To read the articles
New sites built with artificial intelligence

To recognize if a new site that deals with current news has been created with artificial intelligence and it is just disinformation, according to experts have to look for example at the logo and see if the image makes sense including any text phrases included, then check that it is not a facade that really existed in the past but is no longer active, examine the errors made by neural networks to user requests and for the more experienced check the HTML code of the page and see what the reference addresses are (generally they point to the same server that can be identified). It is worth mentioning the significant increase in the resources allocated lately to the development of artificial intelligence with the use of tens of thousands of programmers, so in practice we are going in the opposite direction and do not try to put a stop to this questionable technology.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   07/08/2024                            article n°:   5716 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

:: First page of the salutary newspaper ::


First page
Salutariness and well-being
Body - training
Mind - training
Soul - training
Pray and Meditation
Training and Fitness
Health and Wellness
Ambience and Nature
Technology and publications
Security and health
Meditation and society
Aliments and security
Salutariness humour
Various and natural

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