To read the articles

Salutariness selection           

   Plato and Solon

In the dialogue "Crizia or of the Atlantis" Plato (428 - 347 BC) recounts what his grandfather had heard tell from Solon about the Atlantis island that was located beyond the Pillars of Hercules in the antiquity and was swallowed by a cataclysm, a story of a perfect and an exuberant nature characterized by a very fertile land cultivated without effort from farmers who were also lovers of beauty and in general all the inhabitants of the island (larger than Libya and Asia put together) lived in harmony, handing down from generation to generation an admirable order. Solon, who lived approximately between 640 and 560 BC although it is sometimes referred now in ironically mode was a legislator and poet of great wisdom, author of initiatives for social justice for the poor, the slaves, the exploiting people.. and then author of verses, poems, elegies that in the schools of Athens students learned to memory and example model for the orators.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 10, 2009                     n°:   1040

   Hipparchus of Nicaea and the astronomy

One of the first astronomical scholars was Hipparchus of Nicaea in Bithynia, who lived in Rhodes or perhaps between 160 and 120 BC and is considered the founder of astronomy and mathematics the author of a "Catalog of the stars", full of observations on the positions of the stars recorded by other scientists, and especially known for having discovered the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes, for having laid the foundation for the study of trigonometry, and for having built the dioptra and other astronomical instruments. Probably also the astrology with annotations and links between the positions of stars and date of birth of individuals must own to Hipparchus, but we must consider that the observations were pretty rough at the time (for example, the value of the solar parallax that the scientist calculated and used for centuries although was very wrong), and, now modern science has shown that the influence of the stars on actual events tied to the story is not certified.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 05, 2009                     n°:   1036

   Youth obesity by imitation

The kids tend to imitate the eating habits of parents and friends attending, and they happen to the children of obese parents are also obese (including even the family pets), or the friends of the same company are all young overweight, as the children not knowing the basics for a healthy diet can be easily influenced by advertising campaigns very sugary drinks and high calorie foods, then go to a race to imitate the unhealthy habits of the companions typical of the industrial "forced consumption" society. For the desire to attend a party, may take food in excess, even salted that stimulate thirst.. without considering that many kids now drink alcohol (very harmful to young people) and not even practice the necessary physical activity to consume the excess of calories.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 01, 2009                     n°:   1033

   The Platonic archetype

According Aristocle (428 - 347 BC), the archetype, which derives from the greek archè=origin and tupos=model, is a term that identifies the ideas, models of all things, universal forms existing in all individuals (paradeìgmata), a priori knowledge that may not come from the world and relation living, but are inborn as were learned in a dimension beyond the physical reality. These theories have been developed in part by the modern psychology always starting from the Platonic ideas and archetypes, such as the knowledge of higher authorities and the phenomena of nature (sun, wind, water..), then the vicissitudes of life (born, grow, die..) or even geometric shapes such as equilateral triangle, rules and mathematical theorems. To note that in researches done on young children has been verified in many cases the presence of this kind of innate and pre-existing memories [automatic translation global English].

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 23, 2009                  n°:   1028      

   Pythagoras and the desire to know

The historical information concerning the philosopher Pythagoras are sometimes unclear or data full of mystery, but almost surely it must be right to the "mystic" born in Samos in about 570 BC the merit of having invented the term philosophy, which means love of wisdom or desire to know, as well as perhaps the first attempt to find a precise relationship between mathematics, music, geometry, and harmony of opposites between starting study would be the length of the strings music and relationships octave. Many of the health associations and hygiene practices both in the field of food, apparel, and about the habits of life of almost monastic type were tested own by Pythagoras to whom we owe the development of mathematical theorems, the study of polygons.. to remember then the tetraktys, the equilateral triangle formed by 10 points 1+2+3+4, the use of the square and the number at the base and explanation of almost all things.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 19, 2009                  n°:   1026      

   Preventive low glycemic index

The glycemic index of a food tends to be higher depending on how quickly growing the level of sugar in the blood after the taking, for example, of an amount of carbohydrate "refined" as white bread, breadsticks, corn flakes, pasta.. but also starches (polysaccharides) present in tubers like potato and cassava, with the risk that increasing the concentration of insulin and sex hormones in the body there may be a greater occurrence of cancer (eg breast, as he pointed to a research carried out on a large number of women who had completed a questionnaire in the past). To avoid this type of risk is possible take whole carbohydrates and foods rich in fibers that normally have a low glycemic index, as well as doing an appropriate physical activity of aerobic type that can modulate the release of insulin and others hormones with good preventive effect.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 13, 2009                     n°:   1022

   Batteries to hydrogen fuel to fly

Improving the efficiency of fuel cells has been possible to fly a plane in Germany with autonomy of about five hours does not directly produce carbon dioxide emissions in the various phases of flight, but only water converting hydrogen directly into electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air, demonstrating in this way how this kind of technology can be used to protect the environment if use renewable energy to produce hydrogen. Generally, fuel cells using metal hydrides to absorb hydrogen which is then released by increasing the temperature of the cells or by reducing the pressure, there are also central to hydrogen using turbines to produce electricity.. and several years, scientists are trying to improve the characteristics of these devices, technology that in future could be widely used.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 08, 2009                     n°:   1018

   Gymnastics for hinder the osteoporosis

Osteoporosis causes a weakening of the bones due to a subtle process of decalcification, which passes almost unnoticed and with the passage of time slowly erodes the bone scaffolding complex consisting of a dense tangle of microscopic "arcs" and for example due to a banal fall can cause debilitating fractures that forced the immobility ended up aggravating the situation. In addition to a balanced diet and calculated accurately in calcium and phosphorus (milk and dairy products, legumes, nuts, radishes, broccoli, chicory..) is useful to practice appropriate physical activity and avoiding smoking, alcohol in excess, unbridled life, then to preserve the property of calcium in the bones is to expose the skin to moderate sunlight so that can synthesize the D vitamin and strengthen the muscles and the whole body with special combined gymnastic exercises also at a young age.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 30, 2009                     n°:   1011

   Ancient music therapy

One of the first theoretical musical philosopher that did researches with strict Aristotelian method on therapeutic potential of music (for example on sick from epilepsy) in the fourth century BC was Aristosseno of Taranto in Italy, son of a student of Socrates, and famous for a series of writings of a musical (about Pythagorean model) as the "Elements of harmony", the "Rhythmic elements" and "On listening music".. in which the author claims the need for sensitive perception of music, which requires special attention with vigilant memory to compare the present sounds with those of the past and of the future, in order to hear what happens and remember what happened. For the Pythagoreans, the music was object of investigation and a tool for education, because the sounds and the relevant harmony can be translated into numbers from which we get a law of the number (depending on the length of the vibrating string), in which the number is the "substance" of the harmony music.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 24, 2009                     n°:   1006

   Platonic love laughable but true

One of the key concepts of the Aristocles philosophy (428 - 347 BC) is the platonic love that would be that sort of anxiety or restlessness, and indomitable eros pushing to possession of the Truth and the contemplation of his idea, through the dialectic that helps to achieve the happiness, and these arguments are supported in different dialogues of the Athenian philosopher, particularly in the "Banquet" (Symposium) in which Socrates, with an admirable mastery of the material senses, in dialectic with Agaton explain that love being the son of Poros (expedient) and Penia (poverty) is neither good nor beautiful as it is desire for what you not have, and only love for the Idea of Good, the Beautiful in itself leads to the true Love free and disinterested in its highest stage.. Often these concepts are used to make a mockery of Plato and Neoplatonism or lived as if out of the reality in other dimensions, forgetting that many philosophies support the same idea [automatic translation global English].

