The platonic music
Considering in the first place that for Aristocles (427 - 347 B.C.) the music as other arts are alone copies of second or third hand of the idea (and this can be easy tried from who are about to translate in notes a musical song heard in dream), therefore practically are falsifications as it happens in pictures that they reproduce in little one static nature without being able to give back to the spectator the true life; it must keep in mind that after Pythagoreans frequentation, Plato determined to render the study of music obligatory like aid to the mathematics. An example of as the philosopher uses musical techniques is obtained from the choice of some words (Gorgon in order to define the rhetor Gorgias, like a species of wild animal from the thousands heads to bridle in any manner).. and in knowing to distinguish dissonant ideal notes in the speeches like discernment criterion, as it would make a musician with the notes of a song [automatic translation global English].
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Date: 02/03/2010
article n°: 1212
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