Cyclone in India weakened but not pandemic

The state of high alert in India remains even after the strong cyclone "Yaas" has weakened, thousands of people evacuated (two victims previously reported) as well as various damage and suspension of Covid-19 vaccinations in some areas, then apparently for the first time the state of Jharkhand is facing such a severe cyclone storm. Authorities are urging to maintain high vigilance and stay at home to avoid the effects of the vortex characterized by heavy rainfall, lightning and wind gusts. As far as the nCov health situation in the country there is talk of a total of over three hundred and fifteen thousand victims with almost three thousand eight hundred and fifty in a single day; two hundred and eleven thousand infections monitored with a total of almost twenty-seven million three hundred and seventy thousand.

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Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Data:    27/05/2021              n°:   4721