A common medicine perhaps attenuates long Covid

The long Covid incidence would be reduced by more than forty percent by taking metformin, a common inexpensive medicine available in many countries around the world and used in cases of type two diabetes, in patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus; at least according to a study that offers hope to those who complain of the long-lasting unhealthy effects of Covid-19, but still in its early stages that does not provide precise data on the mechanism of action of the medicine. It has been noted by comparing with other medicines tested in cases of long Covid a greater effectiveness in reducing those illnesses that reduce the quality of life of these patients. To be noted changing the subject but remaining on healthy issues the epidemic of Dengue in Peru, the worst in the country history (it is estimated over two hundred victims for complications), it seems that climate change favors the multiplication of mosquitoes.

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