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Questionable artificial imitation of the mind

The groups that have developed the latest versions of generative artificial intelligence have tried to imitate the associative method used by the human mind from synapses with algorithms supported by sophisticated neural networks capable of memorizing and programming themselves automatically; but it's really questionable that what has worked out the natural evolution over hundreds of thousands of years is put into a machine in a few years or decades. If these artificial minds then entered the so-called "control rooms" or controlled the movements of humanoid robots it is difficult to hypothesize what they could do, taking into account for example that according to some the planet was saved by simple people who refused to launch nuclear missiles or managed to power reactors that risked melting down by sacrificing their lives.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   10/01/2024                            article n°:   5539 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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