Platonic love laughable but true
One of the key concepts of the Aristocles philosophy (428 - 347 BC) is the platonic love that would be that sort of anxiety or restlessness, and indomitable eros pushing to possession of the Truth and the contemplation of his idea, through the dialectic that helps to achieve the happiness, and these arguments are supported in different dialogues of the Athenian philosopher, particularly in the "Banquet" (Symposium) in which Socrates, with an admirable mastery of the material senses, in dialectic with Agaton explain that love being the son of Poros (expedient) and Penia (poverty) is neither good nor beautiful as it is desire for what you not have, and only love for the Idea of Good, the Beautiful in itself leads to the true Love free and disinterested in its highest stage.. Often these concepts are used to make a mockery of Plato and Neoplatonism or lived as if out of the reality in other dimensions, forgetting that many philosophies support the same idea [automatic translation global English].
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Date: 17/06/2009
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