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 17, 2009                     n°:   1000

   Two centigrade degrees of global warming

Almost certainly, according to calculations by scientists hypothesized on Climate Change, will be exceeded two degrees of global warming on the planet, at least compared to the temperatures detected before the industrial age, and to prevent that this happen, developed countries should limit the emissions up to 80 percent by 2020 (compared to the levels measured in 1990), and the developing countries to about 40 percent lower by 2050. Achieving these goals is important to avoid the extreme weather phenomena exacerbate already growing steadily, as well as limiting emissions so that the concentration of carbon dioxide does not exceed 450 ppm (parts per million.. increased from approximately 280 to 385 ppm in just over two centuries) mean to avoid substantial changes to the climate of the planet including the excessive rise in sea levels and resulting economic fallout.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 13, 2009                     n°:   996

   Restored da Vinci Atlantic Code

For cause of some traces of blackish spots of mold that had formed on the supports added to the original sheets that make up the famous Atlantic Code of Leonardo from Vinci (1452 - 1519) was restored the volumes that collect the drawings so to preserve the sheets from the wear and tear of the time. The collection was formed in ancient times from 393 papers with about 1600 sheets with red leather binder in standard atlas format from which the definition of Atlantic Code and bearing the title: "Design of machines and the arts and other secret things of Leonardo da Vinci, collected by Pompeo Leoni" is formed by different volumes partially sold abroad and partly recovered and preserved in the Ambrosiana Library in Italy. The drawings depict the gears of ingenious mechanical machines for various processes, navigational equipment and military, fortifications, architecture and cartographies, ideas for paintings.. schemes for the flight derived from the anatomy of the birds.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 12, 2009                     n°:   995

   Indigenous at risk of extinction

Tucked inside the vast forests of Brazil, Peru and Paraguay live far from civilization vanished tribe of natives, who often have never had contact with humans from the globalized world and thus have no immunity, which generally have developed in organisms with the evolution also tend to hide because of previous attempts to "cultural" exchange which later caused only unpleasant events, but now the threat comes from speculators who intend to exploit their territories. Despite the presence of these tribes pristine is documented by video planes, several leaders deny their existence, thereby encouraging the act of exploitation of the riches of the land and the oil hidden in the underground, the use of hunting and logging to make space for cattle for to obtain food.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   May 29, 2009                     n°:   983

   Reading of the mind and torture

The news of the use of torture to extort information with the "technique of the waterboarding" or simulated drowning, apart from shocking ethical considerations in terms of human rights violations, raises the question of what can be responsive to the true information extorted by a human creature tortured, from the moment that for escape to the pain and humiliation is possible to say anything thing; and, now there are (unfortunately) technological systems to easily read the mind and the memories stored in any individual neurons. The systematic violation of the right of privacy for "tactical" reasons, it could also mean the theft of important information from any individual connected in the networked world, without regard that to three hundred years elapses between the first copyright law promulgated in England (in 1709) is now clear that for example no right to creativity is protected, and this is a crime against the humanity.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 24, 2009                     n°:   954

   Celebrations for the Händel composer

Friederich Georg Häendel (Halle 1685 - London 1759) is considered one of the greatest composers of all time and on the anniversary of a distance than two hundred and fifty years after his death (April 14) are taking some exhibitions and performances in London to remember this artist, whose works have a strong religious connotation.. famous "The Messiah" reference masterpiece written in 1742 in one of the hardest periods of his troubled life, misunderstood by the English, semiparalyzed, struck in the intellectual faculties, and forced to do listen to Dublin his oratories collecting the residual energy of a physical hard tried (according to some suffered from lead poisoning in the wine). Untamed and practically blind, he continued to compose until his death which occurred on the day of Holy Saturday "in the hope of reaching my Sweet Lord and Savior on the day of Resurrection."

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 04, 2009                     n°:   942

   Judicious use of the detergents

One of the achievements of modern societies respect of the past were soaps and detergents for cleaning that promote the wellbeing and then for the hygiene of the house, fabric softeners for laundry and then go to a large scale to various detergents and disinfectants used by industries.. often without criterion, since that end up polluting the rivers with the risk that may be develop of microbes resistant to medicines. Rather aggressive chemicals used to clean and degrease end discharges by factories and homes and collected directly into sewers, and then diluted to arrive without being properly cleaned in rivers in concentrations such that certain bacteria (that usually succumb) become resistant and therefore also with antibiotic-resistant genes that could be dangerous to humans; without consider the antibiotics used in massive doses in farms which could then contaminate the whole food chain.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Mar 31, 2009                     n°:   938

   To drink likewarm tea for not burn the throat

A study in a particular area of Iran where the population is accustomed to drink large quantities of hot tea would have found a fairly high risk than the average of oesophagus cancer, which is usually caused by excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking also, drinking hot beverages is reported to damage the epithelial tissue of the throat and then expose the individual to the danger of being struck by cancer in the throat. A temperature of tea about 70 degrees greatly increase the risk of cancer and between 65 and 69 degrees it would double compared to a lower that can be achieved by simply waiting a few minutes before sipping the tea. Other studies previously demonstrated the antioxidant and anticancer properties of green tea (for example against prostate cancer or to "stabilize" the metabolism), but it is advisable to drink it lukewarm for not to affect its beneficial effect.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Mar 28, 2009                     n°:   936

   Obesity is not conducive to the longevity

Obese individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) exceeding thirty, second new studies were expected to live less of people who manage to maintain the ratio between weight in kilograms and height in meters squared on a normal value (approximately 23 - 24), and particularly in obese subjects in which the value exceeds 40 there may be the same risk that occurs in people smoking to shorten the duration of its life of about ten years. The obese people are much more affected than the standard for heart attack and stroke, diabetes and metabolic problems and it seems that may be even more exposed to cancer (in this case seems from other studies that a vegetarian diet reduces the incidence of cancer). With respect to moderate obesity is not clear whether significantly reduces the average life expectancy, but is generally not considered favorably.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Mar 19, 2009                     n°:   928

   Amazon rainforest to be protected

One of the most important factors in safeguarding the environment seems to be to protect the Amazon forest and try to protect it from overheating climate all forests on the planet, in fact some scientists suggest that the increase in temperature and the concentration of carbon dioxide in air undermines the health of plants by changing the metabolism, so that it could be much lower coverage of "green lungs" of the globe for cause of the spiral that is self-caused by the greenhouse effect if we do not resort to measures that could pose a brakes on climate change. Many data and observations made in the past about the rise in temperatures, sea levels, impact on the populations.. were often underestimated and forests of the world such as Amazon are threatened both by deforestation and the uncontrolled greenhouse effect with immediate repercussions on the global environment.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Mar 13, 2009                     n°:   924

   Care and support for Africa

The humanitarian situation in Africa is escalating, and millions of people at risk of falling into poverty for cause of the difficult economic situation that forces a conflict between the people since it would be difficult to find the means of subsistence, from the food to the medicines.. but international organizations point out that at least to resolve many cases there are health care truly economic (thirty cents for individual), for example, to treat the diarrhea that hit about two million children is possible to use a zinc pill, a pinch of salt, sugar and clean water that has a effective life-saving almost unexpected. Another health problem that affects many children in Africa would be linked to the pneumococcal bacterium (usually effectively treated with penicillin), which causes pneumonia and meningitis with significant impact on a population already tried by a disadvantaged situation in villages with little assistance.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Mar 11, 2009                     n°:   922

   Arctic permafrost to be preserved

According to some climate models for forecasting the thawing tundra of the Arctic caused by global warming could release into the atmosphere large amounts of carbon dioxide in a percentage higher than previously calculated, and it seems that the rise in average temperatures (with some data a few discordant) is greater in the Arctic for cause also of a kind of mechanism that tends to fuel itself and for to avoid that could increase should further try to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted mainly by the major industrialized "developing" countries. To preserve also the rain forest, in fact large areas in the globe have been cleared to obtain land for the food and for biofuels, and these trees are usually burned into the atmosphere by releasing large amounts of CO2.. besides affecting the so-called green lungs of the planet.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Feb 16, 2009                     n°:   902

   Sleep well to stay healthy

Many studies have highlighted the importance of sleep hygiene for the general well-being of the individual and even though it has been shown that many serious accidents or mistakes may have been caused by fatigue related to poor quality sleep, it seems that in the increasingly technological society always less attention is do to this kind of rules to stay healthy and sleep little or bad and is almost considered normal, but some point out that a very tired person might have problems of attention and precision similar to those of a drunk. Sleep well also helps the immune system, the health of the cardiovascular and nervous functions, in addition, keeps the weight without feeling too stimuli of hunger during the day (also favored by the advertising), so it should reenter within the global salutary rules also for the health associations.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Feb 13, 2009                     n°:   900

