Risk of 19-nCoV complications in obese patients
Researchers had already identified how having diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and respiratory conditions increased the risk of having complications when infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus, and new studies would seem to highlight how being obese is an indicator to be assessed even more carefully especially in patients under sixty years due to severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia that require the use of lung ventilators. This is worrying for example especially in Australia where two/thirds of adults or sixty-seven per cent of the population has a BMI that classifies them as overweight or obese, then apparently the immune system is less reactive in case of obesity due to a state of chronic inflammation, taking into account that it is also more difficult to intube and t do X-ray scans or computerized tomographs in obese patients.
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Data: 09/05/2020
n°: 4397