scenario), although it will to try to remove obstacles that prevent the spread of new equipment that will be increasingly affordable, easy to use and suitable for combat the climate change. It has long been studying the organic photovoltaic or of third generation, which should also be produced in flexible panels that are hidden or in the same building materials as well as geothermal and biomass power plants are becoming more efficient, in addition, the various devices consume on average less energy such as computers with microprocessors with three-dimensional internal structure.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 06, 2011
n°: 1572
Suffering environment
Have been allocated funds for the construction of a new sarcophagus to contain the radiation at Chernobyl atomic twenty-five years after the disaster of 26/04/1986 still due on the population of health outcomes, while a year after the accident to a oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that caused the spill of nearly eight hundred million litres of crude oil is still studying the long-term consequences on the ecosystem. The environment is suffering due to severe accidents (as currently happen in Japan) and climate change which have significant socio-economic consequences and impede the orderly development because of lower income and livelihood, especially for poor areas with high population density, while industrialized countries appear to have significantly decreased their emissions.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 20, 2011
n°: 1559
Measures against the proliferation of toxic algae
The forecasts of climate trends on the planet and in particular on the health of the oceans, in the near future, pushing researchers to plan measures to prevent the proliferation due to global warming of toxic algae from the characteristic red color that produce a toxin that would tend to accumulate especially in shellfish. According to the researchers, the toxin produced by this type of algae if ingested through the consumption of shellfish could cause gastrointestinal or neurological disturbances of various degrees and even unhealthy muscular paralysis and as far as possible to prevent the proliferation of algae in the decades should monitor the time of opening and closing of shellfishing in the seabed every year adapting to climate changes of temperature in order to avoid that toxic algae can proliferate.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 21, 2011
n°: 1506
Rising temperatures in the parks in Alaska
The natural parks in Alaska would suffer damages due to the increase in average temperatures that are melting the ice forming rivulets of mud and water, digging ruts in the streets and trails, making it difficult to access, moreover the new vegetation that grows in the tundra eventually obstruct the view to visitors. From some data temperatures monitored in Alaska would have increased by the middle of 1970s in percent about three times higher than in other states located to the south and this causes the melting of large masses of ice may also jeopardize the safety of workers parks as well as that of the visitors. Experts sometimes noticeable differences in the landscape that the rest would be obvious to all comparing old and new pictures, then it would be immediately visible the erosion that threatens the coasts, archaeological sites and various structures in Alaska.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 14, 2011
n°: 1500
Glaciers in Greenland and Patagonia fairly loose
Measurements in Greenland ice sheet shows that in the last summer the melting of ice was greater because of lengthening of the days considered "hot" with temperatures averaging more than three degrees, also even the glaciers in Patagonia are melting pretty fast and in particular the Perito Moreno in Argentina. In addition to the general warming of the planet since 2010 was the warmest year ever recorded, on average, with temperatures slightly above the 2005 and 1998 (considered very hot years), including the lack of snow tends to melt the glaciers faster beyond the carbon particles or dark deposited on the ice, then should consider that there are areas more or less affected by weather changes linked to global currents such as El Nino and La Nina, which some are intensifying.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 24, 2011
n°: 1482
Torrential Australia and carbon molecules
The roads in Queensland inAustralia is still hampered by streams of water fed by heavy rains that poured into the streets and turn them into "rivers" that drag the car over long distances especially in the city of Toowoomba; there are nine victims, many injuring and dispersed in large areas affected by flooding and also the great city of Brisbane is preparing to evacuate the population. Shifting the focus to another area affected by climate change taking place on the planet, a study would have shown the effect of inertial of greenhouse gases, since the molecules of carbon emitted by fossil energy sources and deforestation remain in the atmosphere for many centuries, and then continue to exert their action acting on global warming and glaciers can then also be affected by this phenomenon that feeds on itself.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 11, 2011
n°: 1471
Non-binding Cancun climate package
After the approval of the Cancun measures to contain global warming of the planet within two degrees by the end of the century it is argued how the measures are not binding, and the objectives of limiting emissions of gases greenhouse up to forty percent by 2020 seem almost the same funds and proposals to protect the environment are not well-specified (to exception than to those to help the developing countries). During the summit had been put forward simple proposals that could have practical effects, for example in this case in Mexico to replace all the old and polluting machines to produce tortilla with new ecological models other to adopting solar water heater type, in addition, the total expenditure by 2030 on tackling climate change was quantified in about one hundred and fifty million dollars a year (without considering the damage to the planet).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 12, 2010
n°: 1446
New studies on epidemic diseases
An additional protein responsible for the diarrhea epidemic in a round attention in recent time periods, such as cholera was identified by examining more than two hundred serogroups present in the vibrio and stressing that there could be two pathogenic mechanisms underlying the disease and the mechanisms that cause the spread. The differences in the virulence of the cholera vibrio were analyzed by comparing different genomes and a special secretion system responsible for the disease and the diarrhea. To signaling shifting the focus to another field of research that was developed a new rapid test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in about one hundred minutes, instead of three months which were required previously, and this new technique could also be useful in asymptomatic patients as "life-saving" against the infectious disease.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 11, 2010
n°: 1445
China and India hamper the plan on climate change
Part downwards Cancun summit with about twenty heads of state against one hundred and twenty present in Copenhagen and with accusations against China and India to want change plans on climate change already agreed in previous summits, but an even greater obstacle is the difference of views between industrialized countries and those developing, without considering that many countries do not responsible for the increase of pollutant emissions would also have little say. Another problem to be addressed seems to be that of a decline in credibility of the scientific values that have been detected several times in the debate, but recent data confirm global warming (to be considered on average and over long periods of time) and 2010 despite recently reached the peak of cold in Europe is going to be one of the warmest years, which is also characterized by "extreme meteorological phenomena" and of unusual intensity.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 07, 2010
n°: 1441
Pollutant emissions still rising
Nevertheless there has been a period in which the polluted emissions decreased mainly due to the economic downturn even though there were positive actions on the environment, now surveys show a further increase in emissions and the countries do not seem to be able to contain the temperature within the range that avoids an overhang of less than two degrees (within the end of the century). The main concern of the countries seem that to lose their degree of economic competitiveness in relation to the various cuts to contain any emissions to greenhouse effect, but just from the standpoint of long-term economic costs that will support the countries to cope with various weather emergencies may be slightly higher, without considering the damage to the ecosystem and to the whole environment, certainly more serious than any kind of financial assistance in a globalized economy.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 30, 2010
n°: 1435
A further cut of the polluting emissions
To try to limit the global warming due mainly to the greenhouse effect to two degrees higher it was estimated that it was necessary to reach about forty-nine gigatons of carbon dioxide worldwide emissions by 2020, but new studies have shown that this proportion is still too high of five gigatons for reaching the result. The industrialized countries and those "developing" should reach an agreement to prevent emissions from reaching a dimension of about fifty-six gigatons of CO2 emissions, which in addition to causing global warming climate with little positive effect, causing acidification of the seas and naturalistic changes to the detriment of biodiversity, without considering the impact on forests and then the lungs of the planet (to be protected with aid to compensate poorer nations who have no other resources) also threatened by deforestation without criterion.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 25, 2010
n°: 1431
Plants that clean the soil by heavy metals
The highly industrialized countries produce a large amount of waste discharged into the processes that usually land fenced make them unsuitable for the presence of heavy metals and toxins, but researchers have identified a particular plant belonging to the family of sugar cane can clean up the ground, and then can be used once fermented for energy purposes because of their high sugar content. One of the most sensitive areas for the ecosystem and its disposal in industrial countries with a galloping economy is also a problem in terms of pollution of aquifers layers and the whole food chain with consequences for the health of populations (representing humanitarian and socio-economic issues also not negligible), moreover are also very high costs for the various land reclamation that can actually restore an effective environmental quality.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 01, 2010
n°: 1410
Deciduous plants which clean the atmosphere
The deciduous trees that tend to lose their leaves absorb a greater amount of chemical components of polluting of others plants and researchers have shown in particular more effective in cleaning the air by volatile organic compounds that are released into the atmosphere by human activities such as vehicles and building materials. To be able to metabolize this type of chemical components the deciduous plants produce larger quantities of enzymes that make these substances less toxic, in addition, the plants normally to protect against insects and various irritants tend to produce greater amounts of lymph for fight infections, but the mechanism in the case of polluting chemicals can also be harmful to the plants. To note also that climate change and frequent droughts change the absorption (in negative) of carbon dioxide.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 26, 2010
n°: 1405
Global warming is damaging the Arctic
The amount of snow that accumulates on the Arctic during the winter season is gradually declining due to abnormal temperature caused by global warming, and once the surface layer has melted is find a deeper section of ice and a little darker that tends to attract a greater amount of sunlight that melt, with a sort of mechanism of thermic type that feeds itself, the ice (which has reached a new record low as a total extension). Climatic variations in air temperature on the Arctic produced a rather unexpected phenomena, for an area where cold air usually stationed almost immobile, as strong winds and even snow storms for cause of the ice melting; in addition the population living in areas affected by climate change is forced to deal with various difficult situations.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 23, 2010
n°: 1403
Increase in evaporation and forests
Reviewing the evidence regarding the evaporation of water from the oceans and the earth on a global scale, the researchers noted that the soil in vast areas of the planet has become drier, with less release of steam, and always to cause of the global warming an increase in percentage of the hydrological cycle of the natural balance with consequences that could be sensitive respect to a lower growth of terrestrial vegetation, the lower absorption of carbon dioxide and the mechanism of evaporative cooling caused by the same transpiration. Such observations require further long-term studies to be confirmed (and data from other studies were rather contradictory), but the impact on the planet and especially on forests could be significant considering the increased share of deforestation, which tends to aggravate in the complex the phenomenon.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 14, 2010
n°: 1395
Climate change in Australia and Pakistan
Protecting the eco-tourism in Australia from the damage caused by climate change in particular the Great Barrier Reef is becoming important also to avoid according to the authorities to present the tourist landscapes and natural places that no longer correspond to those advertised, the same tourism should be sustainable so as not to further damage an already degraded environment with significant economic damage to the industry. As regard the natural aspect of climate change in Pakistan, some argue that are changing the same hydrogeologic structure of the territory for example of areas permanently flooded with under two meters of water flow and attacks of malaria plasmodium (carried from mosquitoes that are conveyed a favorable environment for reproduction) could affect many children, while the infant mortality rate is greatly increased.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 02, 2010
n°: 1385
Small farms best suited to feed the planet
Global climate change that cause imbalances in water supply with large areas affected by marked drought with lack of precipitation for months have resulted in a rethinking of what researchers have been the agricultural developing of the world with large-scale farms, and now to feed the planet they tends to focus on smaller model farms. This account was obtained by studying both the cases of malnutrition is less visible of "silent hunger" by lack of vitamins and minerals that cause slower physical and mental development and generally greater susceptibility to disease (a condition increasingly common and difficult to monitor). The changes to the agricultural system should aim at sustainable development for a truly suffering ambience as demonstrated by the cases of areas burned by fires in Russia or flooded by monsoons and torrential rains in Pakistan.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 23, 2010
