- The work is
equipped of a personalized help, with which it is possible to have information on the
functions and
the controls of the program and of archives and search whichever argument (between
the over two thousand
well-being thematics treated) also recalling the specific paragraph in which it is dealt.
In order to consult the
contents of the program it will simply be enough to leaf through the pages like if they
made part of a virtual
book, acting with the mouse on the special controls.
(For to formulate a request, to visualize the page of the frequent questions -
- For every controls and functions of the
program is supplied a description with various level of deepening;
moreover it is possible to inquire itself on the purposes of the plan and the scopes of
the work, also with
references to the section of the disc and the book, that they are integrated part in the
concept of the total
well-being. It is also possible to obtain some information on as completing the tables
comprised in the
several paragraphs of the program and optimizing the results of the global training.
Moving with the mouse on the voices of
the help, an image will appear that serves in order to help to com-
prise the operation of a function or an utility file, and clicking over, it will be
possible to approach easily the
picture of the presentation in order to obtain explanation detailed on the wished
paragraph; is also present
an image that visualizes the main arguments, for having simply a practical council
on the themes of the
well-being. The work; finally, is equipped of a program of installation with various
possibilities of setting
to second of the system that is possessed, also for the less recent computers and one than
to uninstall the application.
For have any clarification on the
multimedia program "Wellness Body - Mind - Soul", or to order
the CD-ROM of the work, otherwise to reserve a healthy week of training with the
author (john peter
campanelli - Personal Trainer), will be enough to send an e-mail, without obligation
to the address:
training@salutary.eu otherwise to phone, at the number +39
338 1809310 [also sending
a simple SMS message]; because the salutary well-being is a very precious good!
Individual -
Ambience - Universe
Date of
revision 01/01/2024
. Desenzano on the
Garda Lake (BS) ITALY
. All rights are reserved ©