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Small farms best suited to feed the planet

Global climate change that cause imbalances in water supply with large areas affected by marked drought with lack of precipitation for months have resulted in a rethinking of what researchers have been the agricultural developing of the world with large-scale farms, and now to feed the planet they tends to focus on smaller model farms. This account was obtained by studying both the cases of malnutrition is less visible of "silent hunger" by lack of vitamins and minerals that cause slower physical and mental development and generally greater susceptibility to disease (a condition increasingly common and difficult to monitor). The changes to the agricultural system should aim at sustainable development for a truly suffering ambience as demonstrated by the cases of areas burned by fires in Russia or flooded by monsoons and torrential rains in Pakistan.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   23/09/2010                            article n°:   1377 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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