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The Pythagorean music and Severino Boethius

The Pythagoreans beyond to identify the inverse relationship between length of the vibrating string and height of a musical note managed through the studies of the philosopher and mathematician Archytas of Taranto (V century BC) to establish the relationship with the frequency of vibrations that generated the sounds, and everything was calculated by idealizing the number with formulas that were to represent the harmony of the cosmos and the movement of the stars. What may be represented as the musical symbolism Neopythagoreans (eg Nicomachus of Jerash) was taken by the writer and philosopher Severinus Boethius (Rome 480 - Pavia 524?) in the work "Of the music doctrine" in which the knowledge of the relationship between sounds is more important than the melody. Boethius distinguishes between worldly music, understood as a harmony of the cosmos, and then that human and instrumental in the numerical sense which excludes the music produced by the voice.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   15/10/2010                            article n°:   1396 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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