- Is present in the work "Wellness Body
- Mind - Soul" also a book as hypertext or program about the footwear, from the moment that the well-being "start to the feet"; therefore it will be possible
to find useful notions on the history, the structure, the production, the measures and maintenance of the shoes. The
entire organism is in erected position, and walking or running is influenced from the posture that derives from
the position and the support of the foot in the footwear, than is reflected on the vertebral column and on the physical
and the mental performances of the people. Also the Socrates philosopher in the antiquity supported that all the body suffers, for the hurting feet. |
- The footwear plays a role of great importance
for the total wellness, from the moment that they influence on the health of the foot, on the posture and the erected station.
Therefore as in order to construct a house it is begun from the foundations, in order to arrive to carry out the structures and
the roof; therefore for the well-being it must be start from the feet, in order to reach the mind
and finally the spirit. For the modern and sport medicine, is important the acquaintance of the foot
and the reflex movements that can condition the physiology of the entire organism, and with the reflex-therapy many diseases
can also be cured. In the sport, the free time and the life of every day the footwear carried out a
silence and precious work that would have to avoid to underrate, above all for who loves the
well-being. |
- In order
to prevent the diseases and the malformations of the feet is useful to know as the footwear come
constructed, from the shape, to the design, the materials until the maintenance and to the
cure of the shoes, for this purpose are deal in the book all these arguments and are supplied useful
information to the purchase of the model more adapted to the personal requirements and the type of carried out
activity. Is also present a review of the more important designers of footwear of all the time, with particular
attention to the Italian style (sure the best one, from the artistic and cultural point of view, of the world)! |
Tables and measures
- In the
book are comprised of the tables in order to confront the measures of the various
countries, so as to be possible easy to characterize the footwear number that is adapted in the best one ways
to our feet; in fact the shoe must wear perfectly for being able to guarantee a general well-being to the
entire organism; therefore it's important to know the main criteria of measurement. |
- In order to conclude
the book on the shoes are present also references between clothes and footwear and also many curiosities and anecdotes in the several age; as an example because they carry fortune and are always considered a fundamental reason of
distinction and prestige (and thanks to a linked index of arguments will be possible obtaining all information quickly). |
- For have any clarification about the multimedia program "Wellness Body - Mind - Soul", or to order the CD-ROM of the work, otherwise to reserve a healthy week of training with the author (john peter campanelli - Personal Trainer), will be enough to put in the name and the e-mail address in the apposite input text low, for to establish a contact without obligation (or applying directly to the trainer hopefully with a question, by way of an e-mail to the address: training@salutary.eu - phone number +39 338 1809310 - are welcome also the SMS message); because the salutary well-being is a very precious good! |
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Individual - Ambience - Universe
. Date of revision 01/01/2025 | . Desenzano of the Garda Lake (BS) ITALY | . All rights are reserved © |