Artificial Intelligence for the school advertised Despite the unfavorable opinion of experts who have serious doubts about the use of artificial intelligence in the school activities of applications supported by artificial intelligence it seems that they are increasingly advertised also in order to make them use more and more by the various administrations in the world with typical marketing campaigns. This sector (Ed tech) had a considerable boost during the Covid-19 pandemic with millions of children forced to stay at home using video learning systems, then with the reopening of schools companies seem to have tried to continue to promote their applications adding the artificial intelligence. Some say that in addition to increasing inequality are more the new problems that can be linked to the use of these technologies than the real benefits for students, then they probably won't solve the many challenges the future will present. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 17, 2024 n: 5827 A cyclone lashes the Mayotte in the Indian Ocean The authorities of the French territory of the Mayotte in the Indian Ocean east of Africa (five hundred kilometers west of Mozambique) fear that there are hundreds of victims due to the cyclone "Chido"; two for now the confirmed victims, but many buildings are very damaged or destroyed so the hypotheses speak of a very heavy death toll, perhaps even thousands, there is talk of uprooted trees, lack of electricity and water. The three hundred and twenty thousand residents of the poor territory had been warned to close themselves in the house to avoid the gusts of wind at over two hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. To report changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues an ecological disaster in the Strait of Kerch near the Black Sea where an oil tanker sank for a storm and another is damaged, the authorities investigates the incident and tries to face the situation. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 16, 2024 n: 5826 A line of credit for Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago To be able to recover from devastating climate disasters with storms, cloudbursts and floods, the small islands of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago would need a credit line to finance reconstruction, but the rules of finance put them in an unfavorable position (this, as for all countries, must be achieved over the years by keeping the accounts in order) which makes them even more vulnerable. A global trading system should be proposed that takes into account climate change adaptation; then only thirteen out of thirty-nine small islands have a financial quotation, most of them low, and countries such as Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines do not have it at all. Sustainable growth requires financial balancing if we do not want to penalise countries affected by climate change, often without causing it. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 14, 2024 n: 5825 Series of natural disasters in areas east of Java The Indonesian authorities are reportedly planning the measures to be taken to deal with a series of natural disasters (floods, landslides, high waves on the coasts and even a weak earthquake) that have affected areas in East Java in the last two weeks, there is talk of hundreds of people evacuated, four victims, dozens of schools damaged or even collapsed in eleven districts in the regency of Cianjur; the Cibeber district was particularly affected with significant damage. Also for Indonesia it should be noted that a study carried out in California would have highlighted the importance of mangroves in protecting the coasts from the increasingly marked erosion caused by rising sea levels and storms; in fact, a large amount of money saved by planting mangroves has been calculated with economic and environmental benefits even greater than those obtained with man-made defenses. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 13, 2024 n: 5824 Worrying transformation of the Arctic tundra The surface temperatures of the air monitored in one year in the Arctic tundra would have reached a record that places them in second place since 1900 in this not very positive ranking of warming, so much so that there is talk of a dramatic transformation with frequent fires with the release of large quantities of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere and while for millennia the frozen soil has retained these powerful climate-changing gases, now it tends to release them; so this could worsen the situation from the point of view of climate change. Obviously what happens in the Arctic tundra does not remain confined to that scenario, but has global consequences even if there could also be a secondary effect given by the absorption of carbon linked to the growth of vegetation which then overheats the air with a subsequent further increase in temperatures. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 12, 2024 n: 5823 Fire with evacuations in Malibu, California Thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes in Malibu, California due to a fire that is difficult to control by firefighters that has already burned several houses and is advancing rapidly, affected by the fires even sumptuous villas that dot the well-known United States resort. There is talk of warnings given house to house to urgently hurry to evacuate because the fire front is imposing fed by rather dry vegetation due to climate change, then in over a thousand hectares the fire would be out of control also due to the not very uniform hilly conformation of the territory. There has been little attention to fire prevention for decades so much so that flammable material would have accumulated, so fires tend to advance faster with high flames, temperatures are higher and they are more destructive. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 11, 2024 n: 5822 Simple devices to monitor landslides With climate change, landslides are becoming more and more frequent, for this purpose Canadian researchers have developed simple devices to monitor the territory using microphones and rain buckets that collect rainwater equipped with sensors connected to an analysis software that warns in the event of a landslide risk, this control system (seems already effectively tested in one case in British Columbia) allows the area to be made safe possibly affected and save lives in case of danger. To be noted changing the subject but remaining on naturalistic issues two victims recently in Great Britain due to the storm called "Darragh" characterized by strong gusts of wind and storm surges with high waves on the coasts, particularly affected by the wave of bad weather the South of Wales and the west of the country with large areas left without energy. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 10, 2024 n: 5821 Warming forecast for the new year The exceptionally hot year could extend its unpositive warming effects on the next first few months, at least according to the forecasts of researchers who point out that 2024 in addition to being the hottest year has been characterized by a long series of extreme phenomena with disastrous effects on the affected areas. The amount recently allocated to help poor countries cope with climate change is judged largely insufficient since the costs of disasters are becoming increasingly high, then some argue that for example even for rich countries such as the United States intending not to join the 2015 Paris agreements the costs to repair the damage caused by extreme phenomena are reaching truly considerable figures; but apparently despite this it does not seem to be useful to invest in prevention. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 09, 2024 n: 5820 Expansion of Dengue-affected territories in Vietnam Vietnamese health authorities warn that the territories where Dengue is endemic continue to expand, then this fever would be becoming increasingly dangerous and unpredictable even if the death toll lately is lower when compared to last year. In the past the Mekong Delta and the central coast were particularly affected by Dengue fever, but it is spreading to areas in the southeast, north-central and in regions of the central highlands; so even in places to the north such as Hanoi and other mountainous provinces cases are beginning to be recorded. To be noted changing the subject but remaining on health issues the investigations into a virus (defined as mysterious, perhaps respiratory) that is causing dozens of victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo, apparently affecting mainly very young individuals in very poor areas of the country. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 07, 2024 n: 5819 Considerations on the reopening of Notre-Dame On the eve of the reopening of the famous Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris after the 2019 fire, some pointed out that it is probably little known that several billion particles of lead were released from the burning of the roof of the beautiful monument and the flames of the spire; in fact, it seems that the dense yellowish smoke that rose like clouds suggested that that coloring was due precisely to the heavy metal particles and unhealthy if inhaled. It is estimated that four hundred tons of lead went up in smoke and pushed by the wind they reached up to sixteen kilometers east from the French capital. There is talk of possible neurological, renal and cardiovascular damage especially in children caused by lead as well as impact on fertility, increased risk of tumors, fetal abnormalities in pregnant women; therefore decontamination interventions are also required. e-mail: Tel: +39 338 1809310 Date: Dec 06, 2024 n: 5818 First Page * The author doesn't assume some kind of responsibility for the bad use of the articles councils (all rights are reserved) |