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Biodiversity and intensive farming

An extensive report on the health of the animal species on the European territory and their habitat would have revealed that intensive farming is seriously damaging the characteristic biodiversity of some areas of rich grassland and vegetation, both of those wetlands and along the coasts, in addition, many fields have been abandoned or suffer from a lack of maintenance or for damage linked to climate change and only a small part of the habitats that was monitored kept untouched. While some species appear to enjoy good health (eg wolf, beaver, lynx) others suffer from the scarce quantity in food availability caused by agricultural intensification, which subtracts increasingly large space needed for the survival of creatures that allow a healthy natural biodiversity as the hamster of the Alsace region, rodent fitted with large pillows pockets where gather the food.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   15/07/2009                            article n°:   1024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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