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Platonic suggestion from supercelestial origin

Among the arguments most fascinating and at the same time not really clear incurred by Plato philosopher (427-347 BC) there are those concerning the prompter of unknown origin which prohibits with a warning to Socrates to take some initiatives that might be contrary to the philosophical reasoning and to the Well idea, maybe this is just the voice of conscience or that kind of impediment that many feel in their hearts as soon as an action is perceived to go against the ethics, but more likely it was indeed signals by the so-called supercelestial. When Socrates spoke explicitly of this inner prompter, that not advised and rather forbidding (for example to deal with the administration of the polis), opponents accused him of wanting to propose new divinity and also did so for this reason to condemn him for impiety.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   29/05/2013                            article n°:   2222 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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