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Is thought to be billions planets suitable for life

After the discovery with a small telescope along just sixty centimeters in Chile, but made by astronomers in Belgium, of three new perhaps potentially habitable planets that revolve around a dwarf ultra-cool star at thirty-nine light years from Earth, researchers speculate that planets like Earth may not be quite as unique and there might be in the Milky Way billions of planets suitable for life. For the moment with the current technology provides the distances do not allow to reach them (thankfully saw how man is reducing the Earth) and for example a spaceship would take about tirty thousands years to bring the astronauts on one of the new planets discovered. To make this type of research on new planets is record the intensity of the light emitted by the star and verifying any changes can roughly calculate the mass, distance and times of revolution of the planets.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   04/05/2016                            article n°:   3137 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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