   Exposure to sunlight and vitamin D

The action of sunlight on the skin allows the synthesis of the D vitamin (ergocalciferol), also called antirachitic since it prevents rickets, and now some studies suggest that it could also be useful for the prevention of neurological disorders, and the pregnant women who exhibit little and in rational manner beneficial to the solar radiation seems could to have children that with the age may be affected by multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D is liposoluble (dissolves in fats and is an essential vitamin) and if has the advantage that a single dose will enough for several days, for the other has the defect that taken in excess for example from integrators could cause intoxication and deposition of calcium in the organs, so in addition to proper sun exposure is useful not to miss in the milk derived (not too skimmed) come from animals not closed and that the cattle can graze outdoors.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Feb 07, 2009                     n°:   895

   Aging provoked from the stress

That high stress was harmful to the health was known for some time, but now a study on many identical twins and that in theory for the genetic should seem very similar in terms of aging and relative appearance seems to have showed that in cases where had been a particularly stressful event or a painful separation seemed apparently older, perhaps for cause of the use of antidepressants that cause a relaxation of the muscles that allow a proper face "tonicity" or for the changes in weight that can modify the look. Previous studies had shown that a moderate stress was rather positive and could stimulate the body to react to difficult situations (accompanied by proper diet, rest, meditation..), but clearly in times of crisis with the loss of many jobs positions is unnecessary discussions of aesthetics.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Feb 05, 2009                  n°:   893      

   The Platonic Anamnesis

One of the most important concepts of what is the Platonic philosophy (of Aristocles 427 - 347 BC) is known as a anamnesis or reminiscence, which derives from the greek "anàmnésis" and involves the ability of can remember the hyperuranic ideas, learning the common notions from the material world that are merely copies of universal essence.. ideas before the body; for example, the explanation of a complex mathematical theorem is already present in our minds and will enough the guide of the philosopher to do remember it in the memory. The doctrine of the anamnesis for which to learn must be a simple to remember is present in several Platonic dialogues and in particular in the "Meno", but we must distinguish the memory of the Ideas and of the pure intelligible than that for the sensitive things, that are linked together to by analogy and are recalled to the memory in a normal life and relationship.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jan 30, 2009                     n°:   888

   Epidemics of cholera to prevent

In poor Zimbabwe from about six months there is an epidemic of cholera broke out rather seriously that has already caused 2971 victims, infecting 56123 in a situation of extreme poverty and lack of hygiene that could cause, according to international organizations, even without adequate measures sixty thousand victims since in practice about half the population (12 million) would be at risk of infection caused the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. To try to prevent the cholera in addition to boil and filter the drink water, should especially do attention to how the sewerage materials are disposed, and also the food could be contaminated.. there is a vaccination that lasts only six months, and for the relatives of a patient for the prevention normally is used the tetracycline, but in a country plagued by galloping economic inflation purchase of the medicines is really difficult.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jan 28, 2009                     n°:   886

   Astronomical anniversaries of 2009

In the new year 2009, there are several astronomical anniversaries as the "conquest" of the Moon in the July of 1969 and especially the first observations of the sky made by Galilei in 1609 (extraordinary event for which Galileo thanked the Lord God) through the magnification achieved by making changes to a telescope, a Dutch invention happened in those years. To note that the heliocentric hypothesis as well as Copernicus and Galileo was previously supported by Aristarchus of Samos (310 - 230 BC), who in "On the size and distance of the Sun and the Moon" (translated first by the Arabs and then in Latin by George Valla in 1488) ingeniously calculated but with approximation the diameter of the sun seven times higher than that of the earth, then proceeds that was illogical to think, viewed the substantial difference in volume (300 times), that a larger body could turn around one smaller.. for this theory was accused of impiety.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jan 05, 2009                     n°:   867

   Metaphysical development of the Well of Plato

According to what might call the metaphysics - "after the physics" of the Plato philosopher (427 - 347 BC) the idea of the Well is the Sun of the world over sensible and scatter the light of the Truth on all the things like for gradations make them intelligible, a concept that certainly exceeds the individual nature and can be understood only by a kind of religious reasoning, for example St. Anselmo of Aosta said that all the good things participate of the same goodness, good in itself (and which can not be disclosed in full), which is the supreme Good, so everything exist, is there for something of unique in the highest degree, and then the multiplicity of beings test result a nature greater than the whole. These ontological concepts have been partially corrected through the "streets" to the faith of St. Thomas of Aquino, that develop the arguments of Aristotle (starting from the immobile engine.. up on the Universal order).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 24, 2008                     n°:   860

   Morning or evening nutrition

To keep fit and try to avoid becoming fat is usually preferable to prioritize one type of diet with a higher intake of calories in the morning, compared to those introduced in the evening after having calculated the precise caloric needs that comes from the total metabolism, because is possible to burn the calories through the normal activities during the day (albeit in a sedentary occupations remaining immobile for several hours, the caloric consumption is pretty low), but avoid eating too much the evening is not a myth to dispel, from the moment that in the evenings time generally is consumed very few calories and there is the risk to affect the quality of the sleep. These considerations are valid also for the kids (increasingly fat in preschool period), which are often spontaneously very active in the morning with the proper caloric consumption in the physical game, while the evenings tend to relax and slow down the activities.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 20, 2008                     n°:   857

   Test on dementia based on the sarcasm

A new test could be used to diagnose a fairly common type of dementia and even replace more expensive tests and on the whole less reliable, in fact Australian scientists have noticed that patients suffering from frontotemporal dementia could not understand when the conversation took sarcastic tones for the use of humorous terms than a kind of neutral language (unlike, for instance, of the Alzheimer patients). Patients who suffer from frontotemporal dementia also suffer behavioral changes and fail to understand the mood of their assistants and this attitude may cause resentment in families trying to help relatives that may not reciprocate positively affectionate gestures, and in the past some researches indicated as assistants heavily stressed could commit mistakes or to cause of the nervous tension disorders, to have different types of disturbances or also to become ill.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 13, 2008                     n°:   851

   At the center of galaxy there would be a black hole

For several years is assumed that the to center of the Milky Way there was a "black" hole (not visible from the moment that even the light is captured by the great force of gravity) and through the observation of the movement of certain stars that revolve around the center the galaxy, the Germans astronomers found that would almost certainly result from the presence of this big black hole with a mass four million times greater than our sun. Other studies reported how our galaxy could have within it a kind of disc of "dark matter" which according to some calculations should represent about 22% of the mass in the Universe and how it would be a kind of halo of low intensity surrounding the Milky Way, then there would be 74% of a still little known and strange "dark energy", then only 4% of visible matter.. (in practice we can not see most of the Universe around us).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 11, 2008                     n°:   849

   But what universal rights of the cabbage ?

On the anniversary for the 60 years of the declaration of the universal human rights, considering the actual situation of countries where this is still the slavery, the torture and the death penalty, trafficking in organs and 963 million people that suffer from hunger, one wonders, but what rights of the cabbage? By shifting the attention to the individual garden viewing the subtraction of the Ideas, logos, slogans, text, the "columns" and even the religious music, one wonders, but where are these rights? .. better for not to cry take it with philosophy (Platonic or Aristotelian) with substantial differences in the salutary training since as example that the cabbage has 20 kcal for the Aristotelian and only twenty calories for the Platonic, for which are sufficient to keep fit only two sets of fifty bends on the chest unlike 100 for the Aristotelian in two sessions; eh, once there was the Magna Greece now only the eat - eat.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 10, 2008                     n°:   848

   Relationship between disturbed sleep and diabetes

According to new studies may be, monitoring a gene that encodes a receptor of the melatonin, a relationship between disturbed sleep and type two diabetes, since in these cases there would be changes in the levels of glucose in the blood. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep - wake rhythm and although previously have been identified other genes and receptors related to blood glucose, it seems that there is a relationship between a melatonin receptor with the increased risk both of diabetes is for high blood sugar levels. Be reported by other behavioral surveys that parents of obese children often underestimate the problem as if not concerned they and the little boy find themselves surrounded in almost all the ambiences from other kids obese and in this way fail to perceive real differences in physical form, behavior that over the years could affect the health.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 09, 2008                     n°:   847

