Platonic musical legends
From a step of a Platonic dialogue could result that kind of legend that describes the Ligurian as lovers of beautiful singing, in fact the philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) to explain the joke that is hidden in the false rhetoric plays between the similarity of the term that describes the melodious voice of the Muses and the offspring of Liguria, in the text and then uses a kind of musical technique through a particular choice of the Greek terms. In the literary scene of fantasy, Socrates (usual performer of the dialogues and almost forced from the other person) before invoking the Muses is covering the head for not being ashamed and embarrassed since it will mimic the false way to speak of the rhetoricians, but immediately after retracted the speech with a recantation recurring to the myth of the so-called "cicada" men and the philosophy as the only art really useful for composing realistic speeches.
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Date: 13/07/2011
article n°: 1630
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