Knowability of the being and Platonic language
The derivation of the language used by men to understand is analyzed with a large number of etymologies and almost musical derivations of letters and syllables from Plato (427-347 BC whose real name is Aristocles son of Aristones and Perictione) in a dialogue between Socrates, Hermogenes and "Cratylus" focused on the correctness of names and their correspondence to objects and to their intimate nature. Socrates demonstrates with the dialectic technique that the names do not correspond to the thing itself, but only with the image of them and then only through the ideas is possible to come to the knowledge of being without uncertainties and contradictions of sorts, considering that the names are subject to vary continuously in the various cultures in accordance with the eternal flow of Heraclitus. In fact the philosopher uses the language like music and many ironic etymologies to demonstrate that only the idea of beautiful, good, ..of Well never change.
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Date: 17/08/2010
article n°: 1345
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