n°: 1377
Finally closed the well in the Gulf of Mexico
With a series of pressure testing and sealing of the cement plug placed in the sea for over fifteen hundred meters deep has been verified that the final closure seals the hole opened after the explosion occurred on the 20/04 of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that has caused eleven victims and spills of almost eight hundred million gallons of crude oil. The hydrocarbon molecules of large oil slicks on the sea have been partly broken up into droplets for dispersing chemicals which scientists believe are causing the deposition of a thick sludge of oil residues in the seabed depths and low temperatures make it difficult their degradation, also are reported in parts of Louisiana reached by the tide of oil the deaths of many fish (but the correlation is not proven) and the type geology conformation makes difficult the researches in naturalist field.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 20, 2010
n°: 1374
Comparative study of the oceans
The different wind speeds over the oceans at various heights in the atmosphere can influence the formation of hurricanes and researchers are monitoring as is intensifying as the climate phenomenon as "La Nina" which contributes to the winds due to a cooling of the tropical zone Pacific Ocean and acting in opposition to the "El Nino" which would overheat in those same areas. These phenomena can lead to precipitation and change the direction of the winds as well as having effects on climate around the globe, although the trend is rather slow with periods of stasis. Other studies on fossils of prehistoric oceans have shown changes in acidification of the seas and the concentration of carbon dioxide making possible to venture a prediction by analogy and comparison with the current situation to try to understand climate change in the world.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 10, 2010
n°: 1366
High temperatures and fires in Russia
The heat wave that affected the Europe in July and in particular the Japan where they caused more than fifty victims and ten thousand hospitalized are now causing serious problems in Russia, where record temperatures were recorded and on average much higher than normal with nearly thirty-eight degrees in Moscow also covered by a patina of soot coming from many uncontrolled fires which are damaging forests and peat. There are also fifty victims and many families forced to abandon their homes and crops burned by fire, since the lack of rainfall has made the dry vegetation, so as to contribute to fuel new fires and also the level of the large and deep Lake Baikal is visibly declined with unusual manner in July, while the authorities and emergency vehicles trying to cope with difficulties the many fronts of fire.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 04, 2010
n°: 1334
Global warming and oil spill
Data on climate change have recently been recalculated and, while some data seemed exaggerated others were underestimated, for example by the end of the century suggests that the sea level could rise even more than a meter (about twice as much as previously thought ) and the temperature in the Arctic could be higher than calculated with overheating and sharper than the rest of the planet is always linked to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and therefore to the greenhouse effect. As regard the oil spill from an underwater pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico (a very serious environmental damage) seems has been positioned a new cap to be tightened rather than simply resting, in order to recover a greater amount of crude oil through a kind of hood to which is attached a long pipeline.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 10, 2010
n°: 1319
Tracing the CO2 through liquid detectors
To avoid leaks of carbon dioxide in the storage reservoirs, for example derived from disused coal plants, scientists have developed a liquid perfluorocarbon-based mixed with the CO2 that reveals leaks into the atmosphere to the instruments calibrated to capture minimum traces of these molecules and this method has already been done to monitor more than eighteen thousand tons of greenhouse gas injected into a crack about to thousand meters deep in the underground. Reduce the emissions remains the first objective considering the cost of large storage facilities such the CCS and bearing in mind that although always is try to find very stable areas of the subsurface there is always a percentage of risk due to earthquakes or other events that may cause uncontrolled leakage of carbon dioxide "stored" for long periods of time.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 15, 2010
n°: 1297
Environment and dividends
On the day dedicated to the environment and to preserving the planet still discussing the story of the flood of oil that is fouling the Gulf of Mexico, but this time more than the number of barrels of oil recovered from the damage (about eleven thousand 07/06) with a kind of hood we focus on the amount more or less of money dividends to distribute to shareholders and on a story in which the normal security measures or hazards associated with an accident apparently been overlooked, with serious damage to the ecosystem and all the led activities for decades. As regard for the cap applied to the crude oil pipeline in the seabed not easily cut by submarine drones are still waiting to see the force of the work whereas are still proceed to close the valves which leak about nineteen thousand barrels of oil per day for six weeks without considering the methane.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 05, 2010
n°: 1289
Biodiversity and global environment
Global environment day and year of biodiversity for the protection of many species from endangered as a result of human activities although it is possible to predict roughly what will be the impact on the nature and program of prevention, taking into account that many creatures have not yet been identified and much remains to be discovered as to why certain parts of the world are on average much richer in life and what is the influence of temperatures on a variety of species. One example of how the temperature is a decisive factor was demonstrated by the case of the fish probably moved from low areas of the Mediterranean Sea to the Adriatic by finding the water a couple of degrees warmer, but a particularly cold winter caused a rapid lowering of temperature and in some cases the deaths of many fish that were found stranded.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 22, 2010
n°: 1252
Conflicting data on ocean currents
Ocean currents are masses of water moving faster or slower in the sea and may be superficial, intermediate, deep and allow a continuous mixing and oxygenation of the water and the balance of the temperatures as well as the Gulf Stream, after conflicting observations now it seems that enjoy "good health". Data previously reported changes in the flow of North Atlantic surface current (a continuation of that of the Gulf) that has the feature to mitigate the temperatures of Ireland, Scotland and Norway and then cooled yielding heat to the coast plunges mixing with colder water, but apparently the flow varies from season to season and the situation now seems to look better. To note that the globe is crossed by currents as a kind of "submarine water conditioner" that regulates itself with admirable balance.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 30, 2010
n°: 1236
Corals and salamander sold on the Web
The possibility of being able to easy buy with little click on Internet corals, salamander and other species rare seems is becoming a serious threat for the safeguard of the nature or draft of an other method in order to only stimulate that insane one mania to acquire illegally of the creatures already in difficulty because of the climatic changes or of chemicals that end in order to modify their habitat. In particular the red coral and that rose are torn from found them marine in great amounts in order to enrich jewels in beautiful show on Internet; moreover it seems can be acquired also much rare and protect species or medicinal remedies (without any scientific validity) as those proceeds from boneses of tigers or can happen of being attracted from the several sales proposed on the pages Web without to have a real necessity, without to consider the purchase of ingredients for aliments coming from species in via of extinction.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 22, 2010
n°: 1229
Elevated methane concentrations on the Arctic
In the permafrost of the Arctic and of the Siberia is caught large "bubbles" of methane that comes released in the atmosphere esteem by now in equal amount to those of all the oceans to root cause of the climatic changes us in existence on the planet, and is a gas that it feeds the greenhouse effect in measure approximately thirty greater time of carbon dioxide. The methane concentrations are passages in the millennia from 0.3 - 0.7 ppm to approximately to 1.85 parts per million on the Arctic, therefore is an important value and that it would demand interventions of prevention even if from some time assists to "ballets" between more or less realistic figures and forecasts that have made a lot to discuss (comprised an anomalous big wave of cold in Europe). Not there is doubt however on the role of the human activities on the climatic overheating and some unexpected variations could re-enter in the picture of changeable that preview winters more colds and warmer summers in average.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 08, 2010
n°: 1217
Nature urbanized
The human population is growing rapidly and it is estimated that by 2050 there will be approximately three billion other people on the planet, with a prevalence of large urbanized settlements that will be constructed at the expense of agricultural land and natural sites, with the inevitable loss of fauna and flora that allow a healthy balance. Another parameter to consider is the "environmental footprint" that in the case of urbanized individuals can be in some cases ten times higher than for example the Africans and other peoples can live in balance with the resources that nature makes available to them (and without polluting). Among the more robbed resources by man we must not forget those of the sea and many initiatives are too recent to try to protect marine species caught at rates higher than those that allow a suitable replacement.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 04, 2010
n°: 1189
Exploitation of Mother Earth and human
Continued the deforestation of the Mother Earth at a rapid pace despite the substantial funding provided resources and projects to promote the preservation of the planet, but the areas where they tend to thoughtlessly cut vegetation are often poor from all points of view even with little cultural respect for human rights and nature, so it can hardly be that the rich nations can simply allocate funding to avoid deforestation. Besides lacking the knowledge of environmental nature issues around the globe and the same climate changes have been hidden for decades, continuing to exploit the natural resources at rates higher than those needed to a salutary regeneration and healthy but also the human exploitation against the "last" of the earth (as do to the children of Haiti) is a sign of lack of knowledge of universal rights as archetypes present in each individual.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 23, 2010
n°: 1179
Bacteria that convert CO2 into methane
A process that occurs naturally in the subsoil due to bacteria that transform carbon dioxide into methane over billions of years could be used in an experimental project developed by Japanese scientists who plan to capture the CO2 with special installations underground and turn it into methane in about one hundred years by accelerating the action of bacteria that normally carry out this action. In the past, were already running other technologies to convert carbon dioxide into calcite or gas useful for manufacturing processes, moreover there are already plants for capturing and storing CO2 underground (according to some hazardous in case of earthquakes for leaks not controlled), large pools with algae selected and ample land on which were has been used very special plants that transform carbon dioxide into oxygen as happen for the forests.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 07, 2010
n°: 1165
Climate tensions in Copenhagen
Is a summit in Copenhagen that is presented fairly problematic, with exchanges of accusations between rich and poor countries and resulting boycotts such African countries who argue that besides the lack of aid earmarked try not to accomplish the goals specified in the Kyoto protocol, then there is also the problem of large countries in "developing" countries that pollute a lot but do not want to cut greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial nations pollute proportionately much larger extent. There are also signs of relaxation and moments in which the negotiations proceed smoothly.. (missing only some scientific data apparently exaggerated provided by individuals who apparently do not love the environment), but overall it was clear to everyone the need to intervene to prevent the next years really serious and real damage to the planet.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 15, 2009
n°: 1148
Greenhouse gases harmful to health and technology
For the first time the U.S. government (Environment Agency) has acknowledged that greenhouse gases can be harmful to the health, and also as regards the case of the emails stolen by hackers and written by scientists with exaggerated data, it seems that there are doubts about the phenomenon of global warming, because, by comparing the photographs taken in the past with newer images such as glaciers or some particularly sensitive natural environments to realize visually even without sophisticated instruments macroscopic differences. A contribution to the preservation of the environment, for some might come from technology that is now able to supply energy to relatively low environmental impact (considering the entire production process) and also thanks to new discoveries such as economic catalysts or fuel cells that can to harness the energy of the hydrogen.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 08, 2009
n°: 1142
CO2 emissions and the Copenhagen summit
Some studies indicate that the carbon dioxide released into the air from human activities cause a global warming more than was estimated earlier, moreover should take account of a pollution control in the long term since that the CO2 concentration levels (which should now be about 387 ppm) will continue to be stationed in the air causing overheating which feeds on itself due to a mechanism that also acts on the vegetation and the oceans' ability to "stabilize the temperatures." In Copenhagen, 192 countries will seek agreement on how to be taken to protect the environment trying to contain the overheating in the coming years by two Celsius degrees, a target for preventing serious damage to the planet and a gloomy scenario of fifty million environment refugees in search of a new home.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 07, 2009
