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Music and Platonic education

Starting from the idea of justice as a precondition for the establishment of a new ideal city, Plato (427-347 BC) in the dialogue "The state or the justice" between Socrates, Cephalus, Glaucon, Thrasymachus.. describes that we should educate young people with music for the soul and gymnastics for the body so that the developments in the individual virtue is seen as a national example for the entire civilization that would be equivalent in its balanced functioning as a kind of man in great. This prototype of the ideal state that can not be equaled by any state land, but at the same time is more real, governments increasingly operate the well also in exchange of the bad since they were trained since children to pursue justice through that kind of "music" deprived from falsehood and exaggerations that are often present in this art so that it can really lead to a positive concept of Good. [Automatic translation global English]

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   13/07/2010                            article n°:   1321 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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