   A case of textbook amnesia

Is recently died in America at the age of 82 years old Henry Molaison who had cognitive disorders and seizures because of a strong blow to the head to nine years immediately being overwhelmed by a cyclist, and after having tried many types of care to the age of seventeen years he underwent a delicate surgery to Hartford to try to remove various splinters from the brain, but the operation affect the hippocampus an important area which is in depth, which should be the center to the memory.. and this led to a textbook amnesia. In practice, Mr. Molaison recalled only important details of his life, his family and momentous events, but lacked the capacity to store the places where he went, people he met, the sensations felt , so every day was almost a new adventure ever lived and the people with whom he spoke were always unknown (a very unusual case).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 06, 2008                     n°:   845

   Classical music on vines

Continue the testing on the use of the music in agriculture and would appear from the yield of some vines that is particularly suitable the music of Mozart for his characteristic rhythm, the frequency constant of vibration and the structure that recalls a mathematical patterns described (?) by Fibonacci. The relationship between music and numbers was found in ancient from the Pythagoras philosopher and on the other hand the distance of notes is calculated on precise mathematical relationships, but is mainly due to the Franciscan Marin Mersenne (1588 - 1648) the merit of having describe in great detail in the work "Universal harmony" the consonances and dissonances in the composition and singing, the musical instruments with details on the tension of the strings or must be built the organ pipes.. with interlacings between physics, mathematics and astronomy really surprising and even the "Well-tempered harpsichord" of J.S. Bach seems to be based on these studies.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 04, 2008                     n°:   843

   Health related to diet and exercise

Generally it seems that the public is little informed about what some diseases are directly linked to the lifestyle, type of diet, physical exercise, despite the numerous campaigns in each of these sectors: for example the excessive consumption of red meat may cause cancer to the intestine, but attention is also under the misuse of seasoning in their cooking.. little salutary habits that if added with cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse and lack of physical activity increase significantly the risk to health and worsen the state of well-being. Try to maintain the correct weight, and to scrupulously cure the nutrition could encourage the prevention of many diseases and disorders, but if there is a need to lose weight should avoid unbalanced diets or follow many advertising campaigns for products that have little or no slimming effect.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 01, 2008                     n°:   840

   Climate issue must not be neglected

Many observers point out that also if there is a less favorable economic conditions should not neglect the climate issue in a progressive reduction of pollutant emissions program, from the moment that the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have increased by more than 24% from the levels monitored in 1990 with a ranking of the little healthy emissions of greenhouse gases that sees ahead America and China (respectively at 5780 and 5719 milions tons) followed at a distance from Russia (1595), and finally India and Japan (1269 -1235). The sectors most polluting of the planet in general are those related to energy production, steel, cement and aluminum, but by adopting new technologies might be possible to save both energy than emissions, in addition to local or individual exists innovative solution such as the LED lights diodes that help to protect the environment.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Nov 28, 2008                     n°:   838

   Fruit and vegetables as true integrators

Some time ago some researches indicated that taking vitamin supplements could not replace the equivalent contribution from fruit and vegetables in the context of a balanced diet and adequate physical activity, now a large study conducted by administration with various types of testing doses of vitamin C (five hundred milligrams per day) and E (four hundred international units) would have revealed that there are no particular differences in comparison to placebo and thus its protection from cancer should be propagated so resized or at least tested in specific cases. Other studies had indicated how important the B complex for preserving memory in the elderly and particularly vitamin B12, because the elderly with low levels of "idrossicobalamine" apparently are much less prepared mentally or with evident amnesia (useful in these cases also to bring folic acid).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Nov 18, 2008                     n°:   829

   Still oppression and violence in Congo

The war that is upsetting the eastern Congo threatens to become a humanitarian tragedy of the most serious ever happened with over five million victims in ten years and approximately one million of refugees deprived of all the primary goods and forced to suffer of all kinds of oppression and violence (International Organizations for Human Rights also reported torture, rapes..) and the lack of drinking water or other means to filter and purify it exposes the population to the danger of contracting cholera and other diseases. The Congo after Sudan is the largest state of the Africa with natural and mining riches of great value (Virunga park, diamonds, coltan, gold, oil..) which could be the cause of the continuing conflicts that continue to stain with blood a land characterized by an economy of "neocolonialistis" type that fell from the dictatorship of the old Zaire in a relative Democracy that does not permit any protection to the citizens. - [Lately seems has been open a weak gleam ? of peace].

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Nov 16, 2008                     n°:   827

   Physical exercise to prevent diabetes and dementia

In some countries the costs to face the many new cases of individuals affected for example from dementia and diabetes have increased to the point of pushing the authorities to promote awareness campaigns to incite the people to adopt healthy lifestyle, providing greater physical exercise and recreational activities that stimulate the mind, cure of the nutrition with the traditional five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, more attention to adopt effective measures to limit the stress in all the work situations and possible economic difficulties. Cultivate new interest and maintain in exercise the desire to learn new concepts can help to improve living conditions and the health, however, regarding the so-called "well-being society" medicines would seem that they are becoming increasingly expensive and the abuse in their consumption leads to significant global costs.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Oct 31, 2008                     n°:   815

   Hand hygiene as a salutary prevention

To safeguard the health sometimes will enough to take a series of salutary hygienic noms as the normal habit of washing the hands with soap before eating or after having gone to the bathroom, a gesture that in some countries of Africa and Asia could be useful for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases that cause the death of many children every day, for this purpose the international organizations promote a global day for the "washing hands". The hygienic practices are generally religious, but there were also scientists that have shown with clinical studies their great importance, for example Ignác Semmelweiss (Buda 1818 - Vienna 1865) conducting researches on the causes of puerperal fever, he discovered that the infection was caused by poor hygiene in their hands by doctors just in the visits to the puerperae, for this motivation was harshly attacked.. (he died in mental hospital).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Oct 15, 2008                     n°:   801

   Prize for physics discussed

Has been awarded the Nobel prize for physics to two Japanese scientists who helped explain the behavior of particles of matter of very small in size and the asymmetry between matter and antimatter (research yet on the theory), but the authorship of the discovery according to some is attributable in truth to an Italian that in 1963 studied the weak interaction and the quarks that annihilated colliding and the excess material that results could be responsible for the visible part of the universe depending on how are divided the particles. To note that Alfred Nobel (Stockholm 1833 - Sanremo 1896) by adding fossil flour has "stabilized" in 1867, the nitroglycerin whose formula was not disclosed by the discoverer Ascanio Sobrero (Casal Monferrato 1812 - Turin 1888) which was concerned about the considerable power that is released from this his chemical preparation.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Oct 08, 2008                  n°:   795      

   Physical exercise for the heart and the mind

Conducting a healthy type of physical activity on a regular aerobic basis could have a beneficial effect on the body really consistent, protecting the cardiovascular system and stimulating the cognitive functions due to increased inflow of blood to the brain, with the added benefit of counter the arise of various diseases and the dementia. Running, cycling, aerobic exercise programs studied to the needs of the single individual, but also simply to walk for about an hour three times a week combined with healthy Mediterranean diet, as well as attitudes hailed as care executive (for as example the intestinal microflora or against the bacteria in the mouth) seems to be able effectively strengthen the immune system; also maintain an heart rate below the seventy beats for minute can seem significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 22, 2008                     n°:   781

   Darwin rehabilitated

The endless debate between creationism and evolutionary adds a new stage in its path to obstacles with the news that the Church of England seems has apologized for the misunderstanding towards the theories of Charles Darwin during the preparations for the celebrations nearly two hundred years after the birth of the naturalist occurred in 1809. In fact the evolutionary theory had already been suggested by the greek philosopher Anaximandros of Miletus (610 approx. - 546 BC) who claimed that life was born in the mud and men had an evolution of the fishes, but Darwin was one of the first to give a scientific explanation of the mechanisms underlying the evolution illustrating numerous examples. To note however that faith and reason for some can safely walk together without hampering even in the face of new discoveries in genetics that tend to unify all living creatures (..however the primates are endowed with the learning sets ability).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 16, 2008                     n°:   776

