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The Platonic serenity

The initial part of the Critones is one of the most beautiful pages written by Aristocles (427 - 347 BC) in this dialogue that describes the attitude of Socrates, who despite being closed in jail awaiting the death sentence is carried out, just to stay faithful to his principles, refuses the proposal of Critones to escape, and even must persuade the friend who tries with every argument to convince him that to be executed not scared him at all and adopting the dialectic technique explains how to escape would be a greater evil than death. The accusation of having killed a man just and sober as Socrates will be done to the Athenians (= the citizens in general), and Plato also describes the last moments of life of the philosopher who, after drinking the hemlock remains absolutely calm while all despair.. To note that Aristotle, for example instead fled to the condemnation that had been imposed to him for the to prevent committing more sin against the philosophy.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   05/12/2009                            article n°:   1140 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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