Correlation between obesity and 19-nCoV risks
Overweight and obese adults would be at a much higher risk of Covid-19 mortality than normoweight people, at least according to the results of an international study that would have found that in countries where the population does not pay much attention to fitness status (with body mass index BMI above healthy limits) the percentage of fatalities due to the virus is ten times higher; then the risk of hospitalization, intensive care and ventilation also increases. From the report on one hundred and sixty countries the risk of mortality falls where people are generally leaner, as is the case for example in Vietnam, Japan, Thailand and South Korea; governments should therefore take more steps to prevent the population from gaining unnecessary weight. It should be noted by changing the topic that Italy has exceeded one hundred thousand victims with over three million infections and is facing a third wave of pandemic.
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Data: 09/03/2021
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