   Japanese centenarians record

The number of centenarians increase in all the world, but the record probably belongs to Japan with more than 36,000 people (86% are women), which also boasts the primacy of one of the older individual of the world that was almost 113 years, yet walk on their legs although slowly and said that should live in this way another ten years, taking care of activities that provide him pleasure: how to write a diary, read the newspaper and talk a little with everyone.. Among the factors that make possible this particular longevity as usual seems there is a diet rich in vegetables, a characteristic that seems to be confirmed in all parts of the globe probably combined with a prolonged physical activity over the years and specific genetic factors, such happen to Limone on the Lake Garda in Italy thank a specific lipoprotein protects the cardiovascular equipment from excess of cholesterol in the context of a Mediterranean-type diet dipped in olive trees, cedars and lemons.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 13, 2008                  n°:   774      

   Innate mathematician sense

In daily life, often known as some people are equipped with special mathematics skills and now the confirmation comes from a study which showed that children particularly good in the complex calculations are equipped with a kind of innate sense for numbers, for example, without a specific training they succeed with a quick glance to assess the environmental differences or calculate the resources immediately available in a practical way. The region of the brain used for the innate calculation would appear to be the intraparietal sulcus (perhaps to be matched to other areas for greater precision of calculation) and also the animals seem to have this capacity for spontaneous able to find with a rapid look the food needed for survival, but these considerations do not exclude the fact that mathematical skills can be improved with training or technical that help to facilitate the complex calculations.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 09, 2008                     n°:   771

   Slimming diets compared

From some studies showing that the four main dietary programs known compared while achieving the goal of reduction of body weight do not favour a greater intake of fruits, vegetables and fibres (as the main nutritional guidelines recommend), however it seems that there is not related difference in the results achieved and these diets have been fairly balanced apart one that providing a reduced intake of carbohydrates with effects that over long periods could cause low levels of some nutrients. Worth noting in general that the "dissociated" diets allow to reduce weight by exploiting the lack of input of some nutrients in order to change the assimilation of food, but in practice at the expense of muscle mass (tonic and well trained); and by some studies it appears that sweeteners do not lose weight since the brain perceives the non-caloric bring stimulating the body to introduce sugar foods.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 06, 2008                     n°:   769

   To run especially at late age

The race and walk fast can be excellent training systems to keep in shape all ages and it seems especially for the elderly people, from the moment that would be lowered when the mortality index also linked to cardiovascular risk and various types of diseases, as well as think that is not true that the runners are most affected by osteoarthritis and trauma to the cartilage of the knees (even if is appropriate to treat particularly the nutrition and the heating - stretching). To run seems can also improve the functionality of the heart pump with more balance in the development of muscle in relation to sports power, and also with regard to mental faculties are specific improvements, without considering that exercise in general especially aerobic type allows to keep fit and active, taking weight and stress under control, promotes sleep, the physiological functions, the global well-being.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 03, 2008                     n°:   766

   Hurricanes and Climate Change

The climatic situation with regard to the season of hurricanes change quickly with weather events that tend to diminish and are gradually downgraded to tropical storms relatively little dangerous, while others seem to take power leading to a situation of concern and uncertainty about the real destructive force of these natural vortices. Some scientists have found a link between the phenomenon of climate change with the consequent heating of the seas and behind the formation, the strength, the movement of the hurricanes, but the debate in this field is switched on although the situation in general in the globe show unequivocally such as the melting permafrost of Siberia and of the Artic ices cause the release of a greenhouse gas as methane (amplified in a cycle that power itself) with consequences on the fauna and all the ecosystem.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 02, 2008                     n°:   765

   Prevention by the disk hernia

To try to preserve the spine of any illnesses resulting from the need of having to move heavy loads particularly, could be useful to strengthen the abdominal and lumbar musculature permitting automatic postural rebalancing with a mechanism that can also be trained with a gymnastics focused on the individual. The disk herniation is caused by a little relief in the channel rachides core that compresses the nerve roots and generally recover in a natural way or resolves spontaneously with the time (without having to resort to the surgeon) if carefully monitored and avoiding physical stress by all viewpoints. To note that to move a weight usually is appropriate to bend the knees and lift holding it near the body holding the back straight and above all trying not to lose the balance that may be the real cause the accident for the game of the levers and loads on the spine.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 01, 2008                     n°:   764

   Down-pours, seas-storms and storms

In front of to unexpected meteorological events perhaps partially had also to the climatic changes in the planet, one asks as can be defended and which precautions to adopt against the imponderable. It could be useful in emergency case to learn to swim and to practice to withhold the breath without to lose the calm, to learn of the simple techniques of climbing maintaining the nerves balances and in case of lightnings to maintain themselves far from the trees, to remove the metallic objects and to go away from the zone hurrying but with one small stride; at last to estimate the consistency of the land that cannot become slippery for effect of the torrential water. - To note that lightning can strike several times the same points as follow a path of "small impedance" then it is advisable to depart from poles, watercourses, crowds of people grouped, railings and electrical wires or on the ground, recalling that shoes and wet clothes could increase the risk of being strike.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 16, 2008                     n°:   205

   Correct information on climate change

Providing data, images and correct information about the real environmental situation could not be more superficially "branded catastrophic attitude" but be a valuable strategy to psychologically prepare the population and try to prevent damage caused by climate change, accused by many to be responsible for great variations in biodiversity (plants and animals) of natural oasis and global warming seems that in the future can be quantified in about four degrees (in some areas) and thus with a double value than previously assumed if there are not significantly reduced emissions of CO2. Torrential rain and showers for example, could be more violent than expected and was noted a correlation between rising temperatures and rain intensity, moreover seems that the models calculated by climatologists usually esteem for defect the damage that then occur on the territory.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 14, 2008                     n°:   751

   The ideas of Aristocles in the cave of Plato

In the dialogue "The Republic or of the Justice" the Athenian philosopher Aristocles (427 - 347 BC) describes a conversation in which Socrates defines the justice as the virtue to strive always to the good in every situation and also in a general sense (referred to the rulers); in fact, identifies the unjust with the ignorant who claim to know and so ends up oppress all people to satisfy his low instincts. The idea of good is the foundation of justice is that of every other value and as the sun gives light and life to all living beings, in the same way the good gives the light of knowledge, and for to do an example understandable Plato uses the famous "myth of the cave" in which some men are chained with their backs facing the entry and forced to see the shadows of objects that other leading passing in front of the cave projected by a strong light of fire, that they exchange for the reality; but freed from the chains and gradually brought to the light (the ideas) will be convinced of the mirage.. (violence and war are the shadows, Justice and Good are the Ideas).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 10, 2008                  n°:   748      

   The infinite and the sets of Georg Cantor

Those who were defined paradoxes of the infinite, at least for the human mind, were the mathematician G. Cantor object of intense study and research to limit the ability of the thought, almost a mission on behalf of humanity that can be summed up in its maximum: "I see it, but do not believe!", since there is a match biunivocal without exceptions between the points of a straight line and those of a plan, and a square or a cube would incredibly the same "power" (the concept of infinite sets - equipotent) of the own side. Cantor (1845 Petersburg - Halle 1918) was educated on religious principles from the wealthy merchant and Lutheran father and the mother who came from a family of musicians, he studied in Zurich, Berlin, Göttingen and then taught mathematics at Halle where invented the set theory is that still the basis of modern concepts of "numerousity" and infinite present, work hard opposed by colleagues so that ended up causing in the mathematician various mental disorders and depression resulting in psychiatric hospitalizations, but that gave us a new global vision and has revealed the theory of transfinite numbers (one Universe to be observed with gratitude).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Aug 01, 2008                     n°:   741

   Stretching to prevent accidents

At any physical activity or manual labor perform a series of exercises of heating and stretching generally helps to prevent accidents and muscle tear (even if someone argues that it is only a myth or an old cliché). Of course the causes that may cause an accident could be manifold, such as diet deficient in some nutrient, a decline of attention due to physical or mental stress, a posture not correct, an overhang of temperature, preparation athletics inadequate.. and often happens that a "classic" unpredictable event is responsible for major accidents during the training, but if the muscles are warm and tonic in some cases it is possible to try to limit the damage.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 29, 2008                     n°:   739

