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Plato reply to the wickedness

At first glance the status of the wicked man that command communities might seem enviable with the possibility to give orders of any kind to the many servants, to commit injustice and even boast of the unethical behavior, but Plato (427 - 347 BC) responds philosophically to this widespread popular mentality by defining the evil man as the most unhappy ever, in fact it starts a vicious cycle increasingly violent enough to make unfair man slave of himself, of vain shadows and of vile pleasures of the senses that leaving only pain to the end, then even the servants and friends are just miserable trembling slaves. It is not an advantage even the possibility of committing injustices go unpunished or falsely to believe to be good, since that paying a just punishment could heal the soul and then with the risk to remain sick and therefore increasingly unhappy and wicked.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   01/01/2015                            article n°:   2721 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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