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Varied safety food

Try to vary as much as possible the nutrition is one way to limit toxic contaminants in the production chain, may sometimes be useful supplement your diet with foods prepared by hand from ingredients undoubtedly genuine, to touch and smell to analyze the aromas and then see how a food takes consistency and saving on the same time the pocket, since the food industry especially for goods very cheap sometimes it seems tends to recycle expired or unsold aliments (it's happened with eggs, cheese and other animal products). Before to touch any food should be washing our hands and then baked at high temperature the meats for avoid the risk of contamination with salmonella.., moreover is appropriate to consider that some "foreign chemical" can contaminate the food chain and accumulate in the body.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   28/10/2008                            article n°:   812 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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