n°: 1141
Increasing energy demand
Industrialized countries consume each day a really high amount of fossil resources, which also cause the emission of pollutants that are degrading the environment, and predictions made by assuming a stable industrial growth is estimated for 2030 a consumption of about one hundred and thirty million barrels per day with consequent risk of easily exploitable oil reserves are depleted (data that not all share), and there may be a significant increase in the price per barrel, for example we assume approximately 175 dollars in 2016 with an increasing use of oil also produced with expensive and polluting procedures from bitumen. To try to save on consumption of fossil resources might be useful to recycle all the goods that feed significantly the production chain based on oil and choosing local products such as those to low emission of CO2 and other pollutants.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 03, 2009
n°: 1138
Forecasts for 2009, one of the hottest years
Some argue that the trend to global warming at least as regards the monitoring of average temperatures in recent years has eased, but the data collected so far in 2009 are expected to be one of the five warmest years in one hundred and fifty years of measurements (according to estimates by researchers in the climate field), and it seems that the month of December might be even hotter than expected and this phenomenon seems to be caused by the swinging development of "Nina", a cold current in the Pacific that affects global temperatures. The pollution on the planet continues to grow despite the heavy economic crisis, this is due to the continued development of large countries like China, which is primarily responsible for the increase in emissions of carbon dioxide even though on average people pollution is less than other areas of the globe with a high rate of industrialization.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 25, 2009
n°: 1131
Climate agreement postponed, in two phases
For the moment America and China show no signs of a sharp cut in emissions of greenhouse gases, aiming at an agreement in two stages in order to better reach agreement probably at the Hawaii summit in 2011 to follow that of Copenhagen expected in December where it will be only the intention to reduce the pollution, but without producing any documents on how these goals should be achieved. Meanwhile France and Brazil have agreed to a "reduction on a voluntary basis", amounting between 36 and 39 percent with regard to Brazil, which is the fourth country in the world for carbon dioxide emissions mainly for cause of deforestation made in the Amazon (though the global demand for precious wood has declined due to economic crisis) to make space for fields and breedings for meat production and related agricultural crops.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 16, 2009
n°: 1123
Energy sent from space to the Earth
Grappling with problems arising from the exploitation of nonrenewable resources to be imported the Japan seems to be really determined to make around 2030 a central space to capture sunlight and transfer it to the Earth by microwave and laser beams, and a group of researchers would study the system to exploit the free and inexhaustible energy of the Sun that also allows to counter the effects of global warming pollution from using fossil fuels that sooner or later run out. Large parabolic dishes made in a protected position on the sea should collect the flow of energy from the space where is easier to capture the sun's energy since it has an intensity about five times greater than that which we can exploit from the Earth, and scientists that from years working on this project estimate much lower costs for the energy obtained.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 09, 2009
n°: 1117
Kilimanjaro de-icing
By comparing photographs taken in 1912 and 1953 with more recent satellite images, the researchers calculated that in 2007 approximately the 85 percent of the snow and glaciers that cover the summit of Kilimanjaro has melted and also the remaining part at these rhythms not will last much since the average temperatures in the troposphere have increased and in one period from 2000 to 2007 the ice cover has shrunk by nearly two meters in the northern areas and more than five in the southern, and variations of the same type were measured other high mountains in Africa (Rwenzori, Kenya) and also in the glaciers of the Himalayas and South America. Little seems to have been done to mitigate the effects of climate change and global warming is supported largely by the use of fossil fuels, and saving initiatives and sustainable technologies sluggish to take-off.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 04, 2009
n°: 1113
Dry clothes outdoors to avoid polluting
In some countries seems there is the habit of using dryers for the laundry instead of lying the clothes normally to the open air, but if from one part this will save time and avoid unsightly wires, clamps and various racks, from the other there is the disadvantage of consuming a lot of energy with consequent production of harmful pollution. The environmental impact of nations like America, Australia and Canada would be quite similar in terms of some less ecological habits and adopt a short series of devices to save energy such treat maintenance of heating and air conditioning in addition to the isolation of housing, judicious use of appliances and vehicles to travel.. can help to safeguard the environment, whereas many well-established habits fruit of the society of the "well-being" and consumption are in fact false progress.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 29, 2009
n°: 1108
Medium-large size pets pollutants
A medium-sized dog seems to consume annually about 95 kg of cereals and well 164 of meat, estimating that generally in the industrial packaging of food is dehydrated, so having a pet means to pollute a lot and if it is large cuts may be necessary to exploit the resources of over one hectare of land to derive the amount of food necessary for these "lovely companion" of the man (considering also energy, water, fertilizer, pesticides, transportation, marketing..). As far as a resource rather indirectly linked to the whole production chain, such as oil, some argue that with the present rhythms of development may need to continually find new reserves to support the growing demand, since it is not clear for how many years the reserves easily exploitable of oil in the subsoil can last.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 24, 2009
n°: 1104
CO2 emissions still higher
The developed countries despite the directives on limiting pollutant emissions (Kyoto Protocol) did not reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the ambience that in 2007 appear to have risen by about one percent, but other data also indicate a reduction primarily related to the difficult economic situation resulting lower production on a large scale, and therefore not due in most cases to an effective improvement of facilities or other initiatives to harness renewable energy in addition, the average CO2 emissions in the period 2000 - 2007 seem has increased by about three percent. In Canada however there are the project to build a second plant for the capture of large amounts of carbon dioxide to be stored underground in old oil fields and in the designated area, an operation that some reported as a pollutant and others as a solution to try to limit the emissions.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 22, 2009
n°: 1102
Argentina quite desertified
The forests in Argentina have been reduced by one hundred million hectares in 1900 to about 33 of today, so in just over one hundred years 60 - 70% of the natural heritage has been cleared to make way for soy and mainly to obtain in this way flour, oil, seeds.. to be exported across the globe at an increasing pace, especially in the last ten years. The authorities after an appeal from the indigenous people have given notice to stop the devastation that seems to have touched in 2007 alone a rate higher than the two percent of reduction of the forests, with all the consequences related to the environmental degradation that influences on the life of millions of people. The phenomenon of desertification affects almost the entire globe with areas particularly hard hit, and international organizations have estimated that over one billion people worldwide suffer from malnutrition, the data found is the worst in average since 1970.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 17, 2009
n°: 1098
Significant gap between rich and poor nations
Analyzing the data on the level of development of various countries of the globe, scientists have found that the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger, almost insurmountable, and would require short-term initiatives to counter the effects of global warming, which has tremendous effects on the lives of millions of people obliged to a forced migration due to famine, drought, floods, making it difficult to survive without aid from nations that have more emissions, but carefully planned to balance situations of real emergency. As regards the quality of life in European countries appears that France can achieve an overall better quality of life for citizens, however, Britain despite the high income was due to one of the worst also for cause of the recession.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 13, 2009
n°: 1094
Warm unstable climate
The increase in sea temperature in the globe has probably intensified the violence of natural phenomena with sometimes tragic consequences for populations that are rarely prepared to face changes in a rather unstable climate and forced to seek help to survive, and is calculated in the future if can not curb the effects of global warming that could significantly increase the aid spending without considering the precarious health conditions in some cases. Another danger that comes from an increase in average temperatures that causes the melting of glaciers, is that in the air are releasing hazardous chemicals used in industrial production (eg 1970s) trapped in the ice for decades after being transported to large distances by winds and clouds with the risk that might threaten the life of plant and animal organisms and biological cycles of nature.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 10, 2009
n°: 1092
A planet vulnerable to the climate change
The earth's crust in some areas could suffer for the erosive action of weather and changes in sea levels due to climate change with the result that could be intensify phenomena such as landslides, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes where the crust and the underlying tectonic plate remains unfilled and the magma can flow easily to the surface. It seems that changes in precipitation may change the stability of volcanoes because of the water that may alter the stability of rocks and thus cause eruptions of magma. Another reported problem again because of climate change is linked to the health status of populations experienced by poor harvests and a set of factors that significantly worsen the well-being of billions of people, which implies the need for curbing as much possible the pollution emissions.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 26, 2009
n°: 1080
A nice cut of the polluting emissions
To keep average global temperatures at a safe limit that may prevent significant climate change has been calculated that it should not be released into the atmosphere over about 750 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2050, so even hit the target to try to contain below two degrees Celsius global warming of the planet (temperatures that may impact on sea levels, the economy and the survival of whole populations). Assuming that every person in the world has the right to emit a certain amount of emissions shows that individuals living in more industrialized countries should further limit the average emissions, even with financial aid and initiatives for the realization of ecological systems in favor of the poor, who already are penalized for example from the desertification of the land.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 22, 2009
n°: 1076
Anti methane nourishment for livestock
The cattle seem to be responsible for more than twenty percent of emissions of greenhouse gases due to a diet based on a type of forage, which tends to deteriorate with the time and in winter thus increasing emissions of pollutants methane. A study in Australia showed that, for example by adding to feed the algae is possible due to the increased presence of cellulose and starch to make the grass more digestible for livestock, besides the algae could be used to purify water for crops from nitrogen and phosphorous, which seems to have a role in climate change and decay in the aquatic ecosystem. Other researches carried in the past show how heavy was the impact on the environment of the livestock industry, causing a sharp decline of natural resources and biodiversity of a healthy for the environment.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 07, 2009
n°: 1063
Methane bubbles released from permafrost
The temperatures in the globe seems to increase more in some areas of the Arctic, Canada and Siberia about 2.4 degrees compared to data collected in 1970 and the layer of frozen permafrost covering the land tapers discovered and attacked by microbes, leaving unprotected the organic material that has accumulated over the millennia, with the consequent release of large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane bubbles that ultimately fuel the greenhouse effect. Alaskan lakes formed by the melting of permafrost seems to have doubled in the past thirty years, and the air becomes saturated with methane on the surface of the water and then into the surrounding air with a cycle that tends to feed itself. To note also that the high summer temperatures in other parts of the planet are likely to fuel the fires that destroy vegetation systematically precisely that which allows a healthy balance of nature.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 01, 2009
n°: 1058
Sea rather warm
The sea temperature is rising around the world and that of the oceans in the month of July seems to have been the warmest ever recorded since such data are monitored (130 years ago) and the month of August should exceed this record with tangible consequences with the overall balance since such increased about four times the rate of melting of Arctic ice, a phenomenon linked to rising sea levels which continues to grow slowly. Even the Mediterranean Sea seems to be pretty hot and in some areas there have been blooms of toxic algae (Ostreopsis Ovata near Ancona in significant concentrations), but also the rivers in Italy are affected by the prolonged heat marked by many days with temperatures above the average who end up having repercussions on the delicate balances that normally regulate the natural climate rhythms.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 29, 2009
