The ideas of Aristocles in the cave of Plato
In the dialogue "The Republic or of the Justice" the Athenian philosopher Aristocles (427 - 347 BC) describes a conversation in which Socrates defines the justice as the virtue to strive always to the good in every situation and also in a general sense (referred to the rulers); in fact, identifies the unjust with the ignorant who claim to know and so ends up oppress all people to satisfy his low instincts. The idea of good is the foundation of justice is that of every other value and as the sun gives light and life to all living beings, in the same way the good gives the light of knowledge, and for to do an example understandable Plato uses the famous "myth of the cave" in which some men are chained with their backs facing the entry and forced to see the shadows of objects that other leading passing in front of the cave projected by a strong light of fire, that they exchange for the reality; but freed from the chains and gradually brought to the light (the ideas) will be convinced of the mirage.. (violence and war are the shadows, Justice and Good are the Ideas).
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Date: 10/08/2008
article n°: 748
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