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Computer that memorize

A technology designed almost forty years ago, but that only recently has been developing seems can have positive implications of transistors that unlike those normal may also recall the flow of transactions executed, called for this reason that allow memristor thanks to special connections among them also to perform the functions of transistors as well as keep all information entered on the computer before the turn off and then the data will be released immediately available with the turn on (but is still studies on a small scale). Some time ago would also be discussed on what could be the future of the artificial intelligence and whether it should be based on the model of switch on-off, or that permitting a "superposition" which admits both the positions (experimentation called quantum), but in the meantime the evolution of all the technology according to some seems to be so fast that can not stay in step with the constant innovations.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   03/05/2008                            article n°:   678 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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