n°: 1056
Deforestation and emissions of pollutants
The pace of deforestation in the world are increasing relentlessly, and it is estimated that emissions of pollutants released into the atmosphere due to the cutting of trees for this reason can not transform carbon dioxide into oxygen outweigh those due to the transport system in world. One of the "green lungs" of the world most threatened by the phenomenon of deforestation due to human exploitation of natural resources is the Amazon forest in Brazil, but it seems it is also difficult to convince local people to preserve the nature, without considering that the great works designed by governments such as hydroelectric plants and roads in some cases worsen the situation and threaten the survival of the ecosystem (attacked without criterion). The damage in some areas of the globe pose also the problem of the prevention useful to protect the flora and wildlife with naturalistic interventions on a large scale.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 04, 2009
n°: 1035
Biodiversity and intensive farming
An extensive report on the health of the animal species on the European territory and their habitat would have revealed that intensive farming is seriously damaging the characteristic biodiversity of some areas of rich grassland and vegetation, both of those wetlands and along the coasts, in addition, many fields have been abandoned or suffer from a lack of maintenance or for damage linked to climate change and only a small part of the habitats that was monitored kept untouched. While some species appear to enjoy good health (eg wolf, beaver, lynx) others suffer from the scarce quantity in food availability caused by agricultural intensification, which subtracts increasingly large space needed for the survival of creatures that allow a healthy natural biodiversity as the hamster of the Alsace region, rodent fitted with large pillows pockets where gather the food.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 15, 2009
n°: 1024
Agreement reached on climate
Reduce the emissions of the eighty percent by 2050 compared to 1990 levels is one of the objectives that the major industrialized countries seek to achieve and this goal has been reached thanks to a joint statement which also covers the development of technologies with low environmental impact, but China and India have not joined this initiative because of the lack of suitable intermediate limits to economies less responsible for climate change (once considered developing). The targets seem ambitious considering that large countries have not joined the Kyoto Protocol and also in cases where the commitment was more the results has been far respect the expectations, with overheated metropolis due to a mechanism that is self fueling, rising global temperatures and climate changes that end up causing mutations in the DNA of the mammals.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 09, 2009
n°: 1019
Sheeps restricted to cause of climate change
The size of wild sheep that live on an island in Scotland was slightly reduced probably because of climate change, since to overcome a cold winter the size of the sheep tend to rise and the climate warming of the planet has changed the average temperature with effects felt even in the size of mammals, birds and fish. For the bizarre weather that cause abnormal changes in temperature has also happened the opposite effect the last winter with the death of animals that could not feed himself because of the abundant snow fall, but the alarm comes from the greater decline in biodiversity of species of globe, for the amphibians, mammals, and especially the corals that form coral reefs with damages that are likely to affect a whole ecosystem, so it would take measures for the protection, conservation of species and ecological protection of the environment used to excess.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 03, 2009
n°: 1014
Pronounced drought in Tibet and forests
The temperatures recorded in the Tibet plateau would be from 0.3 to 2.3 degrees higher of the average and some weather stations have not been collected worthy rainfall for 226 days, with the result that in many of the Himalayas regions a climate issue has really caused the death of more than thirteen thousand head of cattle because of the strong drought, as well as global warming is causing an accelerated melting of glaciers and lakes are unexpected swell rapidly, with the risk of flooding. By shifting the attention to another natural scenery should be mentioned that continued the indiscriminate deforestation of the "lungs" of the planet and the forests after the Amazon and Congo, the Uganda also appears to have reduced by one and a half million hectares the coverage of the salutary trees due to the expansion of farms and the use of wood for fires.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 23, 2009
n°: 1005
Two centigrade degrees of global warming
Almost certainly, according to calculations by scientists hypothesized on Climate Change, will be exceeded two degrees of global warming on the planet, at least compared to the temperatures detected before the industrial age, and to prevent that this happen, developed countries should limit the emissions up to 80 percent by 2020 (compared to the levels measured in 1990), and the developing countries to about 40 percent lower by 2050. Achieving these goals is important to avoid the extreme weather phenomena exacerbate already growing steadily, as well as limiting emissions so that the concentration of carbon dioxide does not exceed 450 ppm (parts per million.. increased from approximately 280 to 385 ppm in just over two centuries) mean to avoid substantial changes to the climate of the planet including the excessive rise in sea levels and resulting economic fallout.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 13, 2009
n°: 996
Children on average more exposed to particulates
The fine dust which often make dirty the air of large cities especially in the absence of rain to clean the microscopic particles could be on average more dangerous for the children than adults, since these powders usually called PM10, or particulate matter tend to stagnate at the level of the airways of children, and tests performed on the breath and on the spit was found that the particles were "contaminated" the lungs in depth, and also a reduced lung capacity than normal. The units that control the quality of the air often have probes placed very high and in this way fail to capture many dust which stagnated at the bottom without considering that the limit of 40 micrograms per cubic meter of air for PM10 is difficultly respected, then it is conceivable that the real quality of the air in big cities is quite unhealthy.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 11, 2009
n°: 994
Climate protection through support to farmers
Agriculture can influence the global climate much more than might think, since about a fourteen percent of pollution directly linked to agricultural practices need to add a seventeen percent due to deforestation to make way for fields for cultivation, so favoring one type of farming more environmentally friendly (due to normal recovery of poor soils, crop rotation..) is possible reduce the emissions and improve harvests for more hungry people and forced to survive to leave their land, often depleted by climate change. It is estimated, moreover, that while they protect the ambience with dishonest propaganda, about every eighteen seconds would cut one hectare of Amazon forest to make way for farms that have to support the growing global demand of the industry.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 04, 2009
n°: 988
Indigenous at risk of extinction
Tucked inside the vast forests of Brazil, Peru and Paraguay live far from civilization vanished tribe of natives, who often have never had contact with humans from the globalized world and thus have no immunity, which generally have developed in organisms with the evolution also tend to hide because of previous attempts to "cultural" exchange which later caused only unpleasant events, but now the threat comes from speculators who intend to exploit their territories. Despite the presence of these tribes pristine is documented by video planes, several leaders deny their existence, thereby encouraging the act of exploitation of the riches of the land and the oil hidden in the underground, the use of hunting and logging to make space for cattle for to obtain food.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 29, 2009
n°: 983
Sanitary sector much pollutant
Using energy with low environmental impact, energy-efficient lighting, modern ambulances and food from local production in the health sector could diminish much the pollution, from the moment that the emissions of pollutants end up just to undermine the health of the population that uses of those principals, considering everything that moves around to the places of care, and attracting a high mass of vehicles also have a negative impact on air quality. The health sector contributes to global warming that may cause the increase of infectious diseases (eg cholera and malaria) as well as drought, floods and rising sea levels.. according to some studies that will be less pronounced and uniform than previously calculated, but also with effects on the Earth's rotation and the global climate in general.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 23, 2009
n°: 978
New measures for the environment
To cope with climate change occurring on the planet are trying to reach agreement on measures for the environment as a cut of about a twenty percent of pollutant emissions using existing technologies, new plants for the capture of carbon dioxide and vehicles technologically more efficient for the use of the fuels. Other proposals to safeguard the so-called Triangle of large corals in the Southeast of Asia have been made by some countries, since several factors are threatening a delicate ecosystem (a treasure of beauty unique in the world) that allows the reproduction of many marine species and survival of millions of people, but due to indiscriminate fishing, pollution and climate change, environmental deterioration now seems very strong. To note also that the increase in average of the temperatures are becoming a threat to the global health.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 20, 2009
n°: 975
Vegetarian for a day or forever
The recent proposal to suggest to the people as healthy advice to follow for a day a week a type of vegetarian diet to safeguard the health and the environment, though certainly positive (just to start) raises the question whether it would be healthy to eat meat almost every day, considering that especially the red according to many studies could promote the formation of tumors, in addition to "drain" the territory of resources since it requires for the forage of intensive cultivation and irrigation, use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, medicines and sometimes even hormones for the industrial production. A typical mediterranean diet (classical, very simple or of old style, milk - egg vegetarian) can be followed every day without any kind of nutritional deficiencies, even in terms of protein through the combination for example of cereals, legumes and Parmesan cheese.. [but none prejudice against the meats].
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 15, 2009
n°: 971
Soaring temperatures and sea levels
One of the areas of the planet major subject to the phenomenon of the global warming seems is the so called Tibet plateau, which because of its location and the high altitude (over four thousand meters on average) has features that could make more evident the damage caused by rising temperatures, starting from the first quantifiable observations in 1961 about 0.32 degrees every decade, and this can cause with the melting of glaciers flood or drought (considering long periods of time) in large areas downstream. To note also that began the evacuation of people from a small island in the South Pacific (Carteret at about eighty kilometers from Bougainville island), one of the first cases in which the inhabitants are forced to flee their homes because the sea level continues to rise flooding the coral atolls and making difficult the farming and livelihood.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 11, 2009
n°: 967
Sea levels and butterflies
The populations most affected by sea level rise seems to be those who live long coastline of the Southeast of Asia (in Indonesia), for cause of the type of economy based on income from agriculture and forestry, not favored in the production by climate change with variations in rainfall that result in alternating periods of drought and heat waves to tropical typhoons and floods. A large area of about 2,500 square kilometers covered by mangrove forests are threatened by the fire at times encouraged by high temperatures, which could also play a role in recombination of the viral component responsible aggressiveness of the viruses and diseases. In other countries, and especially in Europe, some have noted a decline of butterflies, lepidoptera really fascinating and of rare beauty that contribute with their activity at the pollination and the global equilibrium.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 30, 2009
n°: 959
Healthy forests and seaweed to save the ambience
The plants normally absorb a large amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere by the human activities and the normal life cycle of the living beings, but with the phenomenon of global warming caused by the man the concentration of all greenhouse gases has increased substantially; in fact, carbon dioxide has increased from 284 ppm (parts per million) before the industrial age to over 380 ppm today, and also the concentrations of methane, nitrous oxide, CFCs.. are much increased with the result that forests risk to become ill releasing in this way much CO2 in the atmosphere due to degenerative processes. Some researches has shown how to safeguard tropical forests is necessary to curb greenhouse gases and temperatures, and a help in this direction could come from genetically modified eukaryotic algae in order to maintain in balance the oceans (by simulating a primordial climate).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 18, 2009
n°: 949
Chemical greenhouse gases compounds to remove
The production of a chemical molecule such as the nitrogen trifluoride or NF3, which is reported to be a greenhouse gas 17,000 times more potent than CO2 is increasing significantly for industrial uses (eg for flat screens and computers) and could reach by 2010 a quota of eight tonnes per year that would correspond to about 130 million tonnes of CO2, which is generally small in total but not negligible for the environmental impact especially from the moment that has been replaced according to the directives of the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 to the perfluorocarbons or PFCs. Other chemical compounds have been reported for their potential environmental hazard such as methane, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons.. since they all tend to fuel the greenhouse effect and many nations are discussing how to limit the production of these little healthy chemical molecules.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 01, 2009
