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The Plato wisdom

According to the Athenian philosopher Aristocles (427 - 347 BC), the only true wisdom is in practice "to know of not to know" and this theory is explained with examples from Socrates often the protagonist of the Platonic dialogues, which however, has not left written anything, because the books are like that bronze vases that if beaten do nothing but an echo and therefore have "no answer, nor to ask" (in the Protagoras), and writing is like those paintings that seem "almost alive, but if you turn them a few questions remain in venerable silence" and instead, to find the truth would require a persuasive discussion of questions and answers. In the Theaetetus Plato explains the difficult work of digging deep within ourselves "maieutic" with dialectical method to analyze everything, down to an empty condition and "a good essay does not think know what you do not know", but this consideration goes even a continues research for a all the lifetime [automatic translation global English].

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   02/11/2009                            article n°:   1111 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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