Reached new record of greenhouse gases

According to international organizations that monitor the health of the planet, the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached record levels in 2010 and would grow faster than the previous decade, for example, the concentration of methane in comparison with pre-industrial era would increased one hundred and fifty-eight percent, whereas it is a gas that causes a very marked greenhouse, as compared to carbon dioxide increased by thirty-nine percent and nitrogen oxide increased by twenty percent. To consider that since 1958 has begun to systematically monitor the CO2 concentrations in the planet that was detecting of about three hundred and fifteen ppm (parts per million) that are gradually increased, while those of methane grew more rapidly mainly because of reduction of forests and their replacement with farms and the melting of polar ices.

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Tel:   +39 338 1809310        Data:    22/11/2011              n°:   1743