n°: 939
Copenhagen first city to clean emissions
Using a plan that includes a fifty steps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions the city of Copenhagen in Denmark should to become the first "clean" city form the point of view of the pollution or neutral respect to the plan presented by the Kyoto Protocol in two first steps by reducing emissions by 20% by 2015 and then with a further reduction by 2025 through systems as example that derive energy using renewable resources. From a debate on climate change on the planet that are taking from some time in Copenhagen show that the forecasts for the sea levels made in the past would almost confirm the more burdensome scenario for the consequences for populations that living in areas most affected to changes natural and economic due to the greenhouse effect, and the damage suffered by the Amazon forest would appear to be confirmed.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 20, 2009
n°: 929
Amazon rainforest to be protected
One of the most important factors in safeguarding the environment seems to be to protect the Amazon forest and try to protect it from overheating climate all forests on the planet, in fact some scientists suggest that the increase in temperature and the concentration of carbon dioxide in air undermines the health of plants by changing the metabolism, so that it could be much lower coverage of "green lungs" of the globe for cause of the spiral that is self-caused by the greenhouse effect if we do not resort to measures that could pose a brakes on climate change. Many data and observations made in the past about the rise in temperatures, sea levels, impact on the populations.. were often underestimated and forests of the world such as Amazon are threatened both by deforestation and the uncontrolled greenhouse effect with immediate repercussions on the global environment.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 13, 2009
n°: 924
Reservoirs at the base of the glaciers in China
Starting from the observation that millions of people could suffer from problems related to water supply in provinces such as the Xinjiang densely populated and that use large amounts of dissolved water from the glaciers of the many mountains present, scientists have thought of building 59 major reservoirs collection for water. Like the rest of the world even in China for the global warming effect of the size of glaciers are rapidly decreasing, and for the moment the general population would not have suffered hardships due to water scarcity since it increased the average flow of water dissolved and there is also the tendency to increase of the rainfall, but considering the future with "smaller" glaciers the situation may change and we must also take account of the strong evaporation in the summer perhaps using groundwater stocks.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 03, 2009
n°: 915
Pyrenees with little glaciers
Despite a fairly hard winter that seems to have allowed the glaciers of the Alps a good protection thanks to a lot of snow fall, Spain would have lost in the chain of the Pyrenees about 90% of its assets of the glaciers because their coverage would be reduced from 3300 to 390 hectares and therefore to this rate in the space of twenty years all over the residual ice may melt, with important consequences on the flow of water of major rivers and thus on agriculture. Environmental changes caused by climate change due to the greenhouse effect and relative overheat with its tendency to self-kindled, on which was started a debate about what this phenomenon might be influenced by human activities or by other factors, and some scientists point out that the damage and consequences for an average of temperatures even slightly higher were generally understated.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 26, 2009
n°: 911
Tropical forests absorb more emissions
With a project of take of the emissions during several years has been found that the tropical forests, especially in the African area, absorb a greater amount of pollutant emissions resulting from the exploitation of fossil fuels, probably for cause of the increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the air that promotes plant growth almost with a "fertilizer effect", and therefore a greater volume of the plant corresponds to a greater uptake (also of the 20%). Previously had been detected for the Amazon forest an average of about 620 kg of CO2 per hectare, quantifiable in about 5 billion metric tons per year for the entire planet.. also be reported agreements between America and Indonesia to protect forests, while China seems determined to reduce polluting emissions and international organizations proposing food production less polluting and less wasteful.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 20, 2009
n°: 906
Arctic permafrost to be preserved
According to some climate models for forecasting the thawing tundra of the Arctic caused by global warming could release into the atmosphere large amounts of carbon dioxide in a percentage higher than previously calculated, and it seems that the rise in average temperatures (with some data a few discordant) is greater in the Arctic for cause also of a kind of mechanism that tends to fuel itself and for to avoid that could increase should further try to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted mainly by the major industrialized "developing" countries. To preserve also the rain forest, in fact large areas in the globe have been cleared to obtain land for the food and for biofuels, and these trees are usually burned into the atmosphere by releasing large amounts of CO2.. besides affecting the so-called green lungs of the planet.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Feb 16, 2009
n°: 902
Biofuels derived from the wood
In the gut of a small crustacean that eats the wood would be an enzyme useful to produce a new type of biofuel, which in practice comes from the fermentation of cellulose that this shrimp is able to degrade for example chewing willow or straw and then transform into butanol and ethanol. One of the greatest problems of the previous generation of biofuels, which were mainly derived from starches and sugars found in cereal crops was to steal food for human food, but thanks to the new type of enzyme will get about 19 grams of ethanol from 100 grams of straw without having to starve the people so as to achieve a 10% on average of "clean" fuel and possibly using unutilized lands for new crops to be transformed. Other researches some time ago reported the possibility of obtaining hydrogen from the ethanol using compact and relatively cheap catalysts.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 29, 2009
n°: 887
Farms instead of the Amazon rainforest
Brazil appears to be increasing the rate of deforestation of the Amazon forest to make space for new livestock farms to satisfy the increasing demand of beef for human consumption in the international markets, and to meet this unhealthy food habits are lost every year about ten thousand square kilometers of forest (the so-called green lungs of the planet) to make room for farms, pastures, vast herds of livestock, without considering that burning the trees or their decomposition release notable quantity of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. To consider also the imbalance for the entire ecosystem, already severely tested by decades of uncontrolled exploitation and the consequences on the nature of these insane human acts could be unpredictable, and some speculate that the same climatic variations in extreme way depend in proportion also by the deforestation.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 12, 2009
n°: 872
Sustainable consumption of fish
The practice of the intensive fishing of industrial type impoverish the seas and it would be appropriate to try to avoid the introduction in the nutrition species in which they can not reproduce correctly (such as the Atlantic cod); and some suggest, even if the fish is a good source omega-3 to limit the consumption of fat particularly those which may contain pollutants in the fat which then accumulate in the organism like the mercury of the swordfish, of the marlin, of some species of sharks.. potentially harmful if is exceed the two portions per week, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Other large mammals in the seas are endangered like the whales, killed hundreds (even for "scientific" scopes by the Japanese), despite the repeated international moratoria and the engagement of groups that seek to raise the public awareness to safeguard the seas.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 08, 2009
n°: 869
Cement that absorbs CO2 and natural climate
The production of cement in the world produces much carbon dioxide accounts for about 5% of global emissions each year and is estimated that in future the demand for new construction could increase much, but in England was developing a new formula for cement that exploits the properties of magnesium silicate to absorb CO2 and requires for the production less amount of heat (note however, that it seems the only English public buildings are responsible for CO2 pollution that exceeds that of an entire country like the Kenya). As regards the natural climate balance that allows to preserve the biodiversity, it would seem that global warming valued in a comprehensive manner, may have some influence on the sex of some reptiles and fish from the moment that a higher temperature on average determine males in a greater proportion with consequent environmental imbalances.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 02, 2009
n°: 865
Houses to low environmental impact
Through new systems design of the houses is possible to save a lot of the energy normally used and adopting a lifestyle particularly sober in the consumption with some small sacrifice can avoid wasting resources essential to the environment such as water, for example through a hydraulics project that while there is a shower or wash us your teeth.. recover water from the drains and purified for other uses or allow its reuse. As far as the energy used for heating and air conditioning in addition to the insulation in buildings for a flat savings, can be used the roof as garden designing it with unique integrated water systems or are studying new types of organic photovoltaic panels more efficient and that do not use chemical pollutants, but also simple areas in white or reflective roofs can help to safeguard the environment selectively reflecting the sunlight.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 22, 2008
n°: 833
Ocean currents and climate solutions
Climate models in some areas of the planet are changing rapidly with consequences on the movement of submarine ocean currents that affect the global climate, such as in the North Atlantic significant changes to the ecosystem are caused by large quantities of fresh water coming from melting glaciers to cause of the greenhouse effect, but in this case for reduce the concentration of CO2 in the air by some studies would seem the ability to effectively capture and convert in calcite the gas of an eruption intrusive rock consists of olivine (peridot) and pyroxene especially in Oman and fairly common in Earth's mantle. As regards the disturbances affecting the upper part of the atmosphere to report yet another hurricane that after having caused considerable damage to the Cayman Islands (without victims) go to Cuba with winds gusts reaching 200 km per hour.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 10, 2008
n°: 822
Preserving the environmental biodiversity
The environmental intensive exploitation both of land has emerged that the seas could have caused an unprecedented rate of extinction of the animal species, with a share estimated at around 38% and life on the planet in all its most varied shades is possible also thanks to biodiversity, but climate change could favor some species over others, without that having the material time to implement strategies that may allow survival. The increase in emissions of CO2, methane, nitrogen reactive set by industrial production and biologically active added to human activities, deforestation and the phenomena of unnatural "fertilization" of the ocean upsets the balance climate that enabled a salutary biodiversity, which can be preserved letting nature recover the rather slow rhythms pace that characterized the history of the planet.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 07, 2008
n°: 820
To reduce all the greenhouse gases
Considering the capacity to retain warmth of some greenhouse gases, scientists have calculated that methane has in proportion twenty times more environmental impact of carbon dioxide even if this is monitored more closely for cause of its massive presence in the atmosphere, but should also take into account the "bubbles of methane" trapped in Arctic ice that with the melting of ice issuing gas in increasing quantities. The plans for industrial development provide drastic cut emissions of polluting greenhouse gases for ships, aircraft and all businesses which together account for approximately 30% of the global polluting through interventions and optimization of consumption of fossil fuels improving the efficiency of the engines.. for example in the aircraft with special designs that studying the flow of air at high speed is possible to save a lot of fuel.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 29, 2008
n°: 813
Environmental protection in poor countries
Climate change often upset the environmental balance and biodiversity in the world's poorest countries that do not have the economic means to face and remedy the damage caused by the greenhouse effect, for example it seems that in Gabon and other countries of the Africa the scarcity of water is for agriculture is for the household use and especially for drink to ensure the survival is becoming an increasingly pressing and difficult solution. Some countries have launched proposals for aid for the people who see change before their eyes the environment that comes with more new climate scenarios and protect the great heritage of forest (as in the Congo basin) may mean preserving one of largest green lungs of the planet, in periods when could become important to monitoring also the individual production of CO2 that should be "recycled". - Lately there was a violent conflict in Congo also for the control of precious materials.. gold, diamonds, copper, cobalt, coltan (used in mobile phones).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 21, 2008
n°: 806
Technologic photovoltaic panels
A new type of technology that can greatly increase the efficiency of the ordinary solar panels could soon be adopted in the production of these thin wafers which allow to convert the free light of the sun into "ecological" energy, using the infrared frequencies captured by a very rough surface, which the smooth panels leaving without exploit energy that is released from these particular electromagnetic waves. In some countries the adoption of renewable energy is regarded as a benchmark for improving the quality not only environmental but also in the food, without considering that there are plans to create microclimates favorable to crops used to produce biofuels in the desert thanks the adoption of special environments and series of mirrors which concentrate the sun's energy allows the desalination of sea water, making it suitable for normal use.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 17, 2008
