Emergency in California for H5N1 avian flu
After the severe case of avian influenza, Louisiana (linkable with partial genetic examination to wild birds and farmed poultry) California declared a state of health emergency for avian influenza H5N1 for the spread of cases in farms, but health authorities would have stated that the risk for humans remains low and cases of person-to-person infections have not been documented. To prevent cases of H5 avian influenza, it is necessary to reduce exposure to saliva, mucus and feces of animals as much as possible. To report by changing the subject but remaining on healthy issues that the health authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have declared that the mysterious disease (one hundred and forty-three victims in November) circulating in the south-west of the province of Kwango is actually a severe form of malaria, but some say that further investigations should be carried out on cases.
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Date: 19/12/2024
article n°: 5829
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