- The work
"Well-being Body
- Mind - Soul" is a multimedia program on
the fitness and the individual global well-being, with the aim to recover a simple serenity and tranquillity
through the training of three components body, mind, spirit, and to the demonstration of the connection
among all sciences and doctrines (this site serves to promote the work and his philosophy and to supply valids salutary councils thanks also to the newspaper online,
available in telephone version or for other Internet devices). |
- In practical the plan is based on
the classical philosophy and Neoplatonic in particular, in order to try to improve the quality of the life and the ambient; in fact Plato said
that: "gymnastics for the body and music for the soul highly educate the individual, and
refraining the beastly impulses they lead to one healthy and just civilization". For this reason in the work is included a disc
and a paragraph dedicate to the music, and finally a book as hypertext on the footwear, from the moment
that the well-being "begins from the feet", moreover this short text concurs to realize a full
multimedia (program - disc - book), and is included in the plan that previews the union of all the sciences, one of the
objects of the work. |
- The program is addressed to a large number
of customers; in fact is right for all the people, without barriers of raze, religion or social extraction, that use a simple and
comprehensible language, but scientifically correct, previewing various levels of deepening; and that it can
be consulted anyone desires to have a suggestion on existentialist subjects, also with references to the
care of the nutrition, the physical exercise, autogenous training of the mind and meditation for the spirit
(with simple tables). |
- The work in complex sight also to
increase the cultural horizons and the quality of the life of who is disposed to dedicate at the global training one small part of the
own free time, for this purpose are present some archives and of the utility programs (an agenda, calculation of the biorhythms, perpetual calendar etc.). The
work moreover, is one small mine of councils, suggestions and useful information, that it would have to make part of the
personal multimedia library of whichever person to which interests to widen the own knowledge on the wellness
and the global equilibrium! [..Download free the work Demo with a simple registration between the visitors of the Salutary site]. |
- For have any clarification on the multimedia program "Wellness Body - Mind - Soul", or to order the DVD of the work, otherwise to reserve an healthy week of training with the author (john peter campanelli - Personal Trainer), will be enough to put in the name and the e-mail address in the apposite input text low, for to establish a contact without obligation (or applying directly to the trainer hopefully with a question, by way of an e-mail to the address: training@salutary.eu - phone number +39 338 1809310 - are welcome also the SMS message); because the salutary well-being is a very precious good! |
(The data storage and treatment will be in conformity with the laws dispositions)
. Date of revision 01/01/2025 | . Desenzano of the Garda Lake (BS) ITALY | . All rights are reserved |