n°: 803
Climate plans and greenhouse warming diseases
While the targets on reducing emissions of pollutants are becoming more consistent with proposals that would tend to increase from 20% to 30% by 2020, the downturn in economic terms with the people concerned about the related issues could frustrate efforts to improve the overall environmental condition with up effective long-term (up to a decrease of an 80% of CO2 by 2050). As regards the health of the globe, it appears that warming linked to the greenhouse effect could result in the adaptation of insects typical of some hot zones on the planet with the consequent danger of the spread of certain diseases characteristics of wild animals (zoonoses for example widespread in Africa) and also the health of the seas is put at risk by reducing the natural mechanism of mixing water thanks to the phytoplankton action.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 13, 2008
n°: 799
Solar energy for the environmental protection
In certain parts of the Africa country the population still uses energy produced burning wood with consequent environmental damage both for the release of pollutants, and for the cutting of trees that can capture and convert the CO2 into oxygen, but in substitution of these methods decidedly aggressive energy seems that is growing quickly even the use of photovoltaic and solar panels, thermal water heater, solar cookers.. in a land that can provide approximately from 5 to 7 KWh per square meter, which used to power solar steam could provide energy for an entire city. Climate change caused also by misuse of the energy resources cause environmental damage that may require expensive works for example to protect the coastlines of some countries from the erosion caused by the force of the waves, which exploited with special hydraulic systems can be transformed into energy.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 01, 2008
n°: 789
Inventions for the environment
A type of refrigerator patented in 1930 by Einstein and Szilard could be produced on a global scale to protect the environment from the use of freon or other greenhouse gases that for cause of increased demand for household refrigerants especially in developing countries could be released into the air. This type of refrigerator using ammonia, butane and water instead of freon exploiting the principle that the liquid reaches the boiling point at a lower temperature if the pressure is lower (phenomenon verifiable in mountains) and is just a simple pump to activate the mechanism that removes heat from the outside without using compressors and saving electricity. To the study also the synthetic copy of the structure of the diatoms algae that have a very complex silica microporous framework able to deflect the rays of light and in this way to capture solar energy (ecological and free).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 23, 2008
n°: 782
Ambience to rebalancing
Some studies show as the natural cycles of the environment in any way upset by climate change taking place on the planet should be rebalanced to more natural rhythms, so that precious ecosystems are seriously damaged (for example, as trees of various species in areas of the globe affected by significant changes in the average temperatures), not counting some new phenomena found which appears to hinder the chemical reactions that allow the global balance, like a virus that affects the prokaryotes algae allowing the oceans to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide. Another round of rebalancing would be the nitrogen (essential for the life) and reactive nitrogen in particular that if one part may be useful in agriculture and many industrial production for the other hand damage all the ecosystem, from the oceans , to the coasts, lakes and rivers.. besides cause more smog and greenhouse gases in the air.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 15, 2008
n°: 775
Ice split or melted
It would open a new large crack in the ice in northern Greenland by about eleven kilometers in length and width of almost one in an area that previously seemed not yet affected by large cracks, which consequently leads to the rise in sea level already evidenced by surveys carried out in the past (although the forecast on the phenomenon of global warming often not correspond to the data supposed). One of the areas of the world most affected by the rapid melting of the glaciers would be that of the Himalaya at a rate quantifiable in about seventy meters per year of retreat that might cause problems for water supply linked to survival for a population of 1.3 billion people, also affected by changing rainfall linked to climate change (with consequences also for the average temperatures recorded).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 23, 2008
n°: 757
Correct information on climate change
Providing data, images and correct information about the real environmental situation could not be more superficially "branded catastrophic attitude" but be a valuable strategy to psychologically prepare the population and try to prevent damage caused by climate change, accused by many to be responsible for great variations in biodiversity (plants and animals) of natural oasis and global warming seems that in the future can be quantified in about four degrees (in some areas) and thus with a double value than previously assumed if there are not significantly reduced emissions of CO2. Torrential rain and showers for example, could be more violent than expected and was noted a correlation between rising temperatures and rain intensity, moreover seems that the models calculated by climatologists usually esteem for defect the damage that then occur on the territory.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 14, 2008
n°: 751
The soul or the intelligent spirit of Anaxagoras
Among the philosophers who first have recognized in the living presence of the need to mention the Greek Anaxagoras (Klazomenai 500 B.C. - Lampsacus about 428) than for many years lived and taught in Athens but had to undergo a process of impiety since stated that the sun was a glowing mass and not a deity as claimed his adversaries; as well as with regard to the origin of all celestial motion, all should be caused by a rotation (Nous - intelligent spirit), which has produced a separation in the original mass, so that the great thinker said: "In the beginning was the chaos, then came the Nous who gave orders to all the things" and the world will never end because the spirit has ordered all smaller particles, the seeds (omeomerie) that are to the basis of all the elements for which "everything is all over." Anaxagoras passed the days to contemplate the nature and making exceptional discoveries for the age apparently disinteresting of the homeland, but to his detractors showed his true home as the sky.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 06, 2008
n°: 745
Corals suffocated by carbon dioxide
The marine environment equilibrium which allows the symbiosis between algae and corals would seem threatened by excessive concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the phenomenon of acidification of the oceans from the moment that the seas capture part of the CO2 pollution; moreover, the warmer water temperature appears to require the coelenterates building coral reefs (through polyps) to expel the algae that live together giving the characteristic colouring, then tend slowly bleaching and dying. Some scientists suggest that one third of the barrier reef of the globe is also in danger due to other factors such as pollution, overfishing and drag fishing or with the use of dynamite, the works of digging deep to retrieve building materials.. and must be take environmental protection measures for all the ecosystems of considerable importance, but it seems the "powerful of the earth" have not yet managed to reach a tangible agreement in this area.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 14, 2008
n°: 732
Meditation under large trees
The life on Earth is made possible by that wonderful "chemical laboratory" this predominantly in the leaves of plants through the chlorophyll photosynthesis turn the water and the carbon dioxide under the influence of the solar light in carbohydrates, fats, proteins.. releasing oxygen that makes possible the survival of man and all the living creatures on the globe (for this reason usually is defines this biological phenomenon as green slavery). Meditation under a big tree, for example, may be a small act of gratitude for the vegetal universe having understand as the carbon of living organic matter comes from the carbon dioxide (refusal product) and through the chlorophyll, plants synthesize and transform; moreover, you can imagine ideally as the flow of energy that nourishes us and oxygen to breathe comes into practice from the leaves, all with a balance of rare perfection, which may be a moment of spiritual elevation.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 07, 2008
n°: 726
Growing solar photovoltaic
Some argued that the photovoltaic systems that use sunlight for electricity were too expensive and polluting in phase of production in order to be really useful for protecting the environment, but the new scenarios with oil prices and electricity always more expensive could make advantageous these solutions, as well as in the coming years is assumed a further cut costs by about 30% despite the increase in the price of the silicon with which the panels are produced. The advancement of the technology that converts the solar energy has enabled continuous improvement since the far 1839 A. Becquerel invented the photovoltaic battery (cylinder glass shape) and now generally use two wide layers of semiconductor as electrodes separated by a thin film of a semiconductor to create a potential difference that in varying degrees from the intensity of the sun rays produces a small amount of electricity.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 17, 2008
n°: 711
Reduce considerably the CO2
Some Norwegian scientists say that is possible to reduce by 2050 even of the 85% the emissions of gases that cause the greenhouse effect through biomass plants and exploiting the chlorophyll photosynthesis of the algae, "by injecting underground" of CO2 and changing the lifestyle promoting products that contribute to safeguarding the environment (by taxing others), all in an organized on a large scale in order to remedy the changes that upset the ecosystem. Preserving forests is another important step in the overall balance of nature, but in this field seems that in the Amazon have been cut or burnt the plants in an area of 1132 square kilometers of rainforest in Brazil (measured by satellite to April), thus increasing the quota of deforestation from the moment that has increased the demand for agricultural land and for wood market; moreover, on another front in Borneo many trees were cut without criterion.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 07, 2008
n°: 703
Biodiversity threatened
Many animal species on the earth and in heaven are at risk of extinction and the situation in the seas would not seem to be much better because now more than 80% of fishing zones in the world suffer for cause of the intensive fishing, but the most impressive is that in just three decades would seem that 25% of all animals has been lost, with an aggressive impact on the biodiversity which is seriously threatened. The species most at risk even more of the polar bears appears to be the narwhals, a whale with a characteristic spiral tusk that in the past has inspired the imagination of the artists, due to global warming and changes in the natural habitat that this mammal toils to deal adequately, but there are also nice rodents such as marmots killed for the false belief that their fat can have healing effects against certain diseases or simple common urchins which play an important role in a balance between all living creatures, along with the eagle, the lynx, the fox..
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 29, 2008
n°: 696
Natural biomass energy
The first installations for the use of biomass are beginning to be installed and used with great economic and naturalistic benefits, for example is possible in small local rural places to use a sort of a large bathtub in which to store all the materials resulting from the cleaning of gardens, trees, hedges, vines united then to grass, dead wood.. to obtain a fuel useful for all purposes without exploiting energy resources and fossils at the same time safeguarding the ambience. There are also large installations that use this type of technology or others that will soon be achieved as it seems is happening in England thanks to a biomass central that will use dead wood, material resulting from the processing of sunflowers and other plants.. allowing to reduce emissions of CO2 of several million tonnes and in this way will it be possible by 2012 achieve a reduction of approximately 15% on the amount of carbon dioxide produced for energy purposes.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 22, 2008
n°: 690
Hot - cold climate
While some scientists argue that global temperatures are destined to grow, others suggest that there may be a period of moderate cooling caused by the slowing of the Gulf Current that mitigates the climate especially in Northern Europe and America thanks to a flow of hot water from the tropical zone of the Atlantic Ocean to the north and then continues in a ring returning cold water which helps to stabilize all the temperatures. The climate generally remained constant from a sort of natural thermostat on the planet, but with the greenhouse effect has been given an imbalance that has shocked the basic parameters that have characterized the history of the evolution for millions of years, so that now the industrial age is called Anthropocene (or anthropogenic - in the sense that the changes are caused by the man) which was passed by a CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of 20 ppm to 100 ppm (parts for million.. and also much grater) with significant impact on the survival conditions of many species of animals and plants, without considering the health of the oceans and of the seas.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 02, 2008
n°: 677
The balanced cycle of the nitrogen
The life on the land globe would not be possible without the cycle of the nitrogen present in the atmospheric air; in fact, whichever organism in phase of increase needs of the contribution of a balanced protein quantity, that they are the plastic material (in practical the bricks) of the organism and the same cells that compose it important factors nourished decay in lack of these that to difference of the carbohydrates and fat, constituted from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they contain also the nitrogen. From the moment that on the land crust is present nitrogen in quantity relatively limited are necessary to take advantage of that present in abundance in air (78.09% approximately), but after to be used for the "construction" of proteins it must be given back to the atmosphere in order to avoid that it is get exhausted; all this fundamental cycle to the life is rendered possible from micro organisms that they capture nitrogen from the air and in kind they are hidden around the roots of the leguminous plants, that they produce indispensable proteins to the man and all the animals (then with the faeces and urines all will be recycled from others microbes.. with a mirabile equilibrium).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 26, 2008
