The winged chariot and the Platonic charioteer
To represent the type of drives antithetical to the soul in his path in life is continually subjected Plato (427-347 BC) refer to the famous myth of a heavenly winged charioteer of a chariot drawn by two horses, a magnificent good-natured white tending upwards to contemplate the ideas of good and an evil black one that tends to precipitate the chariot chasing materials ideas. The leadership of the wagon as of astronomical type is made difficult because of these spiritual impulses that hinder the charioteer committed to pursue the ideas as the stars of truth, but in this course there is the risk being dragged to the ground from earthly pleasures and this should strengthen its wings with the food of knowledge in order to perpetuate more the (philosophical) flight. The sheer beauty that is a copy of the Well idea stirs the memory of heavenly pleasure in its most noble, pure and ineffable aspect. [Automatic translation global English]
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Date: 20/10/2010
article n°: 1400
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