Biorhythms: Options menu
Bodily cycle
This function selects the red cycle of biorhythms relative to the bodily tracing excluding the others (rapid keys CTRL+F).
Intellectual cycle
Visualize the blue cycle of the biorhythms relative to the intellectual tracing excluding the others (rapid keys CTRL+I).
Emotional cycle
This control selects the green cycle of biorhythms relative to the emotions tracing excluding the others (rapid keys CTRL+E).
Comprehensive view
Allows to remove or to visualize the sinusoids, in the case desires to trace one sinusoid with the diagram absent, to hold pressed the left push button of the mouse and to design (rapid keys CTRL+T).
This control allows to set up a personalized diagram of biorhythms; in fact in sure cases one or all the three sinusoids can not correspond to the real individual conditions (to times for the medicines and the upset life). As an example can happen that in the energetic period of maximum positiveness the individual feels in truth most tired and weak or vice versa in great shape just in the little favorable day in the tracing; therefore is obvious that the sinusoids must be reset until when the values will turn out faithful and reliable. The athletes frequently annotate on the training card the data relative to the physical performance, the times of recharge and the recovery days; it will be enough to follow for some month this method in order to succeed to characterize the days of maximum and minimal physical performance, and with the same procedure also the emotional and intellectual.
Correct the data on the grid
This function visualizes the active grid of the data of the customers with the possibility to modify them (F12).
This control visualizes the grid of reading only of the data of the customers (Ctrl+G).
Go to the index card number
This function allows to visualize one single card putting in the number of identification of the customer (Ctrl+A).
Allows to eliminate or to visualize the background of marble type.
Biorhythms date/Fast
This control visualizes an input box in which is possible to write a specific date of exploration for to visualize the biorhythms (Ctrl+B). Pressing the Cancel push-button of the breaking in window will be activated the Fast function, that it concurs to fast move with the push-buttons of movement (Day, Month, Year) on one wished date, removing the visualization of the lunar phase and the Saint of the day; Is possible to approach easy to the control also clicking on the complete date of the biorhythms present low under the tracing (without to activate the Fast function). To notice that using the control, the actual date (that is the date of system set up in the computer) visualized up, will be replaced from that one of the biorhythms and clicking over the label will appear the input box in order to modify it, rather than the input box for put in the actual date.