n°: 673
Global day dedicated to the earth
In 174 countries thanks to manifestations and shows will be attempted to awake the public opinion on the topics that regard the global warming and the safeguard of the planet, phenomena that are fastly modifying the natural equilibriums with unforeseeable effects in the past, like as an example the modifications to the migratory habits of the birds that tend to not to stop more in Europe and consequently the scent is attenuated with which the plants attract also the bugs; but the more serious damages are perceptible above all in already poor countries (than they do not have means in order to face the unfavorable situation and the diseases..). Unfortunately although the repeated appeals in the past do not seem that the situation on the plan of the polluting emissions is changed to a lot, that they inexorably increase but rare exceptions and positive initiatives like that one promoted from the Norway that has allocated hundreds million dollars in order to try to arrest the deforestation in Tanzania (from the moment that the greenhouse effect does not have frontiers).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 22, 2008
n°: 671
Global oceanic nature
When it is spoken about global health would have to consider with one natural panoramic also that one of the oceans; in fact, it is the sea that supports in part the planet (also for who lives in mountain or in the desert) an interlaces that sees connected all the nature, therefore the pollution and the overheating of the water, practical of the over-fishing that does not concur correctly the reproduction of the species and the degradation of the marine sounding-depth that sooner or later end to damage all the ecosystem. The creatures who live in the sea are threatened from the drainages of the industrial civilization (heavy metals, diossin, pcb, phtalates) that ruin their immune and endocrine system exposing them to diseases and virus (like as an example are happening to the dolphins hit from the morbilli in the Mediterranean) with the risk of total damages that exceed the borders of the nations, and by now it is being attempted to put into effect also of the programs for the prevention and the safeguard of the oceans and the ambience.. (not without difficulty).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 17, 2008
n°: 667
Bees intelligent bugs
The animals in kind have multiple means in order to communicate and in particular the bees they are in degree to use one complex series of marks is of tactile and acoustic type that chemical, thanks to the pheromones; moreover, they indicate to the companions the parameters relative to the direction, distance, type of alimentary sources available and relative amount, through the wag one's tail dance (one species of figured triangulation, using the sun, the stream bed and the flowers).. an example indeed characteristic of how much the bugs can be intelligent. Between the other climatic problematic them that they threaten the nature, must signal that the honey collection from the hives begins to become difficult for cause of the death of the bees perhaps for cause of pesticides of new formulation (neonicotinoidi) that they are prohibits in some countries, but some signal that it could it are also a role of the increase of the concentrations of CO2 and the ultraviolet beams (that they are provoking the increase of cataract in the eyes of the men).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 09, 2008
n°: 659
Problematic carbon dioxide
Those that initially were calls climatic variations tied to the global warming of the planet now risk to become of the climatic crises provoked from the massive one use of energy coming from not renewable fossil sources and are to the study solutions in order to embezzle the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, with already first tried of inject great amounts in stable cavity basements (but some perceive that they could it of the risks in earthquake case). In spite of the real climatic situation it has been skilfully "disguised" in order to protect strong economic interests, by now some evidences to humanitarian character (diseases, epidemics, migrations of populations..) make to reflect also on the attitudes of the public opinion regard to the provisions in order to limit the polluting emissions, considering also that in order to produce new technologies in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions it would have to avoid of to put in the atmosphere in phase of production burning the usual fossil combustibles.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Apr 08, 2008
n°: 658
Globe in the dark and human rights
In 371 between city, villages and town the 29 March has been turn off the lights for an hour from the 20 to the 21 (in local GMT hour) in order to awaken the populations in the comparisons of the phenomenon of the climatic changes that meantime has become some a right of the humanity (sanctioned from the UN Human Rights Council) from the moment that is a global problematic and hits already poor populations mainly; moreover, some islands could be particularly vulnerable as an example like the Maldive. By now is unequivocal the human role in the climatic changes and the production of gases to greenhouse effect with consequent desertification of wide zones of the planet, dangers of floodings, important economic damages and to the entire ecosystem that could be of irreversible type; therefore even if to extinguish the light bulbs only for an hour does not involve particular benefits.. at least would have to serve to make aware the public opinion in favour of a more careful attitude to uses of the energetic resources.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 29, 2008
n°: 650
Giant icebergs and heating
From the Antarctic peninsula an iceberg has been detached of enormous dimensions (seems of approximately 570 square kilometers - 41 x 2.5) from the Wilkins Ice Shelf and this phenomenon takes care some scientists surprises from the speed with which the climate is changing and by now it is estimated that to these rhythms without to take substantial provisions is risked the fusion to great part of the ice. The public opinion seems that it has become accustomed to announcements of alarming type legacies to the global warming (not always punctually reported) little inclined to change the own style of life, but in future could be taken place unthinkable problems in the daily life of all legacies to the practicability as an example with the roads and ways basements flooded, deformed railroads, bridges weakened in the carrying structures.. above all in the coastal zones, without to consider the damages to all the ecosystem; therefore a change of route could be one nearly obliged choice for the safeguard of the planet.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 27, 2008
n°: 648
Climate a few cold and spring
Observing the nature can be noticed as the blooming of many plants every year more and more is anticipated and the biological spring does not correspond to the rhythms to which many they are accustoms, comprised the times of eventual allergic disturbs linked to the pollens that in some days "saturate" the air, without to consider that after the initial warm often understood that some days a few cold recalls to the mind the anomalies of the global warming with the consideration that also the animals suffer for this situation and the bugs are hinder in the flight from the meteorological conditions. Some researches record punctually the small variations of the climate that add every year and by now they are obvious to knot eye, and even if it could seem that the water situation is apparently reassuring, seems less that the rivers have in truth a more rather reduced capacity, with the diluted risk of the increase of the polluting ones and of the summery fires provokes from the drought and the anticipated blooming (with the consequent formation of dry brushwood..).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 22, 2008
n°: 645
Climatic question dissolved
After many years the problematic ones on the climatic question that they regard the state of health of the planet in a generalized manner begin to being faced also from who has to them in some way underrated or not taken well in consideration, from the moment that the news on the climatic changes by now succeeds in punctual to support the theses of the environmentalists that from decades take care of reasoning to times a few uncomfortable. Even the Indians of the North America complain of the pollution that suffocate the Mother Earth and draws the attention to re-establish the ancient pact with the nature so as to avoid that the planet collapses thanks to works of purification and reforestation; moreover, moving in an other scene to safeguard it must signal that the glaciers in the world they have begun to melt to a speed than more double regarding the past and would seem that is passes from the thirty centimeters of regression of the years '80 and '90 to the meter and half of 2006 with consequent variation also of the availability of the water resources for the populations.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 17, 2008
n°: 642
Uncertain or unstable climate
The climatic changes in action on the planet could aggravate the situation of the so-called "climatic refugee" with migratory big waves from particularly hit zones as the Darfur and the Bangladesh provoked from a series of factors that go from the drought and consequent deficiency of water to the lessening of the food supplyes and the arable lands, a lot that the same authorities that monitored the geopolitical scenes signal us the risk of ulterior conflicts provoke from these problematic questions. In Europe even if the climatic situation in a generalized manner is clearly better marks it however a sure uncertainty with unstable temperatures that could damage the naturalistic equilibrium in mountain (as an example seem happen on the Mont Blanc); moreover they provoke serious uneasiness the storms in some great countries to the North and the wind in Belgium could to catch up also speeds of 140 Km hour (null in comparison to the uneasiness that some populations in the world will have to endure and seems are already preparing the plans for an eventual acceptance).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 11, 2008
n°: 637
Airplanes devourer of fuel
From some time someone denunciate how much can be polluting the airplanes, than if from a part concur to move fastly from a part to the other of the globe from the other are accused of being in part responsible of the climatic degrade and of the emissions of CO2 for cause of their persistent trails and of the excessive fuel consumptions; an example approximately 40 liters (kg - aviation) to the minute in flight, beyond 100 liters in order to only take off, tanks from 20000 liters.. and with the increase of the price of the oil return the solution of the biofuels made up of oils gained from vegetables (but than often they are cultivates to detriment of the forests). To London some discusses also against the plan about the widening of the airport Heathrow and the realization of a third landing track, without to consider the acoustic pollution caused from the airplanes that they provoke stress and relative pathologies to the inhabitants that live near the airports. - Lately it seems that the EU has intention to put in work a plan, already to the study for a long time (but that will release in 2012), of reduction of the polluting emissions for which the airlines will have to return to the levels of CO2 emitted in the periods from 2004 to 2006.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 06, 2008
n°: 627
Refusals in the consumer societies
One of the characteristics of the economies of industrial type and the societies of the so-called "well-being" is to produce to continuous cycle (day and night) for all the citizens goods of large consumption, but than after to have been used end in the refusals generating silently in a year, if not correctly get over, one small mountain of approximately a half ton of trash for every individual. It would seem that the consumption can be quantified to about in a kilogram and half of refusals to head and this data seems that tend to increase of one small percentage (1%) every year also in condition of contraction of the consumptions for economic reasons in a generalized manner; therefore, it turns out obvious that it would have to try to produce to the origin and in all the "row" little refusals from the moment that in any case a really ecological getting over is always problematic and the planet could suffer also from the smaller and apparently negligible pollution.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 05, 2008
n°: 585
From the animal slaughter to that global
Premised that the planet can surely recover, it must consider that the industrial age (in some way begun with the slaughter of our "smaller siblings" in horrible assembly lines), risks to bring serious damages to the ambience. at least from how much turns out from the first studies exposed in a cycle of conferences that are being kept to Bali in Indonesia, from which evince that the total heating is provoking phenomena of desert and tropical type and the of some countries with consequent exposure of the population to virus, bacteria and epidemic diseases. The indications to favor of the protection of the ambience and the polluting emissions supplied the governors will have to prepare in anticipation the provisions to adopt after the expiration of the protocol of Kyoto, but while it seems that at this step the China and then India will exceed soon the America for the "production" of CO2 with the result of having an irreversible effect greenhouse and city as Shanghai semisubmergeeed from the water. - Lately has been caught up not without difficulty an agreement for the reduction of the emissions of greenhouse gases that would have to be defined within the 2009.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Dec 16, 2007
n°: 565
Chilling tourism to the Pole
A small army of persons every year (approximately a million and half of tourists) decides to make a beautiful vacation between the ice of the Arctic, a zone from the more hit from the phenomenon connected to the climatic changes, a lot that the freeze surface seems has reduced of the 23% in only two years (an impressive data found also from the satellites and by now measured to the centimeter); perhaps therefore the stressed citizens with yearnings of amusement would be the case that take the open sea for other destinations so as to not to get worse ulteriorly the situation. To notice that also the cruises in Antarctica to the South Pole in the last years have grown excessively thanks to the uncontaminated landscapes and the beauty of the nature, but beyond to the lacking infrastructure that can receive the impact also from the climatic point of view of this "tide" of people, is also to report the risk of the disappear of much species of penguins..
