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The immortal soul of Plato

In the Phaedo, Plato (427 - 347 B.C.) with a dialogue between Socrates, Phaedo, Simmia and Cebetes show the presence of the soul, starting from the observation of the opposites in becoming things, like sleep - walking, cold - hot, wake up - falling asleep, hot - cold, life death and rebirth, then the proof of remembrance, as the sight of an instrument provoke the reminiscent of the musician, the portrait - the original.. then absolute values as Beauty, Goodness, Equality, Inequality, for example without the knowledge of the beautiful things we could not admire the Beauty, reconnected to the memory first of the born life (since in this world we have never not known absolute values). Then the test of the similarity whereas everything that is composed is decomposable like the body; instead, things that are simply not decomposable as the soul which is similar to the intelligible, and all that is beautiful is part of the Beautiful idea, snow participates to the cold Idea and the Soul to that of the Immortality.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   22/07/2008                            article n°:   736 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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