   The immortal soul of Plato

In the Phaedo, Plato (427 - 347 B.C.) with a dialogue between Socrates, Phaedo, Simmia and Cebetes show the presence of the soul, starting from the observation of the opposites in becoming things, like sleep - walking, cold - hot, wake up - falling asleep, hot - cold, life death and rebirth, then the proof of remembrance, as the sight of an instrument provoke the reminiscent of the musician, the portrait - the original.. then absolute values as Beauty, Goodness, Equality, Inequality, for example without the knowledge of the beautiful things we could not admire the Beauty, reconnected to the memory first of the born life (since in this world we have never not known absolute values). Then the test of the similarity whereas everything that is composed is decomposable like the body; instead, things that are simply not decomposable as the soul which is similar to the intelligible, and all that is beautiful is part of the Beautiful idea, snow participates to the cold Idea and the Soul to that of the Immortality.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 22, 2008                     n°:   736

   Health related to the consumer society

China's population apparently are becoming used to typical western lifestyles not healthy with the result that now about one every four Chinese is obese and there are many diseases related to an unbalanced diet with excessive intake of calories, saturated fat and lack physical activity, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, cancer .. The authorities seem to be willing to promote healthy initiatives, with a return to a type of diet based mainly on plants and favouring the movement, avoiding long hours immobilized in front of the television (with a mechanization of all activities during the day that already reduces to a minimum the caloric expenditure). To note that in Olympics atmosphere there will be a ban on eating dog meat in order not to hurt the sensibility of the athletes, but meanwhile its own the excess consumption of meat and animal food seems to be a major cause of disease in the population.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 12, 2008                     n°:   731

   Meditation under large trees

The life on Earth is made possible by that wonderful "chemical laboratory" this predominantly in the leaves of plants through the chlorophyll photosynthesis turn the water and the carbon dioxide under the influence of the solar light in carbohydrates, fats, proteins.. releasing oxygen that makes possible the survival of man and all the living creatures on the globe (for this reason usually is defines this biological phenomenon as green slavery). Meditation under a big tree, for example, may be a small act of gratitude for the vegetal universe having understand as the carbon of living organic matter comes from the carbon dioxide (refusal product) and through the chlorophyll, plants synthesize and transform; moreover, you can imagine ideally as the flow of energy that nourishes us and oxygen to breathe comes into practice from the leaves, all with a balance of rare perfection, which may be a moment of spiritual elevation.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jul 07, 2008                     n°:   726

   Children thirsty and filed

The scarcity of clean water could be responsible for about 22% of diseases for young people (aged under 14 years) in the world, the most exposed to malaria, dengue fever, diarrhoea .. caused by the decidedly poor water quality also visibly and lack of storage points adequately cleaned. Another issue related to distribution seems to be able to depend on the corruption of bureaucrats that "govern the taps" especially in the poorest countries of Africa or because of mafia that controls all water resources as happens in Bangladesh and even in these cases children have reduced opportunities for access to clean fountains. Regarding instead the living conditions of the nomads in Italy and especially those younger and abandoned to themselves (often forced to live on gimmicks) made to discuss the decision a sort of filing through fingerprints and photos marker as small criminals.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 27, 2008                     n°:   719

   Vital Bulgarian yoghurt

The virtues of healthy yoghurt have been confirmed by many studies and now it seems that most centenarians Europe lies in a mountainous area of southern Bulgaria which consumes very traditional yogurt also called sour milk (quality Kiselo mlyako) which contains many Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria useful both to promote digestion and the contribution of important nutrients is to prevent aging and diseases caused by harmful bacteria. The fermentation of the milk in yogurt with bacteria have been studied by Stamen Grigorov in 1905, but is known from ancient times by the peoples of Asia Minor and the Balkans, then with time were selected many bacterial strains (from plants, trees, ants ..) and from of the type used also determine the type of taste, with a trend that now focuses more delicate flavors and creamy consistence through treatment of filtration and concentration than the classic and natural acid taste.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 23, 2008                     n°:   716

   China exceeds the U.S. for CO2 emissions

The ranking of the most polluting it seems to be updated with data on global emissions of carbon dioxide in 2007 which sees China in the lead with 24%, in second place the U.S. 21%, (then Europe states the 12%, India 8% and Russia 6%); mass production of cement in China should be a major cause of the increase in emissions and with the recent earthquake is estimated a further peak in demand due for reconstruction of the structures for five million people. With regard to the individual emissions the U.S. are still to the top of the standings with 19.4 (metric tons) per person, followed by Russia with 11.8 .. then Europe 8.6 - China 5.1 - India 1.8. Some scientists have noted that with these rhythms storage facilities of CO2 should be made as soon as possible and also at the individual level would require a substantial decrease in the emissions.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 14, 2008                     n°:   709

   Sleeping on the Salerno school rhythms

One of the most famous adage of the Salerno school in Italy (IX century approx.) might come back in vogue, properly updated, between the salutary rhythms: "sex horis dormire sat est iuvenique senique, septem vix pigris, nulli concedimus octo" (just six hours of sleep both the young and the old, at most seven for the lazy, but no one will be allowed to sleep eight); in fact, new studies would seem that individuals who sleep less than six hours per night or on the contrary longer sleep over the nine hours are generally more obese and in poor health less favourable than those who care scrupulously the sleep hygiene. One of the reasons for this kind of imbalance could be linked to that of certain hormones that regulate the appetite and to the sleep-wake rhythms, with the result that some diseases like having high blood pressure or diabetes could be exacerbated for example by a lack of sleep.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   May 08, 2008                     n°:   681

   Relationship between shoes and posture

From some time has returned to discuss how fashion can affect the well-being and on postural of the individual, for example in particular for women's footwear was passed by heels from vertiginous height to shoes without heels (type dancer) that normally do not allow proper walking as it happens for a opposite reason also those with pin hell, undoubtedly fascinating from the viewpoint of habit, but certainly not very healthy, because of osteoarthritis that may affect the knees, the ankles, saw the dangerous angle that can take losing the balance to the first roughness of the terrain. Generally for girls a rather wide and high heels three - four centimeters for a comfortable shoe that not deformed the foot or break the skin of the foot with those tips very narrow allows a balanced posture avoiding any diseases, as well as the sole should support correctly the plantar arch so that the burden of the body can stand respecting complicated tables.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   May 07, 2008                     n°:   680

   The balanced cycle of the nitrogen

The life on the land globe would not be possible without the cycle of the nitrogen present in the atmospheric air; in fact, whichever organism in phase of increase needs of the contribution of a balanced protein quantity, that they are the plastic material (in practical the bricks) of the organism and the same cells that compose it important factors nourished decay in lack of these that to difference of the carbohydrates and fat, constituted from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they contain also the nitrogen. From the moment that on the land crust is present nitrogen in quantity relatively limited are necessary to take advantage of that present in abundance in air (78.09% approximately), but after to be used for the "construction" of proteins it must be given back to the atmosphere in order to avoid that it is get exhausted; all this fundamental cycle to the life is rendered possible from micro organisms that they capture nitrogen from the air and in kind they are hidden around the roots of the leguminous plants, that they produce indispensable proteins to the man and all the animals (then with the faeces and urines all will be recycled from others microbes.. with a mirabile equilibrium).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 26, 2008                     n°:   673

   Integration between technology and thought

To the development of the more complex faculties of the thought of the individuals contributes the type of formation and with the computer science technology it would seem that also the "architecture" of the thought is being modified and that would tend to adapt to the computerized models with logons in the brain that they would facilitate the understanding of the numerous stimuli (sometime a few stressful and pressing on the plan of the speed, at least in an optical of equilibrium also with other types of cultural stimuli). Interesting to notice as also the computers are becoming more and more fast and tend to integrate at the same time various technologies that demand powerful processors equipped of miniaturizes transistor fruit of nanotechnologies, and in a close future from little atoms of a single layer of graphite it will be possible to gain a micro electronic switch, than in practical it is to the base of all the computer science technology.. (a great number of on-off shunters and programs that control them).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 21, 2008                     n°:   670

   Trained brain and tablets

The individuals that maintains in exercise the cognitive memory and functions generally have less probability to be hit from insanity; moreover, it would seem that the area of the hyppocampus to the base of the brain placed just over to the spinal cord in the persons hit from Alzheimer is in some case less developed than that monitored in subjects trained in the variegate mnemonic and intellectual field. To signal that the "out of mind tablets" taken from young could cause the rise of the pathology of Alzheimer or to have effects similar to the insanity, but it can happen also as an example to endure fatal damages because of a provoked malignant hyperthermia from the cocktails of disowned substances or anaphylactic choc for intolerance to some chemical member even amplified from the abuse of superalcoholic; therefore, in order to facilitate the perceptions of the senses it is better to train daily the mind with appropriate intellectual exercises.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 18, 2008                     n°:   668

