The Plato logic
Starting from the careful examination of others philosophical theories Plato (427-347 BC) with a research using a logic of dialectical type on the science concept shows that is not possible to arrive at a conception of truth in those that are without knowledge, and this situation is quite common as when seeing two people that you know from afar (eg Teodoro and Theaetetus) you exchange a bit confusing in the mind as in the case sleepily we put our foot in the wrong shoes, then the philosopher proceed to investigate to the sensations at the base of knowledge by showing that in all the cases these are only opinions that are not fully the Being. The logic was developed on a material basis from the disciple Aristotle with the famous syllogism, a kind of reasoning that makes use of three linked reviews, for example: "All men are mortal - Socrates is a man - Therefore Socrates is mortal."
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Date: 14/09/2010
article n°: 1369
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