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The observation of the sky in the ancient

Many astronomical observatories feel light pollution affecting the vision of telescopes land that seems to also have economic difficulties in this astronomical "Galilean" 2009 and face competition from those mounted on satellites and probes that are subject to minor disturbances and allow optical to scrutinize distant space more precisely. The observation of the sky is ancient and already the Egyptians seem to have fairly precise knowledge on the collection of astronomical events and even the pyramids were oriented according to the position of certain constellations, but the astronomer who first supported the theory of apparent motion of the sun and of the heliocentric system was the Pythagorean philosopher Filolao of Crotone (V century BC), confirmed later by Aristarchus of Samos.. and Nicholas Coppernicus (1473 - 1543) thanks to the observations and the reading of the Greek texts developed his heliocentric theories.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   12/03/2009                            article n°:   923 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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