The work is provided with a
controls panel for easily go to the main chapters Body - Mind -
Soul, to the
archives and all the other paragraphs among which the introduction
that lead through degree to the knowledge
of the basic concepts of the program
(the subjects treat are support with the aid of short maxims of geniuses
and benefactors of the humanity), the work is also multi users;
therefore the data put in will saved on an
archive of easy consultation.
- In the chapter
dedicate to the body and training, there are two paragraphs: in the first one we'll find
tion on the foods, vitamins, minerals, cholesterol.. and if we complete the table inside
the form, we'll get an
example of nutrition fit to the needs of the user and the data on correct
weight, body max index and basal
metabolism. In the second paragraph are discuss the main subjects on the fitness
and wellness in general
(global well-being) and if we complete the table inside the form, we'll get a
card of training adaptable to
personal needs.
In this chapter it is also possible to have information on the aliments and the
technique of training for oppo-
se the effect of aging and to keep ourselves forever young and in very good form.
- In the chapter
dedicated to the mind, we will find a paragraph in which will comes deal the main
to know the aliments, the stress, and completing the table comprised to the inside we'll
be obtained some
practical councils on like alleviating the damages that had to stress, through the technique of training auto-
genous. Opening the help of the
section or pressing on the keys function, it is possible to have detailed infor-
mation on the mind and its abilities. In the second paragraph we will find
the main techniques of memori-
zation and training of the brain, with practical examples; and a special
exercise is purposely present also in
order to verify the effectiveness of the councils supplied on the memory.
- In the final
chapter of the program we will find two paragraphs that they guide to the discovery and
ment of the spirit; moreover are deals those arguments of existential character that
every individual places
to itself at least one time during the own existence, and completing the table of the first
paragraph, through
the suggestion we will obtained a series of councils on like exceeding
every difficulty and to succeed to
improve themselves to grow, mitigating the anxiety and the distrusts in own means (also
thanks to a simple
exercise of mental dynamics that allow to induce a good state of relaxation in order to
maintain themselves
young and to facilitate the cure of the malaise's). In according to the
paragraph are deepened the thematic
regarding the development of the spirit, from the moment that meditation and prayer are
practical that favor
the tranquillity and the well-being; moreover a table is present that synthesizes the
fundamentals data
put in the chapters body-mind-soul, visualizing the total equilibrium of the subject.
They will come also supplied
of the suggestions useful to make to comprise the connection between the
spirit characterizes and the universal.
(The work privileges the christianity, but all the religions recognized supports the well-being).
For have any clarification on the
multimedia program "Wellness
- Mind - Soul", or to order
the CD-ROM of the work, otherwise to reserve a healthy week of training with the
author (john peter
campanelli - Personal Trainer), will be enough to send an e-mail, without obligation
to the address:
training@salutary.eu otherwise to phone, at the number +39 338 1809310 [also sending
a simple SMS message];
because the salutary well-being is a very precious good!
- Ambience -
Date of
revision 01/01/2024
. Desenzano on the Garda Lake
. All rights are reserved ©