Wellness: Archives
In the application are present four archives wich function is of being able to catalogue books, discs, video (films or documentaries), multimedia programs, reviews or whichever other thing of quality that allows the development of the abilities of the mind and the spirit; or in the case of the agenda, for simple usefulness. For the books can be chosen texts classics of Balzac, Pirandello, Verga, Dostočvskij, Hugo, Hesse, Stendhal, Tolstňj or scientific and of usefulness etc. For the discs can be chosen music of author, the classic one, jazz etc.; finally, for the films, can be chosen those bases on history drawn from classics novels, those of the masters of the direction or musical etc. The agenda can be adapted to generic archive.
Archives controls
The main controls of the database are: Push-button Search, that serves to search and to select a particular record (then will be necessary to press the push-button Renews, in order to approach all the data of the archives). Push-button Reorder, that allows to organize the order of the database in base to a specific field. Push-button Grid (2), that allows to see the grid of data selects; the oblique arrow descendant, select all the records orders based on the number and concurs a various type of visualization of data (3). In order to remove the grid will be enough to press on the appropriate icon or to act on the function Grid in the menu Options (Ctrl+B). With the push-button Total is possible to make the sum of all the prices or also those selects preventively with the control Search. The controls Print, allows to print the archives as it appears to screen or with a specific order, or also only the Grid. For further information on the controls of the database, consult the personalized guide (F2 or click the label Archives).
Data management
In order to manage rationally the data in the archives, will be enough to put a progressive number of record, every time that is saved some new one, operation that will happen in way automatic (this device is useful only for clarity reasons, and not of functionality; in fact it is possible to assign to the index-cards the same number). In case of cancellation of cards, with the function Renumber (in the menu Options) is possible to reorder in progressive sense the database. Pressing the movement push-buttons (or using whichever function of the database), if they have been brought of the modifications to the archives; the program will ask if they wants itself to be saved. In order to eliminate undesired variations, it will be enough to press Renews or New, after to have answered Not to the rescue message. However will be opportune to equip itself of a copy of emergency modernized of the file of database (as an example on CD-RW) through the function Saves (menu File). For have further information on the archives will be enough to consult the help index (Ctrl+N).
Add index card
Pressing the push-button add, will be inserted one new index-card in bottom to the archives, the numeration of the record is automatic (can be changed, but with this operation the positioning like last card of the database will not vary). In order to insert an image in the new card, will be enough to use the function Images in the menu Options (or to press the push-button Photo and the icon with the tools). In the case in which desires to use the controls of the archives during the data insertion function, will appear an error message; in fact it is necessary to save the record in order to make it to become integrating part of the database. In order to avoid to save the put data, will be enough to press the push-button Renews or New (icon with the sheet). In order to copy in one new card the data repeated in a field of an other record, will be enough to use the traditional Copy and Paste, pressing the keys Ctrl+C (or the right mouse push-button) and Ctrl+V, after acquired the text dragging the gun layer.
Calculate archives
It's possible to execute simple calculations, thanks to the push-button Total and the function Currency exchange, Add currency and Round figure (menu Options); so as to obtain the sum of all the prices of the records or of only those it selects with the control Search, and to bring modifications to currencies. As an example for the Agenda, pressing Search, select Country, then the correct name of the country and finally pressing Total, the sum of the prices of the user of that country will be obtained, or the revision date will be able to be put; therefore we will select only the user recorded the same day (if it interests to know the amount of the purchases of the month, in phase of input, will be enough to avoid to put the day). Using the controls Grid (1 or 2) will be possible to visualize the users that they have been selects; instead to see them all in order, it will have to click on the icon with the arrows (Grid 3). To the end of the operations, to restore the normal conditions press Renews.
The program allows to put a bookmark like memorandum; it will be enough to use the respective function in the menu Options (or Shift+Ins), then pressing Go to the sign (or F9) the archives will be put in the memorize point. Must remember that the bookmark will be eliminated when is pressed Renews (or with whichever controls whom make to share the archives)." It's possible to search or to reorder the data with it affixed push-buttons (down), or in order to move the archives on one determined card, will be enough write the number using the function Go to the number, in the menu Options (or pressing F12). For a detailed search more the function can be used Function SQL, in the menu Options; finally in sub-menu Type Grid, it is possible to select which grid to visualize, the dimension of the characters (effect zoom), and if to remove or to put the lines from the data grid.
Print mode
The program allows to print the archives in two various modalities, to second that the print is normal, function Print (1), or ordered in base to a selected field, Print for order (2). The fields printed will be those main ones, as an example in the Agenda: Number, Surname, Telephone, Street, Country and CAP, as they appear in first screen using the function Grid (1) in the menu Options; instead with the function Print for order (2), in place of Telephone, Street and CAP, there will be Cellular, Internet Address and Costs, as it happens pressing the push-button Grid (2). In the case in which desires that the data of a record they are prints on an only single line, will have to respect the number of characters who turn out indicate clicking on relative icon to the fields (this operation are useful only to the ends of the clearing of print). It's also possible to print the card or the grid (if it is visualized), thanks to the appropriate function.
- See also
Options menu (archives)