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Artificial Intelligence for the school advertised

Despite the unfavorable opinion of experts who have serious doubts about the use of artificial intelligence in the school activities of applications supported by artificial intelligence it seems that they are increasingly advertised also in order to make them use more and more by the various administrations in the world with typical marketing campaigns. This sector (Ed tech) had a considerable boost during the Covid-19 pandemic with millions of children forced to stay at home using video learning systems, then with the reopening of schools companies seem to have tried to continue to promote their applications adding the artificial intelligence. Some say that in addition to increasing inequality are more the new problems that can be linked to the use of these technologies than the real benefits for students, then they probably won't solve the many challenges the future will present.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   17/12/2024                            article n°:   5827 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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