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An instructive lesson from the Fukushima disaster

The number of mistakes made in the emergency management after the tsunami that swept away nearly an year ago the Japan and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant could provide according to the researchers an instructive lesson to improve the safety of other nuclear plants, especially in coastal areas that could suffer the same kind of damages in case of earthquakes and tsunamis, so for example being able to quickly restore the electricity, or even find fuel for transportation is very difficult without planning ahead. The supply of electricity and fuel assumes an accident that they are sheltered a whole series of structures (electricity pylons, bridges, roads..), then requires an organization able to perform the repairs; but in the case of Fukushima the structure was built almost at sea level, the emergency generators were not raised and the "plans" was careful to save money.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   09/03/2012                            article n°:   1839 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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