Biorhythms:  Data archive and grid

The program to the start reads the data of the customers of the archive and visualizes them to the right and under the tracing with the respective diagram of the biorhythms, for having a complete picture of the shape situation and to be able to correctly interpret the total well-being (es. in obesity case the bodily cycle will turn out altered); with the right push-buttons low of the archives it will be possible to visualize the data of the customer recorded in the Database completing the several tables of the paragraphs of the application Well-being Body - Mind - Spirit.

Clicking over the visualization of the number customer will be visualized a picture with the function Go to the number, and putting in the relative number to the wished card automatically will be visualized the relative tracing (the control is present also in the Options menu - Ctrl+A). With the 3D push button is possible to visualize the data of a card by a three dimension graphic (Ctrl + left mouse button for the spacial movements).

In order to characterize the relative number of card to the name of a customer it will be enough to visualize the grid. The grids in equipment to the program are two: that of reading only (will be enough to press Ctrl+G in order to recall the relative function in the Options menu), and that active for to modify the data of the archive to which is connected (F12 rapid key in order to recall the relative function in the Options menu).

See also

Options menu