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Platonic dialectics rebuttal

The difference between the rebuttal that use the rhetoricians for to be right and that used by the philosophy to get closer to the truth according to Plato (427 - 347 BC) is in the method of investigation, because, as for example in the court orators can achieve the goal calling several witnesses to testify against a few, the dialectic disproving every incorrect aspect of the various number of arguments can find the paths to follow, using own the opponent's claims. The rhetoricians can also get right using a series of tricks that can maybe provide pleasure, but in most cases their arguments do not coincide with an effective well and in Plato's dialogues the figure of Socrates usually dissects the building constructed by rhetoricians whose benefits are not effective or do not lead to the Good and therefore should not do injustice and to resort to deceptive stratagems of various kinds.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   21/05/2012                            article n°:   1900 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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