Preventive antibiotics sometimes unhealthy

A study carried out in a hospital in Norway from 2017 to 2021 on over two thousand hundred patients to verify the percentage of survival in patients with respiratory infections within thirty days through the administration of antibiotics would have shown that there are no substantial advantages and indeed this practice could develop so-called super-resistant pathogens, also considering that in some countries antibiotics were prescribed to about seventy percent of Covid-19 patients. These are data not yet published at the medical level, but given that the abuse of antibiotics is becoming a global threat since many microbes are now resistant to every available therapy it is evident that they could be useful to understand how even an exaggerated prevention and with drugs that should be administered only in carefully evaluated cases can be unhealthy.

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Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Data:    27/03/2023              n°:   5296