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The platonic defense

Many platonic dialogues have like dominant topic the figure of the philosopher Socrates (469 - 399 B.C.) engaged with several adversaries to make to emerge the idea of True leaving from far away and then approaching to the dominant topic of the speech with a chasing series of questions and answers in order to make to come to the surface the truth that does not leave space to falsifications or artifices that can send away from the attainment of the objective, but at the same time in some cases on the background emerges the problem of as he must face the unjust sentence to death that has been inflicted (for his instructions and course from the cost of a single one drachma). To the process in spite of the shining and passionate defense described in the famous "Apology", the sentence seems be already established and indeed the philosopher maintains till the end his attitude of challenge against sages who nothing know, while him is very aware to not know and thus he set offs serene towards a sleep.. without dreams.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   27/03/2010                            article n°:   1234 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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