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 29, 2007
n°: 561
Biological manure of quality
In the agricultural practice a role of primary importance for the yield of the land above all for that biological and biodynamics is represented from the dunging through the uses of the manure, that is a kind of concoction between solid and liquid dejections of the animals with the litter formed from strame (the hay, straw, leaves, peat..); composed in the case of the bovines, equine, ovine, swine in average of approximately 70% of water, plus or less of 20% of organic material, 2% of ashes and traces (0..%) of nitrogen, potashand phosphoric anhydride. There are of the connoisseurs that know to estimate the quality of the manure from the consistency, the color and the smell, that it depends on the action of some bacteria like the Micrococcus ureae and those of the putrefaction; in fact when the compound is old, assumes a dark color and therefore with reduced fertilizer power. The production of manure "Doc" of quality in Italy would seem become by now rather reduced and quite it is necessary to import from the Argentine the precious natural fertilizer.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Nov 08, 2007
n°: 547
The earth can surely recover
Seeing the damages to the ambienceprovoked from the climatic changes many begins to promote healthy attitudes of global type faces to the safeguard of the planet and of all the creatures; in fact from the simulations computerized obtained modernizing the data relative to the extreme phenomena really happened, turns out obvious that without an epochal change of the mentalities it is risked to provoke of the true disasters, but without to forget that the planet earth reserve surely the unexpected possibilities of recover from the wounds caused from the man. Perhaps it would be enough to assign expenses for armaments war and destroyed devices to participations of reclamation and defense of the territory, from the moment that to times will enough a child that plays with the matches in order to cause serious damages to the ambience perhaps (as is happened in a part in California); moreover the storms to repetition by now make to reflect all on the our future and on the our ability to reaction.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 31, 2007
n°: 540
Climatic prizes and intoxicated cats
To how much seem are real and concrete the issues tied to the climatic changes is demonstrate to the fact that important prizes come assign to who are engaged for giving information on the situation of the planet, but if it is spoken about ecological spirit then also the winners would have to give the example in first person, from the moment that also the individual consumptions can contribute to the increase of the polluting emissions, enough to add a small waste for all the inhabitants of the globe. As an example some cities by now are so polluted that even the cats die prematurely, as it has been demonstrated from studies carries out to Parma and Verona in Italy that have found several problematic respiratory in the stray felines with worrisome concentrations of heavy metals (lead, cadmium present in the air, varnishes, building sites..) and also wonderful mountains as the Dolomites is crumbled even if this time perhaps is not guilt of the climatic phenomena of extreme type.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 13, 2007
n°: 525
Water and vegetables life sources
Thanks to the water the plants can absorb the nourishing substances from the land and in practical with complex chemical-physical transformations they render possible the survival of the man, transforming with the chlorophyllian photosynthesis through the action of the solar light the nourishing in carbohydrates (like sugars, starches, cellulose), and also then fats, amino acids and proteins. The chlorophyll capture the light (photos) and transforms the water breaking its molecule freeing oxygen that exits from the pores of the leaves in the diurnal hours, rendering possible the respiration of the man and the animals. To notice that the carbon dioxide freed as produced of refusal of the breathing is used from the vegetables for the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and proteins; therefore all depends from the job carried out from the plants that supply us oxygen in order to breathe and indispensable energy for the nutrition in its several shapes.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 22, 2007
n°: 509
Greenland a few defrost
The religious authorities has promoted an initiative of prayer and awakening of environmentalist type for the regression of approximately 26 Km of the glaciers in Greenland, earth that for the phenomenon of the drift of the continents in relatively recent geologic times (after the Cretaceous) has been detached from the North America. Some support that the climatic variations have been followed in the time with normal changes for the life, but now the changes would seem enough fast with effects of progressive type. To signal that in Italy in contra tendency compared with the other states has made to report an increase of the temperature of approximately one degree regarding the average of 0.7 in global term; moreover the level of great river basins remains low rather and also the capacity of some rivers is a few low, considering also that the water coming down from the mountains passing between the rocks bring precious elements for the life.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Sep 10, 2007
n°: 499
Delicate sea and fishing
An important role in the global equilibrium of the planet could be represented from the sea that is an ecosystem much more delicate that the man could previewed and the fishing resources by now are exploit to the maximum and some species does not succeed to reproduce correctly, as an example according with somebody the tunas of the oceans are in danger while the demand on the market of the meats continuous to grow (and also the abattoir is a macabre show); moreover the characteristic white dolphin is one of the species that seems (for other reasons) is extinct. The submarine flora is to times threatened from the pollution provoked from the man and from some practical of intensive fishing, but the organisms vegetables that populate guaranteeing the survival of all the marine creatures, regulated the global ecosystem, comprised that earthling.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Aug 10, 2007
n°: 478
Travel to the search of the dolphins
From some time seems that there is a decrease in the Mediterranean sea of the presence of the nice dolphins, mammals famous for their intelligence and the ability to make a report with the man, and seems that also the fate of other cetaceans as the whales are not better and even the sharks by now are subject to the intensive fishing (the meats to times are sold like if were of other fish and on the other hand the dogfish very known in gastronomy is also always one species of shark). When it is spoken about some marine creatures and of the travels that are undertaken to the search of their traces come in mind some books and films problematic on the fishing in difficult conditions and navigations.. of the Pequod to hunting of the white whale "bad" Moby Dick and the Achab captain, but they are masterpieces of the literature and distorted representation of the truth, from the moment that is the nature often to being in danger more than the man.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 05, 2007
n°: 453
Supernourished animals and hides
For some domestic animals seem is catch up in a year an adapted roof of expense to perhaps feed various indigent persons, because of luxurious cans and alimentary prepare valuable; but at the same time happen in some zones of the Italy country a phenomenon of stray type, without to consider the bad conditions of some kennels and shelters for animals to times in state of abandonment. Happen also by now to find in house several animals shelters for cause of the climatic changes or for the indiscriminate use of chemical products in the natural habitats, with the consequence that some nice reptiles (and even snakes) could choose a human room like comfortable dwelling.. always if concurred from the ants that in the meantime have supplied to colonize the domestic rooms where they perhaps find favorable conditions of humidity and temperatures.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 07, 2007
n°: 430
Don't to fire on the catastrophic man
Is returned to discuss about water resources and glaciers because of a relationship on the climatic thematic of world-wide character although in Italy recently are not lacked the precipitations also to snowy character and would seem that the level of the rivers generally is re-ascended, but the glaciers on the Dolomites seems continues to withdraw and in particular of a advanced percentage to 20% to leave from years ' 80 (..and now will proceed to a precise laser measurement in depth of the water-bearing stratums in order to study the phenomenon). As far as the water and the management of the aqueducts in some zones of the Italy country the citizens have denounced a consisting increase of the water bills (to times become indeed indefensible), but the experts that manage the resources continue to speak about change of mentality regard to the use and to the saving of the water, one risen of return to the past also in order to avoid to pay expensive counts.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 05, 2007
n°: 428
Legumes good protein source
The leguminous have one particular characteristic in the roots thanks to small tubercles constituted from agglomerate of microbes that are in a position to fixing nitrogen and for this reason the legumes are the more important protein source of the vegetable world (superior to that one of the meat); moreover don't impoverish the land and practicing in agriculture the technique of the green manure burying the green plant they could also enrich it. The legumes have a remarkable nourishing and energetic power, but in order to compensate the low concentration of some amino-acids is necessary the coupling with small amounts of proteins obtained from milk and cheeses (with the single cereals would remain of the deficiencies). The difficult digestion is a false conviction and eventually will enough to mash the legumes eliminating the fibrous film (..and go with the gas), in compensation the black beans could perhaps to lower the cholesterol.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 17, 2007
n°: 414
A planet to save
The recent measurements on the state of the glaciers and the emissions the greenhouse gas from part of the human activities has found that the situation is more serious of the previewed one and will have to drastically reduce in approximately a pair of decades the amount of CO2 putted in in the atmosphere in order to save the planet, from the moment that the ulterior elevation of the temperatures of little degrees could provoke the complete dissolution of the icecaps with dramatic consequences. The advanced hypothesis from that the outbreak of the Perbuatan volcano to Krakatoa could in the same way have modified the ecosystem in the last past of the situation puts into effect them has been reorganized in way figured to the explosion of a petard, instead would turn out necessary to resort to more soon to renewable energies; but as an example as far as the use of the biocombustible of vegetable origin seems that not all the opinions are positive (.. the solution perhaps is in an other planet).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: May 05, 2007
n°: 404
Renewable resources and biomasses to value
In order to restrain the phenomenon of the heating and the climatic change of the planet, the European Union will have to reduce of the 20% within the 2020 emissions of gases responsible of the greenhouse effect thanks also to the best uses of the renewable resources, like the sun, the wind, the biomasses, the biofuel, to increase the energetic efficiency.. A biocompatible fuel source as an example could derive from the dry material fruit of the pruning of the vines and of other plants, moreover a not negligible contribution could derive also from the treatment on wide scale of the leafs and the other material turning out from the cleaning of the parks, of garden and underbrush. Free way also to the nuclear respecting the security also from the point of view of the slags (..but must remember that to Chernobyl and in some countries still they are made to feel the effects of the toxic cloud of the 1986).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Mar 10, 2007
n°: 362
Piloted catastrophic climate
To how much seem great multinationals would have piloted movements in order to discredit the declarations and "catastrophic" studies on the climatic variations and the consequences on the planet and the populations potentially victims of the upsetting provoke from the greenhouse effect. Some scientist are also pushes to support that the situation puts into effect with a fast variation of the temperatures in little decades could be one innovation for the homo erectus; in fact in million of years have been alternated glacial era to warm era (interglacial) thanks to a variation of the temperature quantifiable in average in little degrees, but now the vicious circle of the overheating could carry to unforeseeable events (desert and extreme phenomena or anticipated glaciation..) that they escape also to the calculation of the complex mathematic systems (in compensation there is who tries to draw profit also from this degraded situation). - Lately the scientists have confirmed with publication of the data on important newspaper that the responsible of the climatic variations is just the man without a shadow of doubt (giving reason to the not paid "catastrophic men").
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jan 30, 2007
n°: 323
Still harmful DDT
Even if forbidden from decades the DDT still comes used in some countries of the world in order to face the danger to lose the harvests for guilt of the bugs, but sometimes who decides to use this type of disinfestant is not acquaintance of the fact that the product contaminates all the alimentary chain (comprised the domestic animals) and some chemical element are noticeable in the blood of the populations that have been nourished of the vegetables sprayed also to longest distance of time, with important damages to the health. The technique of the micorizze for treating the roots of the plants could partially resolve the problem of the insecticide and pesticides use, from the moment that the plants grow sturdier in a position to facing the attack of the bugs thanks to longer and strong roots.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 20, 2006
n°: 215
Materials buildings in order to clean up the air
To Bergamo city in Italy has been realized in center a paving with of the bricks street in a position to reducing the pollution and to absorb until 40% the nitrogen monoxide, solution that joined to a caution management of the city traffic would have to contribute to improve the quality of the air of the city. In reality, already some time ago had been put to point near the University La Sapienza of Rome one machine able to making to throw down injurious particles PM 10 and to contribute to washing the polluting particles numerous to use on the freeways; but the plan of cleaning of the air has then not been adopted perhaps in sight to use asphalt and materials for building of the Italcementi "photo-catalyzer that eat the smog" thanks to a patent of invention based on the action of titanium dioxide.
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jul 02, 2006
n°: 203
Atmosphere and climatic variations
In occasion of the world-wide day of the atmosphere dedicated to the state of the deserts, turns out that they suffer as nearly all the ambience and the climatic variations have repercussions also on the tourist season (can also happen, as we see, the anomalous situation that snows and makes cold in June). Moreover seem that the problem of the pollution in the cities is of difficult solution, from the moment that also stopping the traffic and eliminating the pollution sources, could pours the smog present in the zones near to the city centers (is like removing the sand with one shovel in one beach, the sand present all around will pour in the sinking).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Jun 05, 2006
n°: 186
Dangerous greenhouse effect
Confirmed about the 20% thaw of the polar ice clot for the greenhouse effect, this phenomenon is unfortunately incremental. (It's an important global problem and everybody must be to limit the pollutions emissions).
e-mail: info@salutary.eu
Telephone: +39 338 1809310
Date: Oct 01, 2005
n°: 18
Ambience and climate change
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