The Platonic servants
In a conversation between Socrates and the young Lysis in a new gym on the friendship theme, Plato (427-347 BC, who in life was also made slave) begins his dialectics investigation on the assumption that for to be happy should to be free and a slave that can't do anything want is condemn to be unhappy, but the boy is forced to admit that even if is loved is not free to do almost anything and even the teacher who follows him in his training and his slave seems to enjoy more freedom than he. The difficult situation becomes almost comical when Lysis says, laughing that it would hit only if dare to touch the various tools at home, or at least almost all those for which he has not enough experience and with whom him can make useful, then, according to Socrates seems that all the feelings and almost all the relationships are reduced to the simple utility of an individual against another.
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Date: 20/12/2010
article n°: 1453
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