Wellness:  Options menu

This function allows to select music of the paragraph between three relaxants topics.
With this control is possible to avoid that music is reproduced to the start of the paragraphs, the activation of the function is indicated from the sign of dulls near the Stop function in the menu Options (normally is inserted). In order to stop, or to restart, the music in the paragraph that is being consulted, will be enough to press on the icon with notes. (In the case is active the Fast function, will be deactivate also the music that are previewed in some paragraphs). [In the case desires to activate the Dumb of the audio, will be enough to put the sign of dull on the relative case that appears low clicking on the icon with the loudspeaker in the bar of the applications (from Windows® '95 to the successive)].
Visualize the introductory principles for the paragraphs to sides of the screen.  See also maxims.
Is possible to stop the animation of the man in motion, are also possible to stop the Wellness icon animation with the prism that wheel in the bar of the applications.
In the case in which desires to earn time in the execution of the program, in the less recent computers, will be enough to use this function (situated in the menu Options of the paragraphs, or in the start picture, clicking on the Vitruvian logo in movement of the program).
For to obtain the maximal velocity, is possible to load a slightly version 16 bit of the program nearly identical to this 32 bit (loading the file Instal16.exe in the CD-ROM of the work).

With the function Fast activate the windows of the presentation will not be visualize.

Allows to eliminate or to visualize the background of marble type.
Video resolution
This function allows launch of the versions of the program with different resolution in order to adapt itself to the dimensions of the video (in order to select that one of the computer to click with the right push-button of the mouse on the Desktop).
Divide the screen into 4 parts
Is possible to divide the video in 4 parts in the case in which desires to use the program, maintaining open various paragraphs, will be enough to select one high resolution (ex. 1280 x 1024) and to click on the icon, with the screen divided in four, or once chosen the paragraph wished through the commandos of the control panel, to move with mouse the relative window (acting on its high part, in blue) in lateral position or low; then to move the fire on the control panel and to repeat the operation. The resolution video can be modified, clicking with the skillful push-button of the mouse on the Desktop; that is on an empty point of the video and selecting Properties > Setup >> Resolution.
To load the Data archive
This control concurs to load one copy of the Data archive of the users (in order to load a different versions of the Database or in case of eventual malfunctions).
To save the Data archive
This function concurs to save one copy of the Data archive of the users.
Search a name or surname
With this control is possible to put in the apposite input text a name or surname to search in the user archive. The focus of all the table of the paragraphs will be positioned on the searched index-card.
Correct the data on the grid
Allows to visualize the active grid for to modify the users data.   See also  Grid
Select the index card
This function concurs to select with the grid a single specific index-card (that one on which the archives are positioned) in order to modify some data.
The grid concurs to having a wider vision of the data of the archives and using the push-button Grid it‘s also possible to place side by side the data, to modify or to correct the index-cards (in order to move to the inside of the Database will be enough to use the controls of movement of the window, Search, Zoom etc.).
Grid type
The Grid1 control in the Options menu (F12), visualizes a grid of reading only and differs from the Data grid (F11) for the type of ordering of the fields (in this last one for to modify a record, will be enough to click on the fields of the index-card, to cancel the data and writing the new ones); finally in order to remove the grids, it will be able to be pressed on the Grid icon and Renews (icon with the sheet or Ctrl+N).
In order to eliminate an index-card it will be able to be acted (after to have visualized the table - CTRL+B) from the Options menu of the final paragraph (Soul strengthening).

Go to the index card
This function allows to move the visualization of the archives (and all the tables of the program) on a specific index-card putting in the number of identification of the customer. In practical if is wanted to be visualized all the data of "Pippo" in the tables Body - Mind - Spirit, it will be enough to digit the relative number.