   Bees intelligent bugs

The animals in kind have multiple means in order to communicate and in particular the bees they are in degree to use one complex series of marks is of tactile and acoustic type that chemical, thanks to the pheromones; moreover, they indicate to the companions the parameters relative to the direction, distance, type of alimentary sources available and relative amount, through the wag one's tail dance (one species of figured triangulation, using the sun, the stream bed and the flowers).. an example indeed characteristic of how much the bugs can be intelligent. Between the other climatic problematic them that they threaten the nature, must signal that the honey collection from the hives begins to become difficult for cause of the death of the bees perhaps for cause of pesticides of new formulation (neonicotinoidi) that they are prohibits in some countries, but some signal that it could it are also a role of the increase of the concentrations of CO2 and the ultraviolet beams (that they are provoking the increase of cataract in the eyes of the men).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 09, 2008                     n°:   659

   Cabbage omelette

And here one new episode of the saga of the cabbage in order to describe a typical unhealthy food fried always in the same oil (for auto traction recovered) even if has been added two drops of good oil, like when a pair of notes from a music is replaced, but the result in practical remains always the same one. The omelette of cabbage very fine cut said also "Eat" comes spread in a frying pan from which the non-stick part is detached that floats on the exhausted oil and fries for some minutes with abundant smoke, then will be enough to turn the omelette one the other part not still cooked, said also "Eat"; then to attend some minutes and to proceed to turn and to turn with calibrated aerial movement.. and here ready the "Eat - Eat" (famous international plate). For garnishing can be cut a large onion to regular segments to put over the omelette so as to cover the singed parts and to season the all with abundant spontaneous natural tears (anti-oxidants, biological and purifying).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 01, 2008                     n°:   653

   Meaning of the logo with the prism

I catch the occasion of one "calm" day in order not to always to bore the public opinion with the same arguments (the ambience, the justice, the feeding..) in order to explain the meaning of the logo super copied and present by now everywhere of the multimedia work Salutary (Well-being Body - Mind - Soul) with the prism - tetrahedron that wheel ideally also to spiral in order to represent the global well-being, with the three colors: red for the body, blue for the mind and green for the soul. Is a logo of fantasy even if with meanings philosophical-mathematics, that it would have to recall to an ideal (the triangle, the refraction - diffraction of the light), but it is designed liberally from the moment that in the truth is the white light that would come decomposed in the complete spectrum of the colors (discovered that we probably must to the Pythagorean, developped from Mauròlico with "Photismi de lumine et umbra" (1611), then Grimaldi with "De Lumine" (1660), Huygens, Hooke and then from Newton published on the "Philosophical Transactions" (1671) and the prism must have two equal polygons on plans parallels.. In order to visualize an other design of fantasy of the Platonic logo with free interpretation, see towards right in the main page.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jan 17, 2008                     n°:   595

   Salutary biodiversity

A return to a sober and natural style of life from the alimentary point of view typical of the peasants populations could contribute to safeguard the planet from the damages deriving from the climatic changes, as an example a diet of (milk - egg) vegetarian type adopted to global level beyond to be salutary could concur to save on the cultivation by now more and more difficult of the cereals; in fact in order "to produce" a kilo of meat are necessary seven kilos of cereals and one great amount of water, fertilizers, pesticides.. (without to consider the great demand of big nations and the suffering of the animals). The nature has selected in the millennia with harmony of the vegetables varieties that succeed to adapt to several climates and lands (rice that resists also to the salt, amaranth without gluten with healthy nutritional characteristics) and instead approximately 250 thousand species of vegetables has been extinguished in the last century and the industry tend to push the consumptions always towards a determined standard of products to elevated climatic impact.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 10, 2007                     n°:   569

   Aristocles who was him ?

Many do not know the true name of one of more important geniuses of the humanity and they do not realize of how many times every day recur to an ideal of the Plato philosopher (Athens 428 - 347 B.C.), in this way called from the gym teacher for his athletic shoulders. Was dedicated initially to the public life, but noticed of the falsity and corruption of the politicians, not endured it; so decided to study philosophy, in the attempt to improve the State and to render it more just. Was disciple of the sophists and of Socrates, so could develop the marvelous doctrine of the Ideas. To cause of the wars, of the dead of Socrates (victim of a murder with the cicuta) and the breakdown of the democracy, Plato was forced to leave Athens and to go from Euclides to Megara, then in Egypt and finally to Siracuse in Italy, to the court of Dionigi, trying to put in practical his philosophical ideals; without to succeed (it was made also enslaved). Returned to Athens founded the Academy, the famous school to which he was dedicated until to the dead (but he returned also in vain to Siracuse) and he wrote brilliant works like: "The Republic, the Timeo, the Phaedrus" and now is considered one of the prophets of the Christianity, as an example the story of the "Phaedo" discuss of souls that after the dead are judged in a underground world, the evil men ends for ever in the Tartar, the just ones catches up a species of Paradise, the others instead, must before purify in the Acherusia lake.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 03, 2007                  n°:   564      

   Origins of soul and psychology

The study of the soul is a practice more than bimillenarian and psychology etymologically means science of the psyche or soul, but the first book that have in the title this term has been written from Goeckel and published in 1590. For soul (psyché for the Greeks was the cause, the principle the essence of the life) generally agrees with and the substantial principle of the thoughts, feelings, inclinations, passions of the individual personality that then are object of study of the psychology with to the problems and relations between spirit and body.. science that has origin with Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C. disciple of Plato) that - has made for the psychology more than whichever - with the "Of the Soul" and others works. In the XIII century thanks to the precious job of St. Albert Magnus (with the Parva naturalia) and of his "disciple" St.Thomas of Aquinas has been possible to develop the theses of Aristotle with nearly modern type techniques with the psychology like branch of the natural sciences and rigorous reasonings founded on the experience (the base however it remains that one of Aristotle).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Nov 15, 2007                     n°:   553

   "The moment" of the philosopher Kierkegaard

Sören Aabye Kierkegaard (Copenhagen 1813-1855) is one of the minds that have contributed to the walk of the philosophy and the religion in the European societies, thanks to his admirable courage and his battles against the dissolution of the Christian civilization and of all the philosophy considered one species of neo pagan culture. Kierkegaard really was a theologian (even if the difference with philosopher is indeed thin) that denounced with his publication "The moment" as the institutions of the Church were more and more distant in truth from the true faith, and for this reason was mocked from the local satiric newspaper "The Corsair", a lot that also for the displeasure was become ill and in short time he died to the hospital of the born city singing the Alleluia.. his critics perhaps have still today one certain dose of modernity.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Oct 02, 2007                     n°:   516

   An aid in order to stop to smoke

In the recent years has assisted to the proliferation of several instruments for to give the dose of nicotine and therapeutic supports in order to help to stop to smoke, but to how much the abstinence from the tobacco seems could still in percentage be the better method, the important is to possess one strong motivation and to decide to adopt a life style more salutary, from the moment that in Italy would seem is of new in increase the number of the smokers. To notice that a diet rich of vegetables (eg citruses) and the acquaintance of the nourishing, tastes and smells of foods could contribute to defeat the temptations to light injurious cigarettes (seems also the cheeses would render little pleasant the taste), then if for the abstinence is verify a hypoglycaemia crisis could be useful to assume a little of glucose also in order to avoid to eat in continuation for cause of the physiological slowing down of the metabolism; finally will be opportune to avoid to watch antismoke spot that paradoxically have the opposite effect and to point instead at the effect beauty from not smoker or at the salutary economic saving.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 29, 2007                     n°:   448

   Healthy bread integral or refined

The choice to consume integral bread can be salutary for various reasons is from the nutritional point of view that dietetic; in fact the bran (cellulose film that covers the caryopsides) that comes eliminated in the refined flour favours one natural "gymnastics" for the stomachs and intestines that tolerates it, moreover contains much vitamin of the B complex, beyond to the iron and other minerals, developing approximately 245 calories to difference of the 270 of the white bread gained from flours very milled and sifted type 00, but in truth is utilize usual the less valuable 0 type or also the 1, in practical obtaining nearly of the integral bread that would be of flour of 2 type. As far as the working of the dough it would have to keep in mind that a long rising to the just temperature renders the bread soft thanks to the action of the Saccharomyces and the baking in the firewood furnace perfumes it pleasantly; finally favours the conservation a shape to round loaf (important with the cross on the dough also the religious meaning, and however is not lived of only bread..).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 25, 2007                  n°:   444      

