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Increasing air pollution in New Delhi

The levels of heavy metals detected in the air of New Delhi would be alarming and the capital of India also finds itself covered by a pall of unbreathable smog fifty times the maximum level recommended by international health organizations, then colder temperatures and little wind tend to stagnate pollutants in the air, worsening the situation. It is estimated that for thirty million people, the levels of pollutants exceeded eight hundred micrograms per cubic meter of air, including PM2.5 microparticles considered carcinogenic and which can easily enter the bloodstream simply by breathing through the lungs. Recently even in the Punjab region of Pakistan there was talk of unbreathable air with the authorities forced to close some schools, activities and outdoor shops; with concerns for children exposed to pollution.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   14/11/2024                            article n°:   5799 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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