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The Platonic beauty in the art

The art being imitation of the sensible world and completely immersed in the corporeal nature according to the philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) is morally harmful and almost a moral obstacle to the elevation, in fact, from a poem, a music or a painting result the reality misleading of the organs of senses which are so very far from the true. When we look at a painting or hear a musical song our sensibility is attracted by a beauty that is not the true reality, but refers to an ideal of invisible Beautiful to the senses that can be almost "intuitively guessed" by the eye for its beauty and brightness from a view trained with the philosophy. Then the disciple Aristotle, with aspects related to the material, found in the arts of the cathartic potential of purification through the pain, positive values in part already described in Plato's dialogues, but only if purified from the rhetoric which usually abound in these works of fantasy.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   07/09/2011                            article n°:   1678 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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