   To sleep with an overwhelming warmth

The quality of the sleep is usual a rather important healthy index and the rooms overheat do not favor one corrected perspiration and respiration, with the consequence that to try to sleep also only some hours could become nearly impossible. To smoke and to be in overweight without to carry out some type of sport activity could moreover hinder the sleep and to provoke obstructive apneas in who has the tendency to snore of night; therefore in these cases in order to guarantee an acceptable hygiene of the sleep it can be tried to follow of the healthy norms like as an example a poor light fiber supper (to assume to the morning), to avoid spices foods and do not drink superalcoholic, then not to occupy if possible the rooms where then it will be slept and to air them before going to bed not forgetting to wash the teeth and eventually refreshing the legs in the shower with little cold water.. "to relax" itself and to sleep on a flank.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 22, 2007                     n°:   442

   Technological development with natural times

The greater part of the technological refusals, constituted from cards of computer, monitors, portable telephones and every kind of apparatus and obsolete electronic circuit to get over, ends in a zone of the China where personnel without any protection supplies to recover the reusable components eliminating the refusals that remains to the edges of the roads in infinite stacks formed from material electrical materials of every type. To times the development of the technology and computer science is so fast to make to become old in little years or also months instruments to the vanguard of the scientific research, and this technological alternation perhaps has little respect of the natural rhythms times of recycling.. but the important is to sell also taking advantage of the name of S.Antony (like happens in a famous portal of online sales), without to consider that old apparatuses could be still valid and the race to the substitution is little respectful for the ambience.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Jun 13, 2007                     n°:   434

   Emotional malaise from stress

Often reaches of the warnings on how much the stress can influence the life style, carrying a weight of unhealthy tension and some studies also would have characterized the zones of the brain mainly been involved in the several phases of the stress (connected to the cortisolo and the circadian rhythm of release of this hormone). To find that the mainly stressed populations tendentially have an more elevated pressure (and consequent damage to the cardiovascular apparatus), a situation of general disequilibrium of the health, with the potential risk to become ill of diabetes of 2 type. The emotional tension on the job could be transformed in disease and to how much it seems to the husbands of the women in career convene to receive them in religious silence in order to avoid harmful quarrels and matrimonial crises (eventually using the biofeedback training).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 27, 2007                     n°:   398

   Metabolism of the brain and Alzheimer

The metabolic energetic activities of some zones of the brain would particularly turn out altered and reduced in the subjects in which the disease of Alzheimer could be manifested, at least from how much turn out from one study carried out near the Florence University. The investigators would seem to have characterized thanks to a examination of the blood and subsequently with a PET (positron emission tomography) a methodical effective in order to characterize in the beginning the appearance of the serious debilitating disease unfortunately in constant increase and that hits in Italy approximately 800.000 persons. From the moment that really effective therapies for the Alzheimer would still not exist even if are to the study molecules that would have to prevent the deposition of amyloid proteins, the training of the mind with aimed exercises (for other studies) would remain the only possible preventive practice.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 21, 2007                     n°:   394

   Counterfeit aliments and useless integrators

The attention of the industry of the counterfeiting seems has been moved on the aliments and poor foreign productions come dealt in place of those valuable Italians, to times also with the risk to find to assume foods not just healthy or mined in the nutritional qualities (as could happen with the extravirgin oil of olive, particularly taken of sight from the alimentary pirates). To notice that also in the field of the integrators the situation is not the much best one (with products that travel for all the world before landing in the cans); moreover the nth contested study marks that vitamins and integrators are useless or quite harmful.. better to integrate the feeding with abundant fruits coming from controlled row.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Mar 03, 2007                     n°:   356

   Aliments useful for the prevention

For a total well-being and in order to prevent many types of tumours is useful to assume some aliments or to times combinations of they, as an example garlic and carrots in order protect the colon, citruses and coffee for the liver, tomatoes and broccoli for the prostate, cabbages and oil extravirgin of olive for the breast, green tea and crucifers for the lungs.. (in practical as usual vegetables in abundance even if many do not appreciate them). A research moreover signals that the yoghurt it could help to hold under control the pressure and the silence diabetes, to notice that most effective it could be the white yoghurt to the soya and to the bilberry; however physical exercise balanced feeding rich of fruit and vegetables and yoghurt could contribute to maintain in shape.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Feb 03, 2007                     n°:   333

   Much intelligent plants

From some time is realized that the plants could be much more intelligent than what normally it is believed; in fact near a Florentine university laboratory have uncovered that the roots of the plants have of the able cells to characterize the better distance in a maze in order to catch up the nutriment, making better in the comparison of the rats (that they must find the cheese in a distance to obstacles). The plants beyond reasoning to how much seem move, sleep, fight against the aggressors producing appropriate substances chemistries, they communicate to other eventual plants of the same species dangers and quite daughters take care themselves of the protection and the increase of the little plants. Listening to these news come in mind the science fiction experiments of many years ago in which it was believed to apply of the sensors to the plants in order to pick up of the emotions (perhaps in a future..).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 21, 2006                     n°:   309

   Always to walk

From new researches on the field of the fitness would seem that the light physical activity as an example to make about 10.000 steps to the day can be salutary to the par of heavy sport activities and more demanding. Remarkable is to notice the benefit that can be obtained in percentage on the incidence of many diseases according to the sitting of training, and by now is tend to monitor for some metabolic pathologies the data of pressure, the cardiac frequency and the glycaemia values. Simple movements adopted for long periods of time as to make the stairs on foot instead of using the elevator and to raise itself from the seat in order to change the channel of the television instead of using the remote control, can help to prevent serious disturbs and to maintain itself in shape (without to forget the base exercises of the gymnastic). - Lately some studies signal that the physical activity stimulating the white globule production can contribute to prevent the infections (or the simple chill and also more serious pathologies).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Dec 06, 2006                     n°:   129

   Ecosystem from to protect

Unfortunately is multiplied the signals of alarm for the health of the planet; in fact it seems that the fusion of the ice, that has been also measured scientifically from some investigators, brings to one damage of the marine fauna with consequences on all the ecosystem. To how much seems that the industrial civilization has already carried to the extinction very many species animals and vegetables (without between the other wanting to change broken off) and this phenomenon caused from the man occurs in single kind in occasion of great natural catastrophes, like what it has carried to the extinction of the dinosaurs. - Lately it seems that the new social phenomenon of the climatic refugees is being taken place, that is populations in escape from zones and islands of the planet (as an example, the Alaska and the Maldives) invaded from the water because of the elevation of the level of the oceans; moreover the international organizations in the next years signal an increase of the deaths provoke from the overheating of the planet and an important number of climatic exiles.

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Oct 19, 2006                     n°:   115

   Healthy placebo and optimism

Perhaps to take every day a large fresh water pill could be salutary; in fact it's famous for a long time that to follow a cure also false but with regularity has effectiveness because generally connected also to styles of life more salutary. This consideration bring to reconsider some mental mechanisms of upgrades optimism towards the aliments and all that one encircles that they would allow a longer life and heals, instead attitudes pessimists would have negative effects type nocebo; but naturally a lot depends also on the environmental conditions and of the society that sometimes does not depend on the will of the single individual (remembering that many persons don't have neither the food for survive).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Sep 11, 2006                     n°:   241

   Inadequate noninflammable materials

More and more often happen to hear cases of serious incidents provoked from the lacked use adapt material not inflammable and of systems of protection, like covers of buildings to high risk of fire, galleries without zones of survival, derivation box and electrical switches that take fire, reflector clothes for the signalling of incidents easy inflammable etc. Then is curious to notice like in some objects or clothes, the label visualize an acronym of homologation (often counterfeit) that it would have to guarantee on the emergency the products, but then to the practical test takes fire easy (and in this case to economize on the emergency it's a nonsense).

Telephone:    +39 338 1809310          Date:   Apr 27, 2006                     n°:   152

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