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Free Platonic teaching

In his dialogues Plato explains how the teaching should enrich and not impoverish and the character of Socrates engaged with various partners to demonstrate the dialectic of the validity of a given argument is not driven by money but by the desire to know, then that would be the philosophy itself; moreover in this slow and difficult path of knowledge is just part of the premise of not knowing and every small step is a new discovery. To note that Thales (about 624-548 BC) by Plato considered one of the seven wise men and the first to suggest an archè as the principle of all things (the water in a metaphysical sense) and the immortal soul, free teaching astronomy that allowed him to predict eclipses and used to say: "It is adequate reward if you say you have learned from me", although some sources describe him as a man who made substantial gains thanks to his knowledge.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   12/09/2012                            article n°:   2000 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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