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A good regulation for air conditioners

If have an air conditioner adjusting the temperature correctly could be useful not only to save energy but also to avoid unpleasant health consequences, for example in the case of setting it to low values that seem comfortable on the surface giving a pleasant refreshment, but which then turns out to be not very conducive to lasting well-being. The temperature recommended by international organizations seems to be twenty-seven Celsius degrees and a fan should also be added that allows the body to perceive a temperature a few degrees lower even if some argue that there are a large number of factors to be taken into account for optimal regulation also bearing in mind the health of vulnerable people in the event of a heat wave, then a modern appliance as an energy class saves a lot of energy.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   15/07/2024                            article n°:   5696 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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