The Platonic justice
In the dialogue "Gorgias" the philosopher Plato (427 - 347 BC) explains with the dialectical technique that the rhetoric is the art of obtain reason through the persuasion more useful to the strong to crush the weaker with counterfeiting of all types as happen with the cosmetics instead of gymnastics, which manage to fool only the incompetent and leads to believe without knowing, since the rhetorician has no knowledge of what is the greater good and in order to obtain reason ends up to do evil, considering that doing injustice is the greatest of evils. In a discussion with Gorgias, Polus and Callicles, Socrates is able to explain that do injustice is worse than suffering and evil even higher don't pay a just punishment for the evil committed, becoming in this way to cure from the injustice (the worst of evils). The first well is to be fair that leads to the "happiness" and is preferable to suffer rather than commit injustice. [Automatic translation global English]
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Date: 01/